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Book online «Rejection Runs Deep (The Canleigh Series, book 1: A chilling psychological family drama) Carole Williams (best chinese ebook reader txt) 📖». Author Carole Williams

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Dinner couldn’t be over soon enough.  No doubt his father would be tired after travelling down from Scotland and would retire early.  Then he could have Ruth all to himself again.  He’d walk her down to the lake.  It was stunning at sunset.  The very idea cheered him up.

Delia signalled to Hardy to re-fill her wine glass.  Even though she had gained a little pleasure out of teasing Barrie, she was bored and unhappy and thoroughly fed up with listening to that simpering miss beside Father.  He and Richard seemed to think Ruth was fascinating, both fawning over her at every opportunity as if it was some sort of competition.  Her thoughts drifted frequently to Philip.  Still smarting from his brutal rejection of her earlier that afternoon, she wondered if that Sue woman was still with him and what they were doing.  The knife-like pain shot through her heart yet again.  She drank her wine quickly and looked around the table at the family and their guests.  It was strange no-one had asked her where Philip was as he should have been here dining with them this evening, as that was the whole reason for getting them all together this weekend.  Perhaps they were all so wrapped up in their own lives that they hadn’t given it a thought, especially as there were only six places laid at the table, Delia having told Hardy earlier that Philip was unable to join them.  Unaware of Philip’s telephone call to her father, she knew she was going to have to tell them the wedding wasn’t going to take place.  There were all the arrangements to cancel and the guests to inform.  Delia groaned inwardly.  The loss and humiliation were torture and she didn’t know how she was going to bear it.  How could Philip do this to her?  She loved him.  She was positive that whatever he said he still loved her.  There was still two weeks to go.  Perhaps if she left everything as it was, there was still time for him to realise what a dreadful mistake he was making and come back to her.  Of course he would.  They had been together for such a long time.  Knew each other inside out … at least she had thought they did.  She quickly dismissed the niggle of doubt creeping in.  No.  It was totally unthinkable that they wouldn’t get married.  She would ring him later, apologise for this afternoon and everything would get back to normal.  She was just being silly.

A cough on her right made her glance at Barrie.  Vicky had certainly picked a dish here but if the silly girl thought he was marriage material she was in for a nasty shock.  One word from her and Delia was quite positive he would be in her bed in a flash, no thought for the effect on Vicky.  Delia didn’t like him much.  He was too smooth, too charming, too ready with his flashing smiles and even though he might put up a good show of affection for Vicky, if his main reason for being with her wasn’t what he could gain from her status and wealth, Delia would be most surprised.  However, the man oozed sex appeal and it had been fun flirting with him.  It was nice to feel that another man found her attractive, especially after what Philip was putting her through.  The tearing pain of him thrusting her out of his life so brutally made her turn to Barrie again and smile.  His attentions helped dull the pain.  It was something to cling on to and she didn’t care a fig if it upset Vicky or annoyed her father.  It was survival.

Hardy removed the plates as the main course was finished, although Ruth couldn’t help noticing that Delia had hardly touched hers, seemingly more interested in flirting openly with Barrie, fluttering her eyelashes, smiling coquettishly, touching his hand whenever possible.  To be fair Barrie did little to encourage it but then did nothing to discourage it either and Ruth had a funny feeling that if Delia and Barrie were alone, he would have no hesitation in exploiting the situation to the full.  There was no doubt he was a real one for the ladies and Ruth feared for Vicky if she had any serious intentions of becoming further involved with him.

Hardy served the pudding.  Pears in red wine accompanied by whipped cream brought an “ooh” of appreciation out of Vicky.  “Oh, Daddy, darling.  My favourite.  Thank you.”

“I can’t tell you how good it is to see you enjoying your food again,” said Charles.

Highly annoyed with Delia’s stupid schoolgirl behaviour towards Barrie, Charles looked across at him.  “And what do you intend to do with yourself, my boy, when you graduate?”

Barrie turned his full attention to Charles.  “My dream job would be to run a nightclub, Your Grace.”

Charles raised an eyebrow.  “A nightclub?  Surely, if you want to get into the hospitality sector, wouldn’t hotels be a better bet … the more prestigious the better.”

“That’s all very well, Daddy, darling,” interrupted Vicky, “but the real money these days is in the clubs … the more prestigious the better,” she repeated with a mischievous glint in her eye.

“Don’t tell me that’s what you want to do as well,” said Charles, quite aghast at the idea of his favourite daughter becoming a nightclub hostess.

“Well, yes, actually.”

Charles opened his mouth to protest but Vicky was too quick for him.  “Daddy, just listen.  We, that is Barrie and me …and Alex … Alex is in our group too and is the real brains behind it all …  you’d like him, Daddy, you really would.  He’s got some brilliant ideas.  Anyway, we’ve all been having a good look around London in some of the up and coming parts of the city … there are some fabulous old buildings that need some doing up.  If we could get hold of

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