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Book online «A Chance Encounter Rae Shaw (ebook reader with built in dictionary .txt) 📖». Author Rae Shaw

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grimaced and a shiver cascaded along her spine. Mark blanched into an even paler version of himself. With a thicket of stubble on his chin and eyes sunken into troughs, he looked dreadful. She had grown into her bruises since she had been locked in the cellar but hadn’t lost the icy shivers. She clasped her grubby hands into a ball and hid the trembling.

‘Tell me, are the other two okay?’ she asked.

Jackson answered. ‘Kind of. The doctors have sedated the younger one. She's an addict and needs help. I think she's a student and we're cross checking the missing list to see if she's on it. The Irish woman is singing loudly about her experiences. She’d been kept in a house in London for some time. A long-term sex worker, she was forced into a brothel. They were planning on shifting her abroad. The other girl joined her in the cellar a few days ago. Escaping on your own was a major achievement, Julianna, but to successfully bring two other captives with you is, as I said, remarkable.’

She didn't want praise; she wanted answers. ‘There was a gunfight. I'm not sure if it was anything to do with me.’

‘I'll tell you after your X-ray. Then let's go see Sophia and I'll explain. She wants to hear about your daring escape. We all do.’ Jackson drew the curtain back.

‘My kidnapper—’ She reached out and caught his sleeve.

‘I'm working on it,’ he said. ‘Chris is about to update me on things.’

After the X-ray, the verdict was given on Julianna’s injuries: a mild concussion and bruising. She was discharged. Free to leave the emergency room, she and Mark went to see Sophia in her private room. Sophia was waiting for her discharge papers. Luke hadn't left her side since her mother had been sent home to sleep. Jackson was there, too, sitting in the corner.

The two women hugged until Sophia winced. Julianna perched on the bed.

‘I know you think you probably took a risk in the car,’ Sophia whispered into Julianna’s ear. ‘But thank you for pushing me out. I froze and—’

‘It’s okay. I made a snap decision and I don’t regret it,’ Julianna said firmly.

She described in a halting voice her escape and car chase. Her audience listened attentively as she pieced the fragments together. ‘So, I drove batshit crazy, basically. Frankly, I won't complain about driving Hettie around boring London streets ever again.’

‘Hettie is very lucky.’ Sophia’s left arm was in a cast from elbow to knuckles and a smattering of abrasions dotted one side of her wan face. There weren't any stitches visible, but according to Luke, she had grazed her back badly. Her dopey eyes had brightened when Mark and Julianna arrived, and she seemed content to lie on her side and listen.

Jackson cleared his throat. ‘I've spoken to Chris, who's been updated by the police. They’re still trying to piece it all together; the information uncovered is a gold mine. The location of the farmhouse used to hold Julianna captive was on the GPS of the BMW. You drove all over the place trying to escape your pursuers, but you ended up a few miles away from where you started in that derelict building; one very similar to the one Chris Moran arrived at earlier in the morning.’

‘Two farmhouses.’ Julianna's mouth formed an ‘O’ as she thought it through. ‘One to keep the girls, the other for the gang to hole up in.’

‘Exactly. The hideout where the officer was killed was unknown to the police; they doubt their man had been there before; he would have informed them somehow. It's likely he was taken there by force. However, the gang didn’t suspect him of being an undercover policeman, they thought he was a spy from another gang.’

‘Muscling in on their operations?’

‘Something like that. Zustaller probably has many hideouts across Europe. Evidence collected so far indicates there are another three in the south east around London. Raids are ongoing at the moment. Your abduction coincided with this other gang attempting to snatch the girls from Zustaller’s farmhouse. He probably got word of it while torturing that poor bloke. In the ensuing panic, he shot him dead and hurried to the farmhouse where you were being held. By then the shoot-out had happened, killing gang members on both sides. Four bodies were found, including one that fits the description of one of the abductors.’

Baseball cap man. She knew he was dead. The number of shots fired had been significant, but she hadn't realised there were so many killed. She had only seen the man she had injured and Zustaller finished off.

‘So,’ she said, ‘he comes back and finds me leaving, gives chase until they—’

‘Crash into a riverbank and tree,’ Jackson said. He fished a piece of paper out of his pocket. ‘Confirmation of identification of the two bodies in the Audi will take time. The man you beat up in Dublin is Roman Stazki and the other fits the vague descriptions we have of Freddie Zustaller. Let’s hope it is him.’

‘It is. He made personal references to Mark. To Bill. Even Ellen. It was a vendetta against Mark's family.’

‘Zustaller bled to death. A branch had gone straight through him. He deserved worse,’ Jackson said coldly.

Luke, whose quiet manner often left him to one side of the conversation, stirred. ‘How did the police end up at the wrong farmhouse?’ he asked.

‘Chris said her handbag was there with the tracker inside. Why it was at that farmhouse isn't clear. What we do know is Zustaller’s empire is crumbling. The rivals elbowing in, the police investigations, my foundation's work. He's too thinly spread and struggling to move the girls.’

Julianna spoke. ‘Then he got reckless with a vendetta against two people who ruined a routine abduction in Dublin.’ She glanced at Mark. ‘Ellen wasn't a target this time.’

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