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Book online «Magi's Path (Aether's Revival Book 3) Daniel Schinhofen (books to read in a lifetime .txt) 📖». Author Daniel Schinhofen

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“What about your scroll, Greg?” Jenn asked.

“Spirit path is different. We’ve been told it’s all about knowing yourself, and it is, but it’s also about knowing what’s around you. We all exude wisps of aether just by being magi. The scroll is dedicated to a branch of that idea. There’s an exercise that’s used to help expand your awareness of the area directly around you. The visualization is a pond with you at the center, and anything that enters the area around you would send ripples across the pond.”

“How does the exercise work?” Yukiko asked.

“Our aether is in resonance with the aether wisps we give off,” Gregory said. “We have to find the resonance of our aether, and then let that touch what we exude. The scroll is vague on how one finds that resonance, though.”

“Maybe the clan archive has something about it?” Jenn suggested. “It’s that or we ask Dia, like I’m going to ask Bishop.”

“If we ask Murium, she might be able to find something for us,” Gregory said. “We can always pass off our interest as having overheard something about it, as well, and if we can’t find anything, then we can ask Dia.”

“That sounds like the best idea. First, we have class,” she said as the building came into view.


Class ended early that day. Yukiko had been matched against Farin, and he’d asked her to play Buldoun. Everyone was surprised at his request, as it was well known that Yukiko was a great player with that nation. Farin didn’t complain the entire time— he just studied the board each round and did his best. He thanked her at the end, and Paul asked Farin why he’d asked for her to be Buldoun.

“By learning from someone well-versed in a subject, you can learn faster if you fully apply yourself,” Farin said. “I’m learning more here than I did with the others. I’m grateful to Yukiko and the others for accepting my slowness, but also my thirst to learn.”

Paul’s lips twitched, and he nodded. “Just because you follow the body path doesn’t mean that learning is beneath you. I’m glad you see that.”

Gregory chuckled, then froze as all eyes went to him. “I’m sorry, sir. The first time I recall seeing you was the morning before novice classes began. You were reading while eating.”

Paul nodded. “It’s one of the few times I have time to read. I read in all of my free time. I am on the body path and a physical enhancement magi, and others don’t know why I do what I do.”

“Because learning is never a worthless endeavor,” Yukiko said. “My father always said ‘only idiots refuse to learn when they are given the chance.’”

“Exactly,” Paul agreed. “I study. Now, what most don’t care to find out is what I am studying. I study combat, large and small, as that is what my life is. I read personal accounts of battles and the historical view of them. I compare the difference, trying to learn how I could do better if I were placed in such a position.”

“We still try to get our exercise in, even though we’ve committed to the mind path now,” Clover said. “It might not be optimal, but it might also help shore up a weakness.”

“Lapsing on your conditioning would only make things worse for you,” Paul said with a pointed look. “The tournament is only a little over a month away. I hope you are all prepared for it. Class is done for today— go and learn, or condition as you see fit.”

“Thank you, sir,” the class replied, each bowing to him before leaving.


They had finished their training when Jenn broached the subject of aether retention with Bishop. “I had a question about something I overheard some adepts talking about, Bishop.”

“What did you hear?”

“They were talking about not just cycling their aether, but holding it in their channels.”

“Yes. That’s something that body path magi can do, but only if their channels are developed to handle it. If it isn’t developed, it could permanently harm the magi by breaking the channel, rendering it useless. If it has developed enough to do so safely, there will be pain until the channel becomes accustomed to it.”

“Could I do it?”

Bishop took a moment to consider Jenn’s request. “How long have you been cycling your aether?”

“Since shortly after the solstice.”

“Hmm... I wouldn’t advise it until after this solstice.” She looked over her shoulder at Gregory and Yukiko. “I’m sure that both of you will attempt it, as well.”

“We do train together,” Yukiko replied.

A small tremor of wistfulness crossed Bishop’s face, but it was swiftly gone. “Yes, and training with others is beneficial. If it was just you,” Bishop said, addressing Jenn again, “I’d say you could try it now, due to your extensive training on just the body path before you joined them. Be warned, though, that the pain isn’t negligible.”

Jenn looked at Gregory and Yukiko, then licked her lips. “How do you manage it?”

Bishop’s lips twitched. “Just as you do with cycling, focus on it happening. With practice, it will become an afterthought. Your aether will cycle and retain as the situation dictates. Go ahead— imagine holding the aether in your left foot.”

Seeing Gregory and Yukiko nod encouragingly, Jenn took a deep breath and cycled her aether. When it reached her left foot, she tried to imagine it staying in place. Inhaling sharply, her face scrunched in pain. Jenn held her aether for a few seconds before releasing it and exhaling with panting breaths. “Aether... that burned.”

Bishop snickered. “Yes, yes it does, at least until you’ve done it enough. For you, it will become even more important. Aether can infuse all of your channels during a fight, just waiting for the moment you need it. You’ll no longer have to think about it

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