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Book online «Mountain Secrets Elizabeth Goddard (life changing books to read .txt) 📖». Author Elizabeth Goddard

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Michael hit the accelerator and drove over a snow-covered lawn back up to the road.

The snowmobile followed them until they turned onto a plowed road. Nick stood at the edge of the parking lot. The stiffness of his posture suggested rage.

“Good timing, Michael,” said Jason.

“We aim to please,” said Michael. “We’ve got a temporary safe house set up for you. You’ll both need to be debriefed, but I imagine you’d like to get a good night’s sleep first.”

“I’m looking forward to a hot bath and a steaming cup of tea.” She smiled at Jason. The softness in his expression, that look of affection in his eyes, made her heart skip a beat.

“As promised.” He placed his gloved hand over hers and squeezed.

She pressed her shoulder against his, still caught up in the exhilaration of their kiss.

Jason leaned forward to talk to Michael. “So is the investigation blown?”

“We’ll have to lie low for a while until they think we’ve backed off. Once things cool down, we’ve got quite a few people to keep an eye on, especially Nick Solomon, thanks to Isabel.”

She was glad Michael saw it that way.

Michael said, “The profiler thinks the kingpin is working class or came from humble roots because of what Isabel told us about getting a thrill out of making the wealthy uncomfortable in their own homes.”

They drove on in silence. Jason put an arm around Isabel and she rested her head against his chest, listening to his heart beat. The heaviness of fatigue invaded her body and she closed her eyes.

She was safe...for now.

Nick was still out there. Still set on her demise.

Jason rolled over on the bed as sunlight streamed through the blinds of the safe house. He’d had only a few hours’ sleep before morning came. He intended to get a few more. The safe house was a three-story affair in a subdivision outside of town that had gone belly-up. They’d driven past half-finished homes, some just framed, others nearly complete. The outside walls of the house they were in were done, but he could look across the floor to where Isabel slept on a mattress inside a room that had only two-by-fours for walls. In order for this to be a functional safe house, the Bureau had gotten the plumbing in the bathroom and kitchen done. Electrical wires were exposed in the kitchen where the drywall had not been put up before the stove and refrigerator were put in place.

Isabel had had to settle for a hot shower instead of a bath, but he had been able to give her a steaming cup of tea.

Only one agent, playing solitaire at the kitchen table, watched over them, his gun belt slung over a chair.

Jason tossed and turned several times before he realized it was an act of futility to try to sleep. He sat up on his bed.

Isabel looked peaceful covered in a soft pink blanket drawn up over her shoulders. Her cheeks had a rosy glow. The kiss they’d shared had been wonderful, but it had probably been brought on by the terror they were in the midst of at the time. He doubted the attraction would survive once this was all over, if it was ever over. He intended to return to his work as a PI even if the Bureau didn’t need him anymore. He could take care of himself. But Isabel might need to go into witness protection as long as Nick Solomon was at large. She’d have to move and change her name, cut all her connections. No, as much as he cared for her, he couldn’t see a future with her where she would be safe unless they caught Nick.

Jason rose to his feet and ambled into the kitchen. He was still dressed in his clothes from the night before. The agent gave him a nod. He swung the refrigerator door open. It was fully stocked.

“I’m going to get some air,” said the agent. He rose to his feet, shrugged into his ski jacket and stepped out the back door.

The subdivision was miles from town, surrounded by forest. Jason didn’t relish the confinement. Hopefully, he’d be back to work in a day or so. First, he needed to make sure the Bureau took care of Isabel.

Jason broke some eggs into a bowl and stirred them with a fork. The bacon sizzled when he placed it on the griddle. He melted butter in a frying pan and poured the egg mixture in.

The aroma of bacon filled the air.

“One of my favorite smells in the world.” In her room, Isabel sat up on her mattress. She gathered the blanket around her and strode into the kitchen.

“I made enough for two. I don’t think the agent is hungry. Saw some orange juice in the fridge if you want to pour some.”

She retrieved some glasses and the juice and then settled on one of the stools at the island where Jason was cooking. Bruises on her neck from where Nick had tried to strangle her were still visible. The thought of that man touching her enraged him. He served up their food and pushed the plate toward her.

Isabel made sounds of approval as she ate. She looked up at him with her doe eyes, and he was struck by how beautiful she was. Affection glowed on her face. “My compliments to the chef.”

He could pretend this was some sort of scene of domestic bliss, even imagine that they might have something like this waiting in their future. But he had to be realistic. They both did.

“How long are they going to make us stay in this house? I want to get back to work and I need to call my boss.”

“Isabel, I don’t know if you can just go back to that.”

Her forehead creased. “I want my life back, Jason.”

“Whoever is behind this has a lot of power and isn’t opposed to violent solutions,” Jason said. “You’ve seen that for yourself.”

Her mouth formed a flat line as she pressed

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