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her sword while the tip scratched into the grain of the wood.

“I meant what I’ve told you. If you mean to board this vessel it will be as members of the crew or not at all. I’ll have no turncoats stabbing my crew in the back and taking this ship for their own.” Lilith laid it out flat for the men to consider.

“I can assure you miss; we are in no position to incite a mutiny aboard your ship. These men are free to do as they would. But, for myself, I will not swear any oath to a pirate banner. I am honor bound to King and Country. If that means my life, so be it.” Will cut back with an unflinching determination.

“Oh, what a fool you are man! Do you think us a bunch of savages? That I would rather cut you down than add you to the fold?” Lilith looked across the faces of the men in the longboat, squeezing her grip on the sword. “I don’t want to kill you, William. But I won’t have any of you roam the decks freely,” she said clinching her jaw and turning to the crew behind her. “Bind their hands and stow them all below with the other prisoners. If any resist, kill them.” The Lieutenant sitting just behind Will had a pleading look in his eyes that met with Lilith’s for a passing moment, she dismissed it as her crew boarded the longboat to restrain them.

Lilith paced toward the helm, putting the forlorn looks of her new prisoners out of her mind. They aren’t slavers, she thought, but they land on their side if they won’t join us. Ahead of her, Trina was sitting on the deck next to Chibs. The two were both facing her as she approached, Chibs looked ghastly pale but he was awake and overjoyed it seemed to be with Trina.

“And what of this one?” Trina said loud enough that Lilith could hear, “She’s come a spell since you fished her out of the drink Chib. Perhaps she’ll make for a Captain.”

“She has my vote Trin.” Chibs chimed beaming a proud glare at Lilith.

“That’s not funny. Trina, you will Captain.” Lilith replied feeling a pang of shock and confusion.

“No love. I am a Captain, of the Unholy Shepherd. She lay at the bottom, very much full of holes. James is gone dear and a good many of the crew with him, as Chibs just explained. You, though, sweet Lilith. You don’t even realize it. The crew was rallying behind you when Chibs called you back to the Maiden. When James fell, it was you they followed.” Trina said while digging a dagger into the wooden deck. “Be it because you are one of us? Or because you didn’t shy away when the battle was grim. Whatever the cause, unless there is dissent, you command the Maiden dear.”

Lilith felt a flush come to her face, her mouth dried and in an instant the wind dancing against her skin seemed to bring a chill. Trying to formulate a response only yielded her to looking at Chibs. She swallowed hard, her tongue feeling as if it were double its size.

“Chibs? Why not you?” Lilith said, fearing the answer more than any sword swing or cannon shot.

“I’m in no condition to command anything girl. Besides, that’s not my way. I’d dither about and second guess my every move. No. You will Captain, Lil, and you’ll have me and Trin here at your side. You’ll be sick of us soon enough.” Chibs announced, grimacing at his final words and grabbing at a wineskin in Trina’s grasp for a big long drink. “But you don’t fret over me, it’s going to take more than a sword stick and a few scratches to kill me. I’m rigged to fight.”

“Sail Ho! Southern horizon!” a voice shouted down from aloft.

Lilith ran to the stern, Trina springing up to follow. The sun had crested into the eastern sky, bringing with it a brilliantly painted morning of pinks and oranges beating back the starry darkness of the night. Along the southern edge of light Lilith could make out a rig of sails. Broad mains and top sails below with smaller gallants and royals above trimmed out on their edges by auxiliary sails. Her commander was plowing ahead toward them and flying every stitch he could to get there. Lilith scrambled back to Chibs.

“Chibs, I need your sight glass,” she said while scrambling by to the weather hatch.

“Check your cabin dear, there’s one in a chest right by the door,” he gruffed, sitting up a bit with a wince. Lilith froze in her tracks for a second.

“My cabin?” she asked with a confused squint.

“The Captain’s cabin girl! James kept a sight glass in the chest right by the door. In YOUR cabin,” he answered with a booze fueled smile.

“Right!” her answer floated back as she disappeared below.

Lilith raced below and into the cabin, throwing open the chest right where Chibs had promised it would be. It was filled with James’ few personal effects and for a moment, Lilith had to pause, she grabbed the sight glass and exited quickly to ward off a wave of emotions that threatened to crash down on her if she lingered too long. On her way back up the ladder well, she found herself face to face with William, being led to their new home in the hold and an idea struck her.

“This one is coming with me,” she said to the escorting crew as she grabbed Will’s coat. “You are going to be of some use to us, Lieutenant, or you will learn to swim with your hands bound.”

Lilith drug the officer along, though he wasn’t resisting he just could not quite match her hurry, above deck and up onto the aft castle. With sight glass in hand she extended it and looked through to the incoming vessel. It was a frigate, comparable in class to the Maiden herself, but

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