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Book online «Titan: A LitRPG Adventure (UnderVerse Book 4) Jez Cajiao (top ten books of all time TXT) 📖». Author Jez Cajiao

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to a dozen yards as the rider looked back at me and frantically swerved again, before flipping the bike and slamming into the floor.

My second rock was aimed at the next Badunka in line, and it was a hell of a miss, but it still made them swerve, and the passenger from the first Badunka was right in their way.

There was a scream; then the spiked wheels ran over him, shredding his body and sending blood spraying as I changed direction, rushing the gnome driver of the first Badunka as he groaned and stirred.

I leapt at the tiny figure, leading with my right foot to kick him in the chest, bowling him over before he could get up. I swept up another rock in my fist and slammed it into his head, knocking him back, hard.

His skin was the white-grey of stone, but the cracks and fractures meant it wasn’t going to last long, by my guess. I grabbed his shoulder and flipped him over while he shook his head, trying to overcome the stunning blow; then I was pinning him face down and kneeling on his back. I grabbed his chin in my right hand and the back of his head in my left, wrenching my hands around and breaking his neck.

I saw the death’s head rising and knew he was dead, as I grinned at the Badunkas continuing to head towards me. The first, having coated itself with the blood of the passenger, had spun out and crashed, while the final one had taken a side street, clearly deciding to loop around and get me from behind.

I jumped onto the nearby riderless, idling, smoking Badunka and hunched down. The seat was suspended between the wheels, and made of steel bands, with a space that I could barely hunch into, while the second seat was just too far back to be comfortable. The controls were a pair of levers, and I gripped them tight, twisting them and nearly snapping the damn thing in half as the wheels tried to go in opposite directions.

I changed quickly, now twisting the right lever forward and the left back, instead of both in the same direction, and nearly gave myself whiplash as it took off.

I frantically twisted and pulled, yanking and pressing in every way I could think off, bouncing off the walls as I went. Luckily, a few seconds in, and I had a rough idea of what to do, and I cut ‘Mana-Overdrive’ before I bottomed myself out.

The levers controlled the front and back wheels independently; right, forward and left, back. The wheels went forward, while the opposite was reverse, with steering managed by pushing the levers in towards the center of the bike or pulling away from it.

It was totally insane and weird to control, but as the wind tore tears from my eyes, I couldn’t tear the grin from my face. I passed buildings in a blur, gnomes diving aside, and I frantically skidded down one street and up another, spiked wheels and blades that covered the outside gleaming in the dim light of the cavern.

The world itself was blur, and I could barely keep up with the machine; only my enhanced Agility and Intelligence gave me the edge I needed to keep it upright and not wrap it around something, but I knew I’d not last long.

I took a corner I thought would lead to the building‒the mansion, really‒on the far side of the cavern, and instead found the tracks that the siege weapon used right in my path. I twisted the levers, rolling right, and then swore, as I saw the tower that the Badunka Riders were housed in up ahead. As I got closer, I saw two more of the Leviathans on either side of the gate at the bottom of the Tower, and another humanoid figure in a black robe higher up the Tower. I had barely enough time to recognize it before I was haring down another street, but I heard the scream of rage, and the loud boom of metal slamming down, and I knew by the feeling of my balls trying to reach my ears internally that neither that sound, nor the lack of a proper saddle on this damn thing, was good for me.

I took another cross street, barely skidding across to clear the building on the corner. A short thug of a gnome with a Mohawk screamed in fear, diving through a window as I nearly ran him down, and I looked back over my shoulder as I heard the sound of revving engines.

I passed between two ‘houses’ and saw the tower again, as well as the half-pipe tube that had been dropped from it, letting the Badunkas race free in pursuit of me.

Rising even over the squeals and hisses of the Badunka I rode were the sounds of dozens more engines. They were powering up, and they were getting closer.

I turned at the next crossroads, taking a right, then a left, then almost destroyed my vehicle as I came to a dead end, filled with rotting refuse and huge, dimly glowing mushrooms. Desperately spinning around, I tried the right, gritting my teeth as I bounced across a corpse in the road, while the metal bands of the seat attempted to make me into a eunuch.

I took the next corner, heading away from the tower and trying to swing around to head for the mansion, as the first of them came into sight.

They were all shapes and sizes, from things that looked like horses with three wheels, to others that balanced precariously on one. Some had seats, while others barely clung on, as though about to fall to their deaths.

They all bore screaming gnomes, though, and lots of them carried passengers that cast various spells through wands that sparked and bucked, and thank the gods, occasionally exploded.

I saw the explosion within the pack and saw three of the dozens of Badunkas wiped out. I grinned, turning the levers even further

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