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Book online «City of Fallen Souls: A LitRPG Adventure (UnderVerse Book 3) Jez Cajiao (best color ebook reader txt) 📖». Author Jez Cajiao

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some godly intervention, I had to guess. The impact of the gory mass knocked him free of his perch to fall out of sight, covered in blood and knocked senseless.

I spat on the floor, then grabbed my helmet, my sword, which was sadly pretty damaged now, and my shield, yanking it free of the big bastard’s foot, before stalking from the arena to the rising cheers of the Legion and dozens of new supporters, who were clinging to the cage.

I marched out of the arena, my head held high and my helm under my arm. As I walked into the rest room, the gongs went off behind me, signifying the end of the evening’s fights.

I looked around the room as Grizz slammed the door shut behind me. The ringing of the viewing grate closing echoed a second after. I nodded to Augustus, who stood nearest to me. He clapped his fist to his chest in salute, and the rest of the room followed, the Legionnaires and Lydia’s squad almost in unison. Even Nigret and Mistress Nerin saluted a second or two after, looking unsure.

“Impressive move, my lord,” Augustus said, and a chorus of agreement rose around him, making me laugh.

“Damn right it was!” Grizz agreed, clapping me on the shoulder, “You tore his fucking head off! Literally!” He crowed as I tried to shake some of Gromesh’s blood off.

I scanned the faces of the Legionnaires, then held my borrowed sword aloft.

“Whose is this?” I asked, and Augustus coughed, staring regretfully at the blade. “Sorry, mate,” I winced, handing it to him.

“It served me well… ten years, I’ve borne this blade, and it barely lasted you, what, three hours?” he said, shaking his head ruefully.

“I’ll make it up to you; don’t worry,” I promised, hefting the shield next. It was scarred and battered, but still serviceable, as was the helmet, despite a clear dent in the front.

“Don’t worry,” said a particularly thick-armed Legionnaire. “I can get those scratches out.” He winked.

“I appreciate that.” I grinned at him. “Right, then; guess it’s time to get back to our rooms and get ready for the fun bit…” I said, and Nigret raised a hand cautiously.

“What’s up?” I asked him, and he cleared his throat.

“Nigret is curious… what is the ‘fun bit,’ if the arena was not?” He looked confused as I snorted.

“Sorry, mate; you’re a bit too new to the group to take part in that side of things yet. Tomorrow, you’ll get to join us. For tonight, I’m sure someone will give you a beer and show you somewhere to relax.”

“Ah, Nigret understands…” he said sadly, leaning back in his seat as the door banged open and Oracle blasted across the room to throw herself into my arms, heedless of my gory state.

“You did it!” she cried, smothering me in kisses.

“I did!” I laughed, kissing her back and hugging her tight, before regarding our audience. “Ah, Oracle? Down, girl…” I cautioned, laughing even more at the quirked eyebrow and dirty grin she gave me.

“Well, looks like this is a strange group…” Soween remarked dryly from the door, wandering in and closing it firmly behind her. “Pretty sure you should be in private for that,” she said to Oracle and I, “and pretty sure you should all be looking elsewhere; this isn’t the Street of Negotiable Affection.”

Instantly, the room erupted in coughs and uncomfortable expressions as the various Legionnaires suddenly found the walls and ceiling absolutely fascinating and pretended not to understand what she was talking about.

“Okay…?” I said uncertainly, then my mind caught up, and I grinned at the awkward glances the Legionnaires were giving each other. Out of nowhere, Miren piped up.

“The what? There’s a street you can go to for affection? Can I go? It sounds amazing; I bet I’d love it!” she squealed, and this time, even Lydia winced.

“Maybe next time, okay?” Lydia attempted to placate her, glaring around at the sniggers and low conversations that Miren’s suggestion had prompted.

“Okay! Moving on...” I said firmly. “Is that wanker from the Emporium doing okay upstairs?” I asked, and Soween grinned mischievously.

“He thinks Mal’s trying to do a big deal with him, so he’s drinking for free, and he loves it! He’s a filthy swine, though,” Oracle grumbled, and I frowned at her.

“What’s up?”  I asked, and she huffed.

“He’s a lecherous old pig. I told him I was with someone, and that I wasn’t interested, and he just kept trying to grab my ass or look down my top.” She scowled, and I felt a sudden desperate need to rush upstairs and punch his teeth down into his colon.

I drew in a deep breath, trying to calm myself, then smirked sideways at her.

“I bet he’s gonna have a nasty surprise when he gets home, then!” I said, and she grinned back at me.

“Can we go?” She chirped excitedly, and I nodded, seeking out Augustus.

“Augustus, I want six of your best with me. Lydia, ” I said, waving her over. “You can bring two; sorry its uneven, but let’s face it, not many of our people have the skills needed here.”

“I know, Jax. I’ll bring Stephanos and Arrin. They’re both idiots, but they’ll be useful if it goes badly.”

“Sounds good.” I agreed, as Augustus barked orders, unsurprisingly choosing to lead his team himself. We headed back up to our quarters, and I quickly stripped off. I opted for my usual gear, pulling it on in a few minutes and sweeping up my naginata.

“Bane?” I asked, and he slipped out of stealth, leaning against the wall next to the door. “You know, one of these days, I’m gonna forget to ask if you’re there, and you’re gonna see a sight you’ll never be able to forget… no matter how much you drink, right?” I said to him, grinning.

“I know, and the fear haunts my dreams…” He retorted, with a thrummm of laughter.

“I didn’t mention you in the plan for tonight, but I assume you want to come?”

“Of course.”

“Coolio.” I nodded, then paused. “Oh,

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