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not only this isolated event. When the killer is caught, it won’t be over. Because it’s what you do. You said it. You signed up for this. Taking bullets and running into raging infernos and risking being in a killer’s grip every single day.”

Reality sank in like a millstone around his neck and invisible hands shoving him into the ocean deep.

“If I threw up every Friday over football, imagine what it would do to me every single day watching you strap on your gun and leave the house. Colt, trust me. You don’t want to commit yourself to this. You’ll regret it and resent me. And I’d hate myself. I already do.”

“But you made it through the gunshots—granted, with some panic, but I helped you. And then we made it through the house fire. You put my fire out. You carried me from a vehicle.”

“I did. What choice did I have? But what you can’t see isn’t happening on the outside. I know I seem fine. I look super chill most of the time, but since the fire... I’ve been a wreck. I’ve had to call my therapist three times. Not to mention I was with you in these circumstances. What happens when you have to travel and I can’t be right there to watch over you like you watch over me?”

“I have a team.”

“I know. You had a team in football, too.”

There was no point arguing. She’d resolved to go her entire life alone. While she wasn’t rejecting him over him personally, it still felt like a hot blade in his gut. His job kept them apart, but even if he offered up his job on the altar of sacrifice—she’d still turn him down. And he’d worked hard and long for his position. Even if he said he’d stay in Mississippi, she’d decline. It didn’t matter.

“I’m sorry. The last thing I ever wanted was to hurt you.” She leaned in and tenderly kissed his cheek. “Get some rest. I’ll be with the team.”

She left him speechless and feeling like he’d never been rescued from that burning quilt at all. His heart was in pieces all over again. He’d promised himself he’d never let it crumble over her—over anyone—again, but here he was.

He was her trigger. Not something he might do, but him. Hope for them was dead in the water.

And he was left alone. Not even his own father had shown up. But Colt hadn’t reached out to him, either. Maybe it was the concussion. Maybe it was the overwhelming loneliness he felt at the moment or the little boy who had only wanted his father’s approval and love—the little boy who had done everything in his power to make him proud. The junior high boy who had cleaned and cooked and never asked for anything. The high school boy who got clobbered at football practices and games to make his father proud.

Or it could be a combination of everything, but he picked up his phone to reach out with the last sliver of hope that Dad would give a flying flip that his only son had almost died.

He hit the button, and it rang once, twice, three times.

“Hello,” his dad said with that deep, raspy, impatient tone.

“Hey, Dad, it’s Colt.”

He grunted. “Heard you was in town investigating that Toledo kid’s case.”

“I am.” His stomach was in a million knots. “Taken a beatin’ but I think we’re getting somewhere. I’m...I’m actually in the hospital.” Would he come?

“I heard you got hurt. Got burned in that girl’s house fire. Still trying to be her hero?” His laugh was cold and hard. “You never gonna listen, are you, boy? That girl don’t want you. No matter how many burning homes you run into or bullets you take.”

“I know,” he whispered. Believe me, I know. “Doesn’t mean I won’t keep trying to save her.” Colt wiped the tear leaking from his eye. “I just—” His voice cracked, and he balled his fist. “I wanted you to know that even though I’ve been in some accidents, I’m okay.” He should have known better than to call. But a deep pressing in his bones wouldn’t let up. Even now. Even in this moment, he should forgive.

“I never thought you’d be good at that job. Gonna end up dead before you’re forty.”

Colt swallowed the disappointment and crushing blow. He was never going to make his earthly father happy. Not one day on this planet.

But he could make his heavenly Father proud and pleased. “Well...I guess we’ll see.”

“I gotta go. Got a car I’m working on. Said I’d have it done by this evening.”

“Right.” Because a car was more important than his son in a hospital. “Hey, Dad.”


“I—I forgive you.” The words tumbled out and a boulder was lifted from his chest, making some breathing room. All the past. All the pain. Colt chose to release it.

“Well, I didn’t ask for it. And don’t rightly see why I’d need it.”

“I know you don’t.” Maybe one day he would. Maybe not. Colt wasn’t responsible for Dad’s choices and actions. Only his own. And his next choice was getting out of this place. He had a job to do, and that was top priority.

He left his room and Georgia came around the corner with a coffee in her hand. “What are you doing up?”

“I have a case to solve.”

“Oh.” Questions swirled in her eyes. Were they okay? Was he angry? He was too tired to be angry.

“I called my dad.”

She gaped. “For real?”

“Apparently forgiveness is a thing.”

“How did that go?”

He could actually laugh. “Not like I hoped. But then, nothing about this day has gone like I hoped.”

She dropped her head. “I’m so sorry, Colt.”

“I know. I understand, Georgia. You gotta do what you gotta do. I’m gonna do what I gotta do, and it is what it is. At least we know where we stand with one another.” Not exactly profound words, but truthful. Would he want to press their relationship knowing she would be sick with

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