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Book online «Season of Sacrifice (Blood of Azure Book 1) Jonathan Michael (red novels .txt) 📖». Author Jonathan Michael

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with this. The reason you are not hanging from a noose is because I would like to present you with an opportunity. Now…” There’s a fleeting pause as he stares at me with intense consideration. “…I can give you the truth of what happened four seasons past, but I am already aware from our brief interactions thus far that your immature mind will not accept it.”

“Maybe it’s your arrogance that gets in the way of others accepting the truth.”

That was a mistake. I cower, but not soon enough. The back of his hand lands across my cheek with precision and force, leaving a familiar sting. The pain is searing, but I sit high, trying to hide it.

He rises from his seat and walks around the desk. I quiver as he draws closer. His eyes narrow as he lifts my left arm, looking at my missing hand, I suppose. He looks to Ellia without a word. He simply shakes his head and releases me, then proceeds to sit on the edge of his desk.

“You’re correct. I often feel others are capable of less than they truly are. But you will show respect regardless, or I’ll remove your words.” He looks to the silent servant in the corner of the room.

I get the feeling I’m only allowed one warning from the Taoiseach, so I keep quiet and listen to what he has to say.

“Very well, then, I will enlighten you. Whether you choose to believe it or not is your choice.”

I shift in my chair, eager for his words, but at the same time, I don’t care. I want to punch my fist through his chest and watch him bleed out.

“As you know, your father and I were good friends before the incident.”

I tighten with his casual reference of my parents’ deaths. The incident. He doesn’t care. Why should he? He murdered them.

“As the Architect, he and I worked inextricably for many seasons. I trusted him with invaluable information regarding the races. Information passed down from The First Four. I had high expectations for your father. He was one of the few I ever saw potential in. However, he began distancing himself and took part in clandestine meetings. That’s when the disappearances first started happening. It was slow at first. Nothing to raise caution. But then the pattern became apparent. The only things the missing persons had in common were that they were Dihkai, and they were all acquainted with your father in some way. Whispers spread through the streets, and at first, I didn’t want to believe it, but eventually I came to accept that there isn’t anyone I can trust. Not anymore. The rumors all pointed to your father as the conspirator of mass genocide. He used the information I entrusted to him against the realm. He let his decisions be guided by impulses manifested from fear.”

The Taoiseach pauses for a breath. I remain quiet and attentive, not believing a word he’s saying.

“The public became aware of his malicious intent, which, in turn, found its way to his children. And, out of love, I presume, Stone took it upon himself to flee with his Dihkaian sister and burn his manor down with his parents asleep inside. That is the public’s viewpoint of the matter. To prove otherwise is a daunting task that will only involve revealing a history that cannot be unveiled. My hands are tied for the greater good of the realm, Jaymes. It had to be that way. As for who truly murdered your parents, I have my suspicions, but all the evidence suggests otherwise. The realm knows the McLarin children murdered their parents, so, as the Taoiseach, I will oblige their accusations because there is no one else to pin it on. And the vast majority of human civilization is uncaring and hungry for a dramatic turn in their empty lives. They seek an exciting story, that is all. It makes no difference to me who takes the fall as long as the citizens are kept in control. Except—”

The Taoiseach pauses as I take out my anger on the chair, gripping it with intensity to prevent myself from attacking him.

You’re growing up, Jay.

Mother? Now? Where are you?

Holding your tongue. It’s the wise choice.

What do you know, mother? You left me. You left me alone with Stone. And now I am alone facing your murderer. What do you know about me growing older? Nothing! Go away! I must ignore her, or they’ll think me insane. Maybe I am insane.

The Taoiseach quietly ponders me. He reaches for his tumbler and empties it down his throat but spits it out when the chair beneath me collapses. I hit the ground with a jarring pain up my spine thanks to his damned hard chairs. He’s the Taoiseach. He ought to be able to afford cushions, let alone a sturdy chair. When I move to rub my behind, I realize why it collapsed. The chair is all but disintegrated into a soft, black mess.

The Taoiseach stares at me for a moment longer before taking a seat behind his desk. He continues as if I didn’t just fall on my ass. “Except you have something special about you, Jaymes. I am willing to keep you around until I fully grasp what that potential is. And whether or not it can be controlled. To be completely direct, my initial intention was to preemptively execute you and your brother. At the time, I was uncertain what information your father had shared with you. And I had to prevent that information from spreading, which is why you were deemed a fugitive. But…I now see your father was an honorable man. And his children are merely ignorant bystanders. But the people still believe you to be fugitives. And Parliament believes you to be fugitives, so I must treat you as such. The alternative to execution is befriending the

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