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Book online Ā«Freedom Incorporated by Peter Tylee (me reader .txt) šŸ“–Ā». Author Peter Tylee

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Heā€™d forgotten that neck wounds bled explosively. Heā€™d failed to store that titbit of information in his cyborg brain and paid the price for trusting his human faculties to remember. Now I recall - this is why I use toxin. He therefore dedicated several fields in his crystal-core to preserve the memory and avoid a mess in future.

Nanotechnology made memory cheap and the Raven had more than a trillion terabytes available. The ignorant twits at Global Integrated Systems had said heā€™d never fill it in a lifetime. But they say the same thing every few years, donā€™t they? And every few years they prove themselves wrong. They hadnā€™t factored how much memory total human integration would require. Every six atoms in the Ravenā€™s crystal-core defined a decimal memory cell. The designers thought it would be more logical to store the data in base-ten rather than base-two for smoother assimilation into a human brain. The Raven would have preferred twice as much memory, three times, or infinite. Yet regardless of his desires, he had a fixed amount and had to manage his memory just like everyone else. Heā€™d deleted the sickle-equals-blood memory because he thought it was something his human mind would never forget.

He flicked his hand to shake off the worst of the gore and wiped his face on a fistful of tissues borrowed from a box on his targetā€™s desk. After five minutes of preening, the remaining blood was beginning to dry and crack.

Without blood in its capillaries, the corpseā€™s skin looked blue. How much blood can fit in one person? he wondered. That was another detail he hadnā€™t stored in crystal-core.

He wiped his sickle on the back of Paul Savageā€™s suit and slid it into the sheath at his belt. Next, he loosed his harvester, the instrument he needed to extract his victimsā€™ vertebrae. It looked similar to a can opener. He used it to slice through Paulā€™s clothing and was surprised to see a festival of tattoos marching across his shrivelling skin. They wouldnā€™t have looked out of place in a gangsterā€™s bar and he wondered whether his target had once been a hippie, or a bikie, or a hippie-bikie. It tickled him with amusement while he plunged the harvester into a carefully selected patch of skin and dug for the appropriate groove in Paulā€™s spine. With a wrench of the handle he felt spinal disks tearing and bone grind against bone. Then the vertebrae slipped through the incision, impaled by the Ravenā€™s harvester.

A quick scan confirmed heā€™d extracted the correct spinal segment and he dropped it into an opaque plastic container. He slipped it into a special pocket heā€™d sewn into his coat and secured it with a Velcro tab.

He scanned the murder scene with a calm finality before exiting the targetā€™s office and heading for the bathroom. He needed a mirror to wash the encrusted blood from his face. Amen, the Raven thought solemnly. He always intoned it after an assignment as thanks to his spiritual protector. It couldnā€™t hurt to stay in the good graces of the spirits. Who knows? Maybe that will speed things up in future.

With a composed aplomb, he strode past several security agents and stepped calmly into a portal before retrieving the appropriate number from PortaNetā€™s database and coding his destination.

After a pop and a gush of air, he was on a different level of the same building. He marched to the collection counter and slapped his plastic container in front of the clerk, stating simply, ā€œApprehension from the Raven.ā€

She was familiar with the Raven. All the clerks were. She knew he only ever returned a plastic box containing certain parts of his targetsā€™ anatomy. Once, heā€™d handed her the festering testicles of an unchipped man, along with some heart tissue thatā€™d burst from the victimā€™s nanotoxin-infected chest. The Raven had invited her to perform a DNA test to prove it was the correct man and serenely walked from the room to await payment. Three collection clerks staffed the counter and they all abhorred the Raven. They talked about him in their staffroom and sometimes had a kitty running on whoā€™d be unlucky enough to get him next. Today it was Rena Scanlonā€™s turn and she suppressed a smile because sheā€™d bet on her own ill luck. The pool had been growing too. Three hundred and five Credits if Iā€™m not mistaken. Not a bad bonus for a dayā€™s work.

ā€œOkay, Mr Raven.ā€ Renaā€™s delight at her windfall quickly evaporated when she turned her attention to the dark green container heā€™d planted before her. ā€œWhoā€™ve you brought in today.ā€

ā€œA special assignment,ā€ he replied, his voice deep and husky. He spoke the way Rena expected such a ruthless killer to speak. ā€œSomething from the bounty co-ordinator.ā€

ā€œOkay,ā€ she said again. She accepted it on face value, though sheā€™d met Michele Roche and doubted she had the intellect to requisition the Raven for a special assignment. She scanned the box and turned deathly pale when the chipā€™s owner appeared on her screen. Her heart pounded behind her eyes and her vision began to fade until she remembered to keep breathing. A naturally sceptical woman, she scanned a second and then a third time, denying the evidence. Howā€™s that possible? A bleak expression clouded her face when she recognised what the wet blotches on the Ravenā€™s black clothes actually were: blood.

ā€œOne million Credits I believe,ā€ the Raven said, waiting for her to key the details into the database and initiate the transfer to his chip-linked account.

ā€œIs that a threat?ā€ It was the only explanation Rena could understand, that somehow this was an act of extortion. She wasnā€™t about to let this thug intimidate her, not while there were two security guards in the room. The Raven had a gruesome record, true, but they were trained security personnel. It was their job to protect her. She felt safe sitting behind her counter.

He cocked his head to one side, unsure why she wasnā€™t processing the transaction as usual. ā€œNo.ā€

Rena, an experienced clerk, knew when to capitulate to her superiors. She didnā€™t have the authority to handle the situation herself. ā€œYou said this was a special assignment. That it was from the bounty co-ordinator?ā€


Somethingā€™s going down. Rena pushed back from the counter and reached for the phone, holding up an index finger. ā€œOne minute, sir.ā€ She dialled Rocheā€™s internal extension and waited with a nervous tick in her left eye.

ā€œMichele Roche speaking.ā€

She even sounded brainless. Either sheā€™s the dumbest scrubber in America or sheā€™s pretending to be stupid as cover for a takeover. Rena had never heard of anyone masterminding a takeover like this, but she supposed it was possible. ā€œYes this is Rena Scanlon at collections, weā€™ve got an issue here that needs your attention, maā€™am.ā€

ā€œWhat is it?ā€ She sounded irritable.

ā€œThereā€™s a top level hunter here who says heā€™s collecting for a special assignment you sent him.ā€

ā€œI didnā€™t do that,ā€ she said, reluctant to move from her office.

ā€œMaā€™am youā€™d better come and take a look for yourself,ā€ Rena said, remaining understandably firm.

She sighed into the phone. ā€œFine, Iā€™ll be there in five.ā€

Rena replaced the receiver and smiled sweetly at the Raven. ā€œThe bounty co-ordinator will be here personally to deal with the results of your special assignment.ā€ She wished heā€™d take the container off the counter, she knew there was a spinal segment inside and it irked her. It was even more tormenting to know it had come from their CEO. I wonder whether heā€™s still alive. Can someone live without part of their spine?

Michele, still reeking of cigarette smoke, portaled into the room and tried unsuccessfully to shield her fear upon discovering the Raven was the problem. Her thoughts turned immediately to the exclusive lists sheā€™d double sold and she wondered whether he was there to complain. ā€œWhat is it?ā€

Rena motioned with her hands, inviting Michele to inspect the catch-of-the-day.

Michele had a distorted hourglass figure - smallish breasts but a whopping arse to make up the difference. She unerringly wore tight black skirts that made the bulge even more pronounced and high heels that caused her to walk bent at the waist. So when she wore a white shirt the combination made her look penguin-like, especially since she had to waddle because of the restrictions imposed by the skirt. She had blue eyes, pride at being an Irish descendent, and a wild streak running through her otherwise empty head. Yes, Michele thoroughly deserved the nickname the clerks sniggered behind her back: the Retarded Penguin.

She gasped when she read the details on Renaā€™s monitor and turned ghostly pale at the words ā€˜unauthorised apprehensionā€™ flashing in red. ā€œWho told you to do this?ā€

The Ravenā€™s patience was quickly fading. ā€œYou did.ā€

ā€œNo I didnā€™t,ā€ she retorted, stunned.

ā€œI have your e-mail,ā€ he said, willing to forward it for their inspection. Heā€™d done the work and now intended to collect the promised one million Credits.

Michele slapped a hand to the phone and dialled Jackie Donaldā€™s number.


Great, she already sounds pissed. ā€œHi Jackie, itā€™s Michele.ā€

ā€œOh hi Michele.ā€ Her tone transformed immediately, conveying the smile she couldnā€™t deliver in person. ā€œWhat can I do for you?ā€

ā€œWeā€™ve got a problem.ā€ Michele didnā€™t know how else to put it and she was desperate to contain the rumours that were already darting around the company. ā€œCan you come to the collection counter?ā€

ā€œGive me a second.ā€ She hung up.

Twenty seconds later Jackie was marching to the crowded counter. ā€œWhatā€™s going on?ā€

Michele answered reluctantly, ā€œHeā€™s come to collect for apprehending Paul Savage.ā€ She swallowed before continuing in a grave tone, ā€œHe says he was working on a special assignment from me, but I didnā€™t tell him to do this.ā€

No, I know you wouldnā€™t. Jackie enjoyed fucking her but she knew Michele wasnā€™t smart enough to think of something like that. ā€œAnd this is all thatā€™s left? Whateverā€™s in this box?ā€

ā€œThatā€™s him,ā€ Rena answered. ā€œHis chip anyway.ā€

ā€œWhereā€™s his body?ā€ Jackie demanded directly of the Raven.

ā€œIn his office where I left it.ā€

She raised an eyebrow. ā€œWhatā€™s your name?ā€

ā€œThe Raven,ā€ he replied, trying not to gloat in superiority.

Jackie outwardly groaned but was inwardly delighted. Perfect! Itā€™s the perfect way to remove Paul Savage and appease the shareholders. Itā€™s an explanation theyā€™ll understand. Of course, she didnā€™t intended to tell them a bounty hunter had murdered him, only that heā€™d died. Maybe Iā€™ll cite a heart attack, or tell them about his medical condition and allow them to draw their own conclusions. There were several ways to die from inner ear bacteria: falling from a roof, falling in front of a train or car, suicideā€¦ But there were two sides to any coin and a shadowy frown crept onto Jackieā€™s face. First, what am I going to do with this freak?

ā€œShall I show you the message I received,ā€ the Raven asked, feeling the need to defend himself. ā€œThe bounty was for one million Credits.ā€

ā€œItā€™s true.ā€ James Ellerman had dragged himself to the counter, unnoticed by everyone except the Raven, who observed everything. He was pressing two fingers to his implant and the pain throbbing through his skull had wired his left eye shut. He felt he might puke at any moment but important developments were afoot and he had to explain his hand in them.

ā€œYou know whatā€™s going on here?ā€ Jackie pierced James with an icy stare, her initial pleasure at no longer having to deal with Paul Savage blown away by the apparent complexity of the situation.

He nodded with effort. ā€œYes.ā€

ā€œAll right.ā€ Jackie swept a hand around the room. ā€œAll of you, to the conference room.ā€

ā€œMe too maā€™am?ā€ Rena was finishing her shift in fifteen minutes and hoped Jackie wouldnā€™t expect her to join.

ā€œNo.ā€ She saved her

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