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Book online «Shike by Robert J. Shea (classic children's novels txt) 📖». Author Robert J. Shea

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the right, heading for where he thought the centre of Kublai’s army should be. He didn’t want to come out of the storm in the middle of Arghun’s wing. Riding with the wind blowing on his left side, he gritted his teeth against the searing pain in his arm. It hurt all the way from his fingertips to his shoulder. Blood was dripping from his hand. He slowed the pony down to a walk, ignoring the dust, and used his short sword to cut a strip from his grey cloak. He bound his arm with the strip of cloth. There would be a lot of sand in the wound, but he could wash it out later.

He turned to the right again, so that his back was to the wind. He wondered if the dust storm had brought the battle to an end. His eyes were sore, his teeth full of grit, his throat so dry it ached.

At last the wind died down, and he found himself on a stretch of steppe that looked just like the place he had been when the dust storm arose. A Mongol would know the difference, no doubt. Riderless horses grazed over the plain or ran about in frightened confusion. Half-hidden in the tall grass, bodies lay everywhere.

A flourish of trumpets, drums and gongs reached him. A tower, gold and white, was moving northwards over the grassland. A dark host of mounted men topped a row of hills near Jebu. Mongol cavalry were advancing at a walk. He spotted Chinese war chariots, each drawn by four horses and carrying three men, and Arabs with scimitars on nervous, prancing stallions.

The moving tower came up over a ridge, revealing that it rested on a wooden platform which, in turn, was carried on the broad backs of four elephants. Jebu had seen the structure before, so it was no surprise to him. War elephants usually carried towers from which soldiers fought or commanders observed the course of battle. This one, like many things the Mongols did, was not really different, only bigger.

Erom a gilded chamber at the top of the tower Kublai Khan watched the progress of the battle. Jebu wondered how a man could stand atop a thing like that and not imagine he was a god. Perhaps Kublai did think he was a god. He seemed larger than human in his glittering helmet and armour, standing in the midst of his officers and a guard of archers.

Kublai passed on to the north. Jebu stopped an officer and asked the whereabouts of the left wing. The officer waved to the west. It was still on the left, where it would never be by this stage in most Mongol battles.

Jebu’s arm no longer pained him. He had sent his mind to the wound and quenched the fire that burned there. But he needed treatment at once. He rode to find the samurai.

Chapter Twenty-One

Most Mongol campaigns ended in a season, but this was a war between two veteran Mongol armies. It was now in its fourth year.

After proclaiming himself Great Khan in the Year of the Ape, Kublai had moved westwards from Shangtu, taking his army through the rich, pleasant countryside south of the Great Wall. Yukio and his samurai were waiting for the Mongols at Lanchow, and Yukio presented himself to the orkhon Uriangkatai as Taitaro had suggested. Kublai Khan made it a policy to have contingents from many different nations in his army, and the samurai were welcomed and attached to the left wing.

Kublai and his brother circled each other around the edge of the Gobi Desert, like samurai duelling with swords, patiently, silently moving, poised to strike instantly at the right moment. Neither of these sons of the brilliant Tuli, grandsons of the immortal Genghis Khan, could outmanoeuvre the other. At last, with winter coming on, Arik Buka withdrew to a camp far to the north of Karakorum.

Kublai left a garrison to occupy Karakorum and moved the bulk of his army south into China for the winter. With the spring floods in the Year of the Rooster, Arik Buka fell upon Karakorum and took it back.

Kublai charged north to drive his brother out of the capital. The two armies clashed on the northern edge of the Gobi and Arik Buka fled. They met again ten days later and parted after a ferocious battle in which each side suffered heavy losses. They went back to their war of patience and manoeuvre.

In the Year of the Dog, Kublai returned to China. Arik Buka turned west, invading Central Asia, where he tried to overthrow the local khans appointed by Kublai and replace them with his own men. During that year and the Year of the Pig, Kublai let his brother deplete his strength against the many enemies he made in Turkestan, Transoxiana and Kashgaria. When Arik Buka and his army returned to Mongolia in the Year of the Rat, Kublai began to move north again.

All through the battles around the Gobi, Jebu had thought of Taniko. He would find some way to spirit her out of China. They would be together at last. But during the years of the Mongol civil war there had been no way for Jebu to get near Taniko. “Kublai Khan does not take most of his women to war with him,” he had told Taitaro sadly.

Taitaro had pieced together the story of how Taniko had fallen into Kublai Khan’s hands, and he had told Jebu what had happened.

Jebu sat with his fists clenched, staring at the carpet of his yurt. “Horigawa and Sogamori,” he said. “One killed my child and tried to destroy Taniko. The other killed my mother. I vow that when I return to the Sacred Islands both shall die by my hand.”

“That is not the attitude of a Zinja,” said Taitaro. “Spend more time with the Jewel. Have you noticed how much the designs in these Persian carpets resemble the Tree of Life?”

Even when there was no fighting, Jebu was nowhere near Taniko. Eor a time Kublai Khan stationed the samurai in Suchow, south of the Gobi. During the two years that followed, Jebu and Yukio and their men, along with various Mongol tumans and other auxiliary units, were shifted from city to city in the northwest marches of Kublai’s territory, wherever Kublai thought his younger brother might strike next.

Taitaro travelled with the samurai, counselling them as individuals and in groups and helping them with their training. He took to meeting with teachers of other religions and engaging in long discussions with them. The Mongols had opened up vast territories to missionaries of all sects. No longer could a local ruler forbid preachers of a disapproved cult to enter his lands. The Mongols tolerated all religions and required their subjects to do the same. Taitaro enjoyed discussions with Moslems, Buddhists, Taoists, rabbis of the ancient Jewish community of Kaifeng, Nestorians and Roman Christians, as well as holy men of many other sects. Sometimes, as word of the religious arguments spread, they would attract large audiences.

Staging such debates was one of Kublai Khan’s favourite amusements, and on one occasion the old Zinja was invited to Shangtu. The discussion held before Kublai and his entourage lasted several days, and representatives of various sects put forth their claims to possessing the only true religion. Taitaro took a position of absolute scepticism, rejecting the existence of all beings, dogmas and rules asserted by the other teachers, disproving the proofs his colleagues offered and pointing out the contradictions and absurdities in their mutually exclusive claims. His exasperated opponents frequently resorted to threatening him with a horrifying variety of painful fates in this life and the next.

One day an angry Nestorian challenged him. “You’re not a priest, you’re not a prophet, you’re not a theologian. What the devil-and I use that word deliberately-are you?”

Taitaro spread his hands and said blandly, “I am a religious jester.” Kublai Khan, present in the audience, laughed uproariously.

On occasion Taitaro met with other figures more mysterious and, to Jebu, more interesting than religious missionaries. But the old man had nothing to say about his meetings with Christian knights in black cloaks adorned with white crosses, Moslem sages who spoke in whispers and did no preaching, and red-robed Tibetan lamas.

“It is the business of the Order,” he said.

“Who are they?”

“Knights Templar, Ismaelites, Tantric lamas. And others.” “Those names don’t mean anything to me.”

Taitaro laughed. “There is no reason why they should, Jebusan.”

When Jebu arrived at Taitaro’s cart-mounted yurt at noon on the day of battle, there were wounded men crowded around it. The fame of the Zinja medicine and treatments, which Taitaro would dispense to any wounded man who came to him, had spread. Even Mongols, who would normally go to their own shamans with serious injuries, were among those clamouring for attention whenever Taitaro showed his face in the doorway. Jebu moved into the back of the crowd and waited his turn.

The men around him were talking about the battle. It was going badly. Arik Buka’s left had attacked Kublai’s centre and scattered it. Thousands of men and six war elephants had been killed. The Great Khan himself had nearly been captured. Arik Buka’s right wing, under Arghun Baghadur, had done even more damage to Kublai’s left.

“It’s foolishness to attack an enemy who’s as strong and cunning as we are,” an old Mongol said. “At best we’ll come out of this with a third of our men gone, as we did three years ago. And how many men can we afford to lose before the Chinese revolt against us?”

A younger man said, “Genghis Khan subjugated the Chinese with a far smaller army than we have now.”

“The Mongols of Genghis Khan’s day were worth ten of today’s breed.” The old Mongol sniffed contemptuously.

When Taitaro finally went to work on Jebu he asked, “What happened to the man who gave you this?”

“I got him in the throat with a poisoned dart.” Jebu looked around the tent. There were Tibetan and Arab doctors helping Taitaro and watching him work. The old Zinja commanded Jebu to cut off his wounded arm mentally from his body, a technique for controlling pain. Then he poured hot water from an iron kettle into the hole the lance point had driven into Jebu’s bicep. He sprinkled a mixture of finely ground herbs into the wound, then bound it tightly with a linen bandage.

“Are you going out to fight again? You shouldn’t. One wound like this is enough in a day.”

“Excuse me, sensei, but it’s insignificant. I have heard the battle is going badly.”

Taitaro shrugged. “If you live, I must change the bandage tomorrow.”

It was mid-afternoon by the time Jebu found the samurai position at the end of Uriangkatai’s left wing. Jebu took a horse from his string of remounts and rode out to find Yukio. His left arm throbbed and dangled uselessly at his side, though the medications Taitaro had put into the wound eased the pain.

The samurai were formed in squares, the men standing or sitting by their horses. Yukio and his officers were gathered in a circle in front of the formation, in the shade of a cart. The dust floating in the air made Jebu’s throat dry and his teeth gritty.

“I thought we’d seen the last of you,” said Yukio sourly. “Why don’t you stay back with your father and treat the wounded? You’re no good to us if you can’t pull a bow.”

“After I got this wound I killed the man who gave it to me, without bow and arrow,” said Jebu. “I may yet be of some use to you.”

“The way this battle is going, we’ll need every man we can get,” said Yukio in a lower voice.


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