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Book online Ā«Freedom Incorporated by Peter Tylee (me reader .txt) šŸ“–Ā». Author Peter Tylee

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found them.ā€

Esteban sat forward in the chair, ignoring the doctorā€™s warning to rest his side. ā€œWhere?ā€

James handed him the address. ā€œThere. Heā€™s waiting, apparently for some kind of sign.ā€ James snorted. ā€œIā€™m not sure what, itā€™s cloudy. Iā€™m not even convinced he completely understands it himself. But he sure as hell isnā€™t going to attack until he gets what heā€™s waiting for, and heā€™s pissed that it hasnā€™t happened yet.ā€

But Esteban wasnā€™t listening. Now I have the element of surprise. A wicked gleam settled in his eyes and he stormed from the room, leaving James alone with his equipment.

Chapter 12

Two words to remember - empires fall

Katharine Ainger

Monday, September 20, 2066

03:02 Sydney, Australia

ā€œYou ready?ā€ Simon asked, feeling nerves jingle in his extremities.

Dan nodded once then looked at Jen.

ā€œYeah, as ready as Iā€™m ever gonna be,ā€ she said. ā€œDo I get a weapon?ā€

Dan cocked an eyebrow. ā€œWhy, do you want one?ā€

ā€œDonā€™t worry, Iā€™m not planning on a shooting spree. Iā€™d just feel safer, thatā€™s all.ā€

So Simon handed her his backup firearm and quickly instructed her how to use it safely. ā€œAnd thatā€™s all there is to it.ā€ He flipped the safety back on. ā€œLeave it there unless you plan on actually firing it, okay?ā€

Jen nodded, hid the weapon, and they each took a turn in the portal. Dan was using his next identity, Brent Bertrouney. Jen had to make do with one of her old ones. She wouldā€™ve used one of Samanthaā€™s, but didnā€™t think anybody would believe she was Korean. Because although Dan assured her it wouldnā€™t cause a problem at Australian customs, the Americans would undoubtedly raise an eyebrow.

Christopher was on duty at his usual station and Dan headed straight for him. ā€œHey, Chuck.ā€

He brushed a weary hand disbelievingly over his long face. ā€œAre you telling me youā€™re still at this thing youā€™re doing?ā€

ā€œYes, but itā€™s nearly over.ā€

ā€œYou must owe me eight bottles of high quality scotch by now,ā€ Chuck reminded him, updating his mental tally.

Dan wouldā€™ve agreed to 20, 50, or even a 100. It was irrelevant. He needed to get past irrespective of the financial cost.

ā€œNo, better make that 10,ā€ Chuck corrected. ā€œIā€™m going to start charging per capita.ā€ He winked as he waved his scanner toward Dan. ā€œSo, Mr Brent Bertrouney is it?ā€ He smiled, amused by the details on his monitor.

Dan nodded, ā€œThatā€™s right.ā€

ā€œDid you know that in ā€˜addition detailsā€™ your profile reports a penile length of 30 centimetres and a girth of eight centimetres?ā€

ā€œWhatā€¦ are you jealous?ā€ Dan asked, somehow keeping a straight face.

Chuck held up his hands, grinning. ā€œOkay, whatever mate. Just show me your guns. Weapons,ā€ he quickly corrected.

All three travellers piled their weapons onto the counter and Chuck tagged them on Danā€™s profile. ā€œHave a good trip.ā€ Then he lowered his voice for Danā€™s benefit and added, ā€œSheā€™s a real looker mate.ā€ He was referring to Jen, and his half-hearted whisper carried to everyone. Jen had the grace to blush, and so did Dan.

ā€œThank you,ā€ Jen said, bravely accepting the compliment to save Dan from stammering something even more embarrassing.

Dan was busy nursing a sparkle of hope. He wondered whether they might actually succeed and earn the chance to construct a new life. But as they approached the international portals, his sparkle transformed into an inferno of apprehension.


Sunday, September 19, 2066

UniForce Headquarters

09:15 San Francisco, USA

Michele was nervous. Jackie had postponed their meeting twice and eventually rescheduled for Sunday morning. The waiting was becoming intolerable.

Itā€™d been weighing on her mind all night. Should I? It was an impossible question to answer unless she could divine the future like a seer. But, to be safe, she intended to go through with it. She needed to tell someone, the stress of keeping secrets was too much. She hadnā€™t slept properly in days. Michele was in such a bad state that not even the colourful patterns on her glass wall or her promotional cube could keep her entertained. She slouched in her chair, chewing her lips. And waited. Impatiently. She needed Jackie to call and confirm the time theyā€™d tentatively set aside.

Her phone finally rang and Michele leapt for the receiver. ā€œHello, Michele speaking.ā€

ā€œAre you ready?ā€ It was Jackie.

Michele nodded into the camera. ā€œYes, Iā€™m ready.ā€

ā€œOkay,ā€ Jackie said with a catch to her voice. ā€œThen come to my office.ā€

They hung up and Michele scuttled through the corridors to the nearest portal, popped up several flights of stairs, and waddled into Jackieā€™s office. She closed the doors behind her.

Jackie looked impassively at her, trying to smile with her eyes so she wouldnā€™t stretch her botched face-lift. She waved Michele to a chair. ā€œTake a seat.ā€

ā€œThanks.ā€ Micheleā€™s nervousness tripled and her stomach fluttered. It felt as though someone had sent her to the principalā€™s office, despite the fact sheā€™d requested the meeting herself.

But Jackie was in high spirits. Sheā€™d just stitched a deal to secure UniForceā€™s future in the personal security market and she was therefore feeling excessively pleased with herself. In fact, sheā€™d predetermined that Micheleā€™s news wouldnā€™t dampen her elation. Besides, she reasoned. What can Michele possibly have to say thatā€™s so important? But that was a trap. Many had fallen into it. Although stupid, Michele could still bear bad tidings. ā€œSo what do you want to tell me?ā€

Michele heaved a breath and Jackieā€™s attention shifted to her plump breasts. Her allure was a hundred times more powerful than that of Sasha, her rabbit-sized dog. Besides, Sasha had recently grown bored with lapping up peanut butter. A flush of excitement tingled in Jackieā€™s groin but she ordered herself to concentrate.

ā€œEsteban hasnā€™t contracted an assassin to kill Dan.ā€

ā€œWhat?ā€ Immediately Jackieā€™s attention snapped back to the meeting.

ā€œHeā€™s using an assassin to kill the Raven,ā€ - she shivered when that name passed her lips - ā€œbut heā€™s doing the others himself.ā€

Dark red splotches boiled through Jackieā€™s thick layer of makeup. ā€œHe canā€™t do that.ā€ She seethed with anger. ā€œI revoked his field status.ā€ I bet he wants to collect the assassination fee himself. She gritted her teeth. Well weā€™ll just see about that.

ā€œI think itā€™s because of his personal involvement,ā€ Michele prompted, wanting to rat him out completely. She needed to be on Jackieā€™s good side and distance herself from Esteban, lest Dan resurface. At least then she could stick by Jackie, who knew how to take care of herself.

Jackie ground her teeth and jaw muscles ripple under her skin. That was truly the final straw. Sheā€™d taken as much insubordination from Esteban as she could handle. Now, what to do about it? She knew he was a dangerous man, but itā€™d finally dawned on her that the problem was only going to worsen with time. She needed to take swift, permanent action. And firing him wonā€™t be enough. The prospect of assassinating him was intriguing. Sheā€™d helped dozens of other companies dispose of their awkward problems, why not do the same with one of her own? She could contract an assassin to remedy the problem and dust her hands of the issue. Promoteā€¦ who? That was her next problem. She didnā€™t have enough staff to fill the vacancies. Quality staff anyway. She still had to find a co-ordinator for the recently minted personal security branch. And then there was Michele. Jackie couldnā€™t help rolling her eyes. She now regretted promoting Michele as far as she had. What UniForce needed was strong leadership. True, Michele has improved revenueā€¦ But Jackie had quietly uncovered her plot to oversell bounty lists. Lack of business ethics had inflated the revenue stream, not strength of leadership. Sheā€™d also discovered how much was missing from the official records - that generous portion which had slipped into an accounting black hole. She wondered who was hoarding it. Esteban, or Michele?

She reasoned it was high time she received something in return. And she was in the perfect mood for it too. I can fix the problem with Esteban later. It wouldnā€™t be hard; all it would take was five contracts. The four that Esteban failed to set up, and one for Esteban himself. But firstā€¦

ā€œMichele, you look tense. Why donā€™t you come here and Iā€™ll give you a massage?ā€ Jackie felt vulnerable soliciting her subordinate for sex, but she wasnā€™t going to let a bit of discomfort stop her from experiencing more pleasure than sheā€™d had in months.

An invisible shudder itched Micheleā€™s back teeth. Sheā€™d detested the previous time with Jackie and couldnā€™t fathom why it should be any better now. But neither was she going to say no to someone above her in the chain of command. So she nodded and played her part. ā€œOkay, I have been a stiff recently.ā€

She waddled to Jackieā€™s chair and knelt on the carpet. It was difficult in her tight black skirt and she tore a ladder in her stockings.

Jackie applied her fingers to Micheleā€™s supple neck and shoulders, massaging her tenderly. Michele played along by parting her lips and moaning with feigned pleasure. But she quickly tired of the exploratory backrub and decided to hurry the distasteful experience along. She climbed onto Jackieā€™s lap and kissed her, thrusting her tongue deeply into Jackieā€™s mouth.

ā€œAhem.ā€ Someone cleared his throat, interrupting Jackieā€™s sojourn into the wild side of same-sex lovemaking before it could truly begin.

Michele turned with a start and Jackieā€™s eyes widened when she saw Dan waltzing into her office, aiming a firearm. But the grievance in Danā€™s eyes incited more fear than his weapon. His pupils were black fires of pure hatred.

Slipping past UniForce security had almost become mundane. It wasnā€™t at all difficult to sneak in unnoticed.

ā€œWhat are you doing here?ā€ Jackie demanded.

The fear contorting Micheleā€™s expression signalled that she at least had a rough idea.

Next entered Simon, also with a pistol, and behind him came Jen.

Dan waved at each in turn and emotionlessly intoned, ā€œMeet Simon West and Jennifer Cameron.ā€

Jackie pushed Michele to her feet, straightened her blouse and adjusted her collar. She was too embarrassed to be worried about the intruders. She was confident in her supreme ability to negotiate her way out of intense situations - without bloodshed.

ā€œSorry to interrupt you like this.ā€ But Simonā€™s tone betrayed that he wasnā€™t sorry at all. ā€œJackie Donald, I presume?ā€

ā€œThatā€™s what the nameplate on the door says, doesnā€™t it?ā€ she snapped, returning to her usual demeanour.

ā€œWhoā€™re you?ā€ Simon asked, looking at the Penguin.

ā€œItā€™s Michele Roche,ā€ Dan said before Micheleā€™s tardy brain could process the question. ā€œSheā€™s the head of the bounty hunter branch.ā€

ā€œHow convenient,ā€ Simon said. ā€œYouā€™re both under arrest.ā€

Jackie scowled. ā€œBy whose authority?ā€

ā€œThe Republic of Australia,ā€ Simon replied, proudly puffing out his chest.

ā€œThatā€™s ludicrous,ā€ Jackie retorted, dismissing the notion with a curt wave. ā€œIā€™m an American and I have rights. You canā€™t come here and-ā€

ā€œYou can shove your rights up your arse,ā€ Dan said, taking a menacing pace forward.

Jackie stood, her scowl deepening with fury. ā€œThis is preposterous. You dare come here and place me under arrest? Do you understand who I am?ā€ She glared at them. ā€œWhat am I supposedly under arrest for?ā€

Simon had rehearsed his answer to that question, but now, presented with his chance, his speech evaporated from his mind. Instead, he blundered on, tripping frequently over the jagged words. ā€œWe have evidence implicating you, directly, in more that, what, more than 30 assassinations. That is, non-sanctioned assassinations,ā€ Simon stressed. ā€œWe have evidence that proves you not only had knowledge of, but proves you actively promoted UniForceā€™s illegal assassination branch.ā€ Ineloquent, but it did the trick. ā€œYouā€™ll be going to prison for the rest of your life - may it be particularly short.ā€


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