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Book online «Shike by Robert J. Shea (classic children's novels txt) 📖». Author Robert J. Shea

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that there is worse suffering than death. Being unafraid, I can look samurai in the eye and order them about. I dress myself as a man of the Court to further impress the people here in Kamakura. Now, you must tell me everything about yourself. These are dangerous times, and I must know what your circumstances are, so I can advise you how to act. What happened to you in China? What connection is there between you and Horigawa now? That monk who was with you in the courtyard and made a fool of our captain of guards-is he not the same Zinja monk who escorted you to Heian Kyo years ago, when you were to be married to Prince Horigawa? Did you come back from China with Muratomo no Yukio? Do you know anything about this proclamation of his?”

Taniko took out her ivory fan and briskly waved it in front of her face. “So many questions at once, Uncle. I’m tired from travelling. But I’ll do the best I can.” As she had already agreed with Jebu, she said nothing about her relationship with him. It would only disturb her family, and just now there was no need to reveal it. She told Ryuichi that Horigawa had left her with the Mongols, but said she had simply been a lady-in-waiting to Kublai Khan’s Empress. Yukio and Jebu had been fighting for the Great Khan, and they agreed to take her back to the Sacred Islands with them when their service with the Mongols was finished. Ryuichi’s eyes widened as he heard her story. Even with certain intimate parts left out, it was a remarkable tale.

“Now, Uncle. What are you doing here instead of the capital?”

“The most terrible war these islands have ever seen is about to descend on us, Tanikosan. When the clash comes, my family and I will be among those whom Sogamori will either kill or hold as hostages. So we moved back here.”

“Did Eather send for you?”

Ryuichi laughed. “No. He was furious. He expected me to stay there, looking after Shima interests to the very end. Though I no longer fear death, I don’t intend to sacrifice myself and my family to my brother’s greed. I told him so.”

A servant brought a tray of food, along with sake and two cups. Glad of the opportunity to serve sake the way she had been taught as a girl, Taniko poured a cup for Ryuichi and held it out to him. She offered him a seaweed cake on chopsticks, but he shook his head.

“You eat. You have travelled far, and you need refreshment. Let me tell you our situation here. As you can see, our family is much wealthier than it was when you left. At first we prospered because of our connection with the Takashi. But now we grow on our own. We have extended our holdings in the Kanto. Wealth and power go hand in hand. Samurai flock to us. We have built up a network of alliances all through the eastern provinces. The Shima are the first family in the north-east because we are hosts to Hideyori.”

“Hosts? No longer guards?”

“Not guards for many years. Twice Sogamori has ordered your father to have Hideyori executed, but we are so far from the capital we could evade the order. Hideyori has grown stronger. He has built friendships and alliances throughout the Kanto. The husbands of your two older sisters, who have large holdings in the north, both wear the White Dragon now. My unworthy son, Munetoki, your cousin, wears our family crest still, since he is heir to the clan chieftainship, but he worships Hideyori as much as Hideyori worships the war god, Hachiman. Meanwhile, Sogamori’s problems have multiplied.”

“What problems does Sogamori have?”

“Most of the nobles who are not Takashi hate him. He has forced hundreds of men out of office and replaced them with his relatives. He has quarrelled with the Retired Emperor, GoShirakawa. He is blamed for all the troubles of the realm, the plague, the starvation, the failure of crops, the bandits who roam the land. Many say he is pursued by the angry ghosts of all those who have died at Takashi hands. He has ruled unwisely since Kiyosi’s death. Kiyosi’s younger brother, Notaro, serves Sogamori as a second-in-command. But he utterly lacks Kiyosi’s ability.” Ryuichi paused and looked sadly at her. “Eorgive me for bringing up what must be a painful subject.”

Taniko sighed. “I suffer Kiyosi’s death every day anew. What has happened to Atsue?”

Ryuichi shook his head. “I know little. Sogamori is said to dote on him. He lives at the Rokuhara and spends time at other Takashi estates. Those who know him say he is a most charming and accomplished young man. I’ve seen him several times on public occasions. He is quite handsome. He dresses beautifully, like a young prince, as all the Takashi do. He rides well and wears his sword with grace.”

“Perhaps it was best for him that Sogamori took him from me.” “I will never think so. Tell me, Tanikochan, now that you’re back with us, what are your plans? Will you stay here?”

“Eor the time being, Uncle, I have no plans beyond the next few months. As you said, these are dangerous times. Now I would like you to see my father and Lord Hideyori and arrange an audience with them for the Zinja monk, Jebu.”

Chapter Six

After her talk with Ryuichi, Taniko spent the afternoon in the palatial new women’s house of the Shima estate, enjoying her reunion with her mother and her Aunt Chogao. She bathed and unpacked a set of robes for the night. When the time came for Jebu to deliver Yukio’s message to Hideyori, she emerged from her chamber dressed in her finest silks. The older women objected. It was unthinkable for her to dine with men discussing important affairs. She brushed aside their disapproval and strode out of the women’s house and over the covered bridge to the main hall.

At the doorway of Lord Bokuden’s formal dining room two samurai tried to stop her from going in.

“I am Shima Taniko, Lord Bokuden’s daughter, and my presence is required.” The guards let her pass.

Eor the first time in twenty-one years, she saw her father. The old rage he had always provoked in her stirred within, but she kept her face composed. He stood up when she came into the room, which had been set for a small dinner. Three low individual dining tables were arranged in a semi-circle. The walls of the room were adorned with landscapes painted in green and gold.

Jebu, wearing his plain monk’s robe, knelt facing Bokuden’s place. He looked up at her, expressionless. She felt a pang of longing for him. The central place was empty. Was Ryuichi to join them?

Bokuden’s smile of greeting faded when he saw Taniko.

“Well, Eather, since you seemed too busy to send for me, I thought I would visit you,” said Taniko calmly. “I can help serve your guests.”

Where Ryuichi had put on weight, Bokuden had grown smaller and thinner. His beard and moustache were longer and streaked with white. His small eyes narrowed with annoyance.

“I cannot greet you properly tonight, Taniko. Please go. I will speak to you in the morning when I have time.”

“I haven’t travelled all this way to hide in the women’s house, Eather. I was a party to many of the decisions that led to this moment. I know what is happening in Hiraizumi. You may find me useful.”

Bokuden glowered at her. “Yes, you always did imagine that I stand in need of your advice. Look about you. You see we have done rather well in the years you were gone.”

“I understand Hideyori is the key to your prosperity. Who was it who advised you to take him in, in the first place?”

Bokuden flushed. “We are discussing matters of state. It would be unthinkable for a woman to be present. Please go, before Lord Hideyori arrives and you embarrass me in his eyes.” He turned to Jebu. “You have been her escort. Can you not advise her to leave?”

“I have heard correctly, then,” said a strong voice from the doorway. “The Lady Taniko has returned to Kamakura.”

This day has brought me a whole succession of faces from the past, thought Taniko. It was hard for her to remember what Hideyori had looked like the last time she saw him. Atsue today was older than Hideyori had been then.

The Muratomo chieftain was now a handsome, big man who carried himself with the assurance of a leader who knew no superior. Taniko found herself thinking of Kublai, even though Hideyori was neither as tall nor as old. Nor, indeed, anywhere near as powerful. Hideyori had the bulging Muratomo forehead, straight eyebrows, a hawk-like nose and a prominent chin. His moustache was small and neatly trimmed. It was when she looked into his eyes that she remembered him. Those cold, black eyes had not changed.

Taniko dropped gracefully to her knees and bowed low. Her father followed suit, and Jebu gave a short bow, as was the Zinja custom.

Hideyori bowed in turn to Jebu. “The warrior monk who brought me safely from Heian Kyo to Kamakura. I’m pleased to see you alive. A man with an occupation like yours shouldn’t have lasted past his twenty-fifth year.”

“Your younger brother Yukio helped me to survive, my lord,” said Jebu with a smile.

“Yes,” said Hideyori shortly, turning away from Jebu. “Lady Ta niko. I have never had occasion to compliment you for your clever deception at Daidoji. Had you not been such a fine actress, Prince Sasaki no Horigawa would now be nineteen years dead.”

“I apologize for deceiving you, my lord. I have had cause to regret it,” Taniko said with a wry smile.

“I do not regret it,” said Hideyori, kneeling behind the table in the place of honour. “The prince has been very useful to me.” In what way? Taniko wondered. Horigawa, the Takashi toady, helping the Muratomo chieftain?

“Well, now that you have paid your respects to Lord Hideyori, you may leave us, Daughter,” Bokuden said. He glared at her, his wispy grey beard trembling.

“Must you go, Lady Taniko?” Hideyori asked.

Laughing inwardly at her father, Taniko said, “I am yours to command, my lord.”

“I understand that you, like the monk Jebu, have just returned from China with my brother and his army of barbarians. Perhaps you can tell me things about Yukio’s adventures that may have escaped his holy friend’s attention.”

The implication was clear; he doesn’t like Yukio, she thought, or trust him. He doesn’t trust Jebu very much, either. Perhaps I could be the link between the brothers. They need someone to draw them together if they’re to have a working alliance.

“I’ll be happy to tell you anything you want to know, my lord,” said Taniko. After all, Yukio had no secrets from Hideyori.

Hideyori turned to Jebu. “Yukio hopes to win me over by sending this charming lady and an old comrade-in-arms as emissaries. But I find it curious that he does not come to me himself.”

Jebu’s clear grey eyes held Hideyori’s. “My lord, he has an army to command, and there is always the threat of a Takashi attack. Please, if you will, read this letter from him. He acknowledges you as chieftain of the Muratomo and is prepared to meet with you whenever it becomes possible.” Jebu drew a sealed bamboo tube from an inner pocket of his robe and offered it to Hideyori, who laid it unopened on the table beside him.

“Yukio feels safer with his army,” Hideyori said curtly. “Let us dine now. You can both tell me about China and the Mongols.”

Hideyori gave Bokuden a slight

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