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moving a new sofa about in a room or even moving cat trees. Adding a new cat or kitten to a household will also upset the apple cart.

It will be more difficult spotting this in the home, an aggressive and more forward cat will guard favored places and objects by showing an intent to growl and threaten or attack the other cat or person.

Territory based aggression can be spotted when a cat gets stressed a lot and you can spot this by cats walking round with toys in their mouth, spraying urine to mark their territory.

What’s The Solution

Any house hold with more than 1 cat will need a litter tray each plus a spare one and placed in different areas of the home. Cats will not want to share eating bowls or water bowl areas. Every cat will need its own food and water bowl plus its own eating space.

Make sure all your cats have their own territory to relax and chill out by using baskets behind sofas, or under a table, under neath radiators, on top of beds and underneath beds.

Use colored toys red toys for one cat blue for another yellow for another don’t pick one cats toy up and try to play with another only play with the right colored toy with the correct cat. Never mix, and let cats to access high up areas like cabinets and shelves.

If you bring a new cat to a home, keep it in one room to start with don’t stop the other cats to smell under the door, spend as much time as you can with the new cat and let the older cats to get used to the scent of the new cat on your clothes.

After some time make the new cats area longer and place the old cat to sleep in a different room. put the new cat in another room and make sure the doors are closed letting the new cat to smell this area and where the old cats been.

Then change the cats over allowing the older cat into the new cats room. Don’t kid yourself if you think that placing a new cat straight into your home and expect things to be perfect, slow introduction period must be done first and plenty of patients.

Stop Aggression Against Humans

Letting a kitten go when its too young and not handled properly. Stroked and socialized with other cats and humans between week 5 and 13 of age the cats can be fearful, shy, wary of new people, easily frightened and upset, cats get frightened can be seen as an aggressive cat, but its just frightened and not an aggressive cat at all.

How To Spot The Signs

When cats get frightened and uptight. They will lay their ears back and crouch the tail and roll inward, and they turn their bodies away from the threat. If needed they will lash out and claw or bite anything that comes near them.

The cat will show you how its feeling by the way it walks if the cat has a ridged upright tail with the back right leg and front right leg has moved all at the same time.

If the cat is very stressed indeed. This behavior often occurs in a new surrounding or a Person that is a stranger to them the cat will show its anger before he attacks you by hissing and showing their teeth. The cats fur will stand up their back and they will raise their tail up vertical.

Whats The Solution

Handling a kitten at a very young age is very important and socialized with other cats And humans. From an early age touching them everywhere until it gets content and Relaxed.

Once it starts purring and if you give the cat a favorite healthy treat on the floor by you then the socialization has began once the cat starts to eat the treats stroke it on the head and cheeks don’t just jump or move in a sharp manner slowly rub the cats back and tail talking to the cat at the same time.

Watch for the signs of agitating from the cat once it stops purring or the tail starts to make slow movements, if you spot this stop what you are doing and leave the cat alone to chill again. Once the kitten allows you to stroke them give them treats this Will feel natural to the cat and the cat with warm to you and be calm.

Allow your kitten to be stroked by different people of different race build size young And old. Socializing will help to get the kitten use to be calm around different People.

Older cats can be hard to solve fear aggression, but with patients and time this can be accomplished. Older cats have a built in fear into their personality, with older cats they will have fear aggression don’t ever approach it.

The cat terms always come first so allow the approach from the cat, reward the cat by giving treats when it approach you. Encourage the cat to do so again without fear, small steps are needed when the cat approaches you slowly raise your hand towards the cat so it can get your smell.

The cat will allow you to stroke it if you give it treats it will learn to trust you so Encourage it to come to you don’t push your luck if the cat is showing signs of hostility or agitation stop what you were doing and let the cat to start relaxing again.

Redirected Aggression

This will happen when the cat smells a strange animal or person in his territory that it isn’t used to it, this will upset the cat and when this happens the cat will take it out on the owner not the predator. If it has not occurred before this can break the bond between the owner and the cat.

How to deal with this

Find out how this happened and put a stop to it straight away. If its stray or neighbors cat, shut the blinds so your cat cant see it if the cat turns on you, leave the cat to calm down and never shout or be nasty to the cat. Don’t punish the cat it will only make things worse towards you. Once the cat is calm reward it with treats and play, also be playful and make it feel wanted.

Stop the bite when you stroke it

If the cat seems happy for you to stroke. Then the next thing they turn around and bite you, does the cat purr pretend its being friendly them bites you the cat will forgets about being nice. With its short attention span this is what the cat is warning you if You go to far, whats pleasurable and whats annoying if you have touched a sensitive Part of its body some may dig their teeth into you but 5 minutes before was more than happy with a bit of play.

Whats The Solution

If you are holding your cat and stroking it once you get a sign of the cat having enough release the cat, at that point which its telling you its had enough stroking, are you getting close to your cats tolerance or restlessness tail twitching, flattened ears, twitching ears and a tendency to move its head toward your hand. one can attempt to desensitize these cats by feeding them with a tasty treat just before you think they might attack and move away.

Territory Dominance Relating To Aggression

You may find that some cats may treat their owner like another cat and attempt to rule them. The cat may growl or hiss or spit when you join them on the sofa or attempt to move them they will try to block your way and show the signs of aggression such as tail wiggling, dilated pupils, low ears, and hissing and spitting.

Whats the solution

Start to Ignore the cat do not give in and show him any attention, stop all treats and Stroking until the cat has really calmed down, no contact is a good solution to this aggression. Don't give in and keep stopping the cats treats when its being aggressive this will teach the cat not to bully you when it wants food.

None recognition aggression

This is very normal when in a multi cat household if you are about to take one of the cats to the vet. The rest of cats that normally show some kind of aggression to the one that has been to the vet. This is because it has returned home with a different scent. The cats remaining in the household do not recognize the unfamiliar smell so they think that a new cat is intruding into their territory.

Whats the solution

When you take one of the cats to the vet make sure all the cats go in different carriers once you return home place the cats side by side in the carriers for an hour giving each cat a bowl of the same food a good tuna and leave them out once they finish and no contact again this will help the cats get use to any strange sense.

Aggression medical based

You may find that your cat wont come under any category above they may growl and hiss when you leave them outside, or give them food or just touch any certain part of the body. If this happens go to the vets straight away so it can to be checked out, the cat may be ill, however cats are strong creatures and don’t show any pain. Get the vet to do a good check on the cat and an x-ray to rule out any health problems.

You may find that your cat wont come under any category above they may growl and hiss when you leave them out side or give them food or just touch certain part of the body. If this happens go to the vets straight away to be checked out the cat may be ill.

Cats are strong creatures and don’t show any pain. get your vet to do a good check on the cat and an x-ray to rule out any health problems. Cats with a high fever show signs of aggression and irritable cats behavior, but can also be down to their diet.

Some kind of foods have cereals and grains that in rare incidences can cause different behavior problems. Check with your vet also don’t be alarmed but some cat aggression can not be fixed it is purely down to the genes that they have been given, this is also rare but it can happen.

Cats soiling problems

I’m not sure if you knew but placing a new litter tray in the home can cause major issues regarding the cat using the new litter tray?

And more to the point cats will hate change, cats are very picky where they do their business. Especially when it smells and the feeling on their feet how quick their urine gets disintegrate and this is a big important issue for the cat.

Even if the cat is doing well with scented litter, don’t use it, a lot of cats wont just like anything that is not real, scented with perfume or flowers it may be good smell to you but the pleasant aroma of the litter won't make no difference if your sofa smells like wee!

Chapter 5
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