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to them as I came to sit with my tail neatly curled around my front paws to cover the mud.
White Fox looked up. When he saw Falling Sun, he sighed. "Couldn't find the way, could you?"
"No. She did." Falling Sun corrected. "She only lost your trail when you went into the trees. I had to only point her way once. When you came back out of them, she picked the trail up right away."
"Then why are you here?" He growled.
"So far, she'll be hunter. I'm training to be a scout; it's my job to make sure hunters don't run into foxes or something while they're making their rounds in the forest."
The old white cat hissed something I couldn't hear.
"Fine. You can leave now."
"Na. I think I'll stay and rest a bit. Besides, you're a great teacher. I'm sure I can learn a few more moves from you I can practice for defense."
White Fox rolled his eyes and went over to sit on a rock, quickly followed by Falling Sun. It left Hawk Talon and me in the clearing center.
I had no idea what to do.
"Well?" White Fox growled. "Fight."
Hawk Talon jumped to her paws and assumed what looked like a defensive position.
Remembering my mother's words to never attack another cat, I was a bit confused.
"Well?" Hawk Talon asked.
"I don't attack cats." I shook my head. "It's just not what I do."
"Even in training?"
I shrugged. "You have your moral laws, so do I. It ain't right."
She thought for a second. "Okay. I'll attack you!"
The tabby she-cat launched herself head-long at me. Taken by surprise, I took the blow head-on, trapping me between the larger cat and the ground. But the moss was a lot gentler than the concrete I was used to training on, and I quickly recovered. Ducking underneath her, I slipped loose of her unfocused grip. Then I nipped her hock. As she whirled around and swiped at my forepaws, I balanced on my hind and socked her three times in the muzzle. She ducked. Then she charged at me, unbalancing me. Flinching at the pain in my hind leg, I forced myself up.
She was coming at me. Leaping into the air, I landed on her back, where I gripped her by wrapping my legs around her chest. Hawk Talon stopped dead and flipped over. Crushed beneath the tabby, for a moment I considered surrender and completely relaxed. She let up.
A thought surged through my mind. As she turned around, I head butted her in the chin, sending her flying back. With a growl, I charged at her. Noticing the cat leaning back on her hind legs, I shifted. Just as she propelled herself onto her hind legs, I ducked, twisted and shoved up and out, nipping the thigh. Hawk Talon tumbled, off balance, as I fell ungracefully on my back.
Shaking it off, I got to my paws. Hawk Talon slowly got up after me.
Both of us were panting. We looked at White Fang.
"Amazing!" Falling Sun meowed with enthusiasm, making my chest rise with pride.
But all White Fox said was "Let's get back to camp. I shall make my report to Priestess." He rose and began to leave.
Exhausted, Hawk Talon followed shakily, and the pain in my hind leg forced me to limp after them. Falling Sun caught up to me, and to my surprise, walked next to me. The orange cat looked excited.
"You're so fast on your paws! I'm impressed that your mother taught you all of that in a matter of two or so moons!"
I scuffed leaves. "I only learned a little fighting from her. Most of it was hunting and healing. She said I didn't really need it unless a cat was being a bully, so we didn't practice much."
Hawk Talon looked behind her, looking distraught. "Then how did you keep up with me?"
"You need to work harder!" White Fox growled.
"I improvised and reacted, mostly." I told her gently. "I've never really been taught, but when somebody attacks, you just gotta fight back."
The she-cat still looked a bit down, but turned away and followed her teacher.
"I think you'd be a great scout!"
"That's not for you to decide, Falling Sun."
"I was giving an opinion!"
"Be quiet."
I was too tired to defend him, and he didn't seem to care enough to make an effort. So I left it alone, and focused on keeping up and trying to memorize the way back to the place I was starting to consider - dangerously - my home.

Chapter Four
The Ceremony

It was only mid-day when we finally made our way into the camp. Shadow Hunter nodded to me on his way through the tunnel with a couple soldiers - one a long hair white and gray tom named Snow Cloud, the other a lean, wiry she-cat with tabby fur and amber eyes named Falcon Wing.
"Get something to eat." White Fox told me.
I blinked at him, still trying to understand the first day I'd been here. Since then, there had only been a group prayer over food in the evening on new moons. And for whatever reason, the rest of the day was spent fasting and patrolling.
"Aren't hungry?" He demanded.
"O-of course I am." I muttered.
"There's fresh prey." He thrust his muzzle at the large prey pile. "Eat or starve."
He marched, stiff-legged, over to the Priestess's den, called to her and disappeared inside.
"Common." Hawk Talon purred. "He's just a grumpy old tom. I think he's older than Rising Moon!"
Trying to shrug it off like a clinging thorn, I shook myself before following her over to the prey pile. Falling Sun kept pace with us, and we met Raven Feather there. She gleamed when I picked up a rather plump vole.
"Hey!" She danced on her paws, grabbing a jay bird but not eating it. I took a bite of my vole, watching her curiously. Shadow Hunter and Hawk Talon shared a rabbit, and Falling Sun took a mole. She didn't seem to pay any attention to them.
"Is it good?" She asked.
Confused, I nodded.
"Yes! I hunted that just for you!"
Surprised, I thanked her quietly as soon as I could swallow. "It's delicious."
"Good. What's wrong?"
"White Fox doesn't like me. I can't ever seem to impress him..."
"Neither can any other cat!" Falling Sun purred. "He doesn't like anybody. Sometimes I don't think he likes himself."
As we all finished our prey, The Priestess and White Fox appeared from her den. The black cat gracefully bounded onto the stump where she held meetings, prayer and ceremonies.
"All cats gather at Ceremony Stump for a clan meeting!"
As they gathered, I found my way to the edge. Having been reminded several times that I was a visitor earning my keep, I didn't feel the urge to get side-long glances.
Hawk Talon met my eye and flicked her tail, urging me over. I shook my head slightly. She mouthed ‘get over here'. Sighing, I came close enough to hear but hopefully not be scolded or disapproved of.
The tabby rolled her eyes and gave up, looking toward the Priestess.
"Today is a glorious day." She began. "Not in just the fact that all cats are well and strong, and that there is plenty of prey for all, but in the joy of the re-birth of a cat."
The clan began to whisper to themselves. Many of them glanced at me - one or two ran their eyes over my pelt with disapproving glances.
What did I do?
"She came to us only four moons ago, burned, ill and injured. On that very day, she disobeyed my orders so that she may help some Tenderpaws and Journey Cats running behind in their daily chores. Only days later, she was pushing her leg. And just yesterday, she provided the clan with prey for the first time. Even today, she proved herself an equal to both beginning Journey Cats Raven Feather and Hawk Talon in fighting skills."
The clan listened. At the end, they all looked pleased. Shock ripped through me as I realized that this was about me. Re-birth? What was this about?
"And that is why I will accept her into the clan. Her skill trial has ended. She passed both well."
She looked me in the eye.
"Step forward, Serenity, and let your human die. Come and I shall welcome your soul into the clan."
Confused, I slowly stepped forward to stand underneath the stump. She looked into the sky.
"As the Priestess of my clan, I summon the Spirits of the forest, and the ancestors of our blood, to welcome the re-birth of a soul."
Then she looked down on me, staring me in the eye a second time. Her gaze seemed to seep through me like water into sun-baked clay.
"You are a cunning, swift-moving and quiet she-cat. You are a cat of high morals and balanced skills. That is why I shall name you Mist Weaver."
The trees blew with such force and power, everything became quiet. Priestess listened hard.
The wind stopped suddenly. Her eyes swung open.
"You shall be the journey cat of...Singing Lark."
A young brown, red and white dappled she-cat with soft, intelligent green eyes stepped forward.
She bowed to the Priestess.
"I will train Mist Weaver even if it cost me my life. I vow it by the Spirits and their Laws."
She turned to me.
I realized for a second they expected me to say something.
Singing Lark leaned close and muttered words into my ear fur. I repeated her.
"I vow by the spirits and their laws to learn the ways of the clan and to defend my clan, even at the cost of my life."
It was the first time I'd thought about it. But as I considered Falling Sun, the kits and Priestess, I realized it was true. Allowing those around me to get hurt wasn't acceptable, and there was no way I could break my bonds here - especially not now.
The idea of leaving Raven Feather and Hawk Talon was almost bone-chilling. Even if they didn't need me, I needed them.
They’re younger than I am, and farther in training. I’ve just started mine…will they finish before me?

"Mist Weaver! Mist Weaver! Mist Weaver!" They chanted. I noticed White Fox remained cold and didn't say anything. And as I looked around, there were others who were silent.
Raven Feather, Falling Sun, Hawk Talon and Shadow Hunter crowded around me.
"Congratulations, Mist Weaver!"
This changes who I am? Because she changed my name and talked about dead prey and cats?

I wasn't so sure about that...
But I knew I was a part of the clan, and that thought alone spread pride and joy all the way through me.
Singing Lark looked me up and down thoughtfully.
"You've already been roughed up today, haven't you? Why don't you go see Priestess for that limp I noticed as you came in? Your leg is hurt."
"What if she says I can't train?"
The older cat purred with amusement. "Then you aren't fit to train. But that doesn't mean we can't learn! If you aren't fit for running around, I still need to see you. Now, run along. I'll meet you...just outside the camp, alright?"
I nodded, baffled.
"Want some company?" Raven Feather asked. "I'm sure Shadow Hunter wouldn't mind me hunting again if you do..."
"I certainly would!" He growled. "I know exactly how well you hunt without me! Go clean

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