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with Arne Naess. Part 8 – Gandhi. Tvergastein, Norway, June
1995. Retrieved from <http://www.naturearteducation. org/R/Interviews/Naess8.
89. Comment attributed to the business magnate Masayoshi Son, founder and
current chief executive officer of SoftBank.
90. Source: ‘In ten years, every home will likely own a drone’. Prediction by Parimal
Kopadekar, NASA scientist. The Times of India. Hyderabad, India. 4 Aug 2015.
91. Source: Robert B. Silvers Annual Lecture, delivered by Joyce Carol Oates at the
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92. Santos, M. 2016. Chinese Scientists Say They Have the Ability to Clone Humans.
Futurism. 9 Mar 2016. Retrieved from <
93. Klam, M. 2017. Who is Rich?: A Novel. New York, USA: Random House.
94. Source: Thirteen Advanced Humanoid Robots for Sale Today. Smashing Robotics.
16 Apr 2016. Retrieved from <http://www. smashingrobotics. com/thirteenadvanced-
95. Technological singularity: a time when the accelerating pace of smarter and smarter
machines will soon outrun all human capabilities, which some say will be 2045 and
others say is still long way away.
96. Source: Einstein on God. Retrieved from <http://www.>,
on 22 May 2015.
97. Source: Will Durant: We Need More Insight Than Cold Logic. The Times of India.
Hyderabad, India. 23 Apr 2015. p.14.
98. Panikkar, R. 2010. The Rhythm of Being.
99. O’Donnell, J. 2006. Augustine: A New Biography. New York, USA: Harper
100. Lecky, W.E.H. 1878. History of European Morals: From Augustus to Charlemagne.
Volume 1. p.103.
The War Within—Between Good and Evil
101. Torwesten, H. 1985. Vedanta: Heart of Hinduism. New York, USA: Grove
Weidenfield. p.121.
102. Besant, A. The Bhagavad- Gita. 7.27. Chennai, India: Theosophical Publishing
House. p.114.
103. Quote by C. JoyBell C.
104. Ahuja, A. 2015. When a Moral Machine is Better Than a Flawed Human
Being. The Financial Times. 13 Jan 2015. Retrieved from <
105. Powell, C.S. 2007. Corrective Goggles for Our Conceptual Myopia. In: What Are
You Optimistic About? (John Brockman, ed.). London, UK: Pocket Books; UK.
106. Chopra, D. 2014. The Future of God: A Practical Approach to Spirituality for Our
Times. London, UK: Rider. p.1.
107. Pope John Paul II. 2005. Memory and Identity.
108. Pope John Paul II. 2005. Memory and Identity. p.2.
109. Whitehouse, H., François, P., Savage, P.E., Currie, T.E., Feeney, K.C,, Cioni, E.,
Purcell, R., Ross, R.M., Larson, J., Baines, J., ter Haar, B., Covey, A. and Turchin,
P. Complex Societies Precede Moralizing Gods Throughout World History. Nature.
20 Mar 2019.
110. Juergensmeyer, M., Griego, D. and Soboslai, J. 2015. God in the Tumult of the
Global Square: Religion in Global Civil Society. California, USA: University of
California Press.
111. Dostoyevsky, F. 1880. Brothers Karamazov. A Hymn and a Secret. Part 4. Book
11, Chapter 4.
112. Jean-Paul Sartre said that all of French existentialism is to be found in Ivan
Karamazov’s contention that if there is no God, everything is permitted.
Chapter 2: The Two Cherokee Fighting Wolves Within—And the One
We Feed
1. Besant, A. 1977. Bhagavad-Gita (2.58). Chennai, India: Theosophical Publishing
House. p.39.
2. Elizabeth Cashdan, professor of anthropology at the University of Utah, USA.
Cited in: Whipps, H. 2009. The Evolution of Human Aggression. LiveScience. 25
References and Notes
Feb 2009. Retrieved from: <
3. Martin Buber. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation.
Retrieved 23 Mar 2016. Buber’s Ich und Du was published in 1923, and first
translated from German to English in 1937.
4. Martin Buber. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation.
Retrieved 23 Mar 2016. Buber’s Ich und Du was published in 1923, and first
translated from German to English in 1937.
5. Cited in: Shallis, M. 1986. The End of Intelligence. New Internationalist. Issue 162.
5 Aug 1986.
6. Carr, N.G. 2008. Is Google Making Us Stupid? What the Internet Is Doing to Our
Brains. The Atlantic. July/Aug 2008.
7. Wilson, C. 2010. Beyond the Occult. London, UK: Watkins Publishing. First
South Asian Edition. p.55.
8. Wilson, C. 2010. Beyond the Occult. London, UK: Watkins Publishing. First
South Asian Edition. p.73.
9. Wilson, C. 2010. Beyond the Occult. London, UK: Watkins Publishing. First
South Asian Edition. p.87.
10. Kardec, A. 1857. The Spirits Book (Le Livre des Esprits).
11. Steiner, R. 1918. The Dead Are With Us. Lecture on 10 February 1918. Nuremberg,
12. Gladwell, M. 2007. Blink: the Power of Thinking Without Thinking.
13. Wilson, C. 2010. Beyond the Occult. London, UK: Watkins Publishing. First
South Asian Edition. p.501.
14. Lotto, B. 2017. Deviate: the Science of Seeing Differently. London, UK: Weidenfeld
& Nicolson.
15. Harari, Y.N. 2015. Homo Deus: a Brief History of Tomorrow. London, UK:
Harvill Secker. p.25.
16. Peter Diamandis, founder and chairman of the X Prize Foundation.
17. Harari, Y.N. 2015. Homo Deus: a Brief History of Tomorrow. London, UK:
Harvill Secker.
18. Wallach, W., and Allen, C. 2010. Moral Machines: Teaching Robots Right From
Wrong. London, UK: Oxford University Press.
The War Within—Between Good and Evil
19. Harari, Y. 2016. Salvation by Algorithm: God, Technology and the New 21st-
Century Religions. The New Statesman, 9 Sept 2016.
20. James D. Watson, American molecular biologist, geneticist and zoologist, is best
known as one of the co-discoverers of the structure of DNA (1953), along with
Francis Crick. They were awarded the 1962 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
21. HeartMath Institute, USA. <
22. Krishnamurti. J. 1973. The Awakening of Intelligence. USA: Harper.
23. Quote by Gabriel Iqbal. Retrieved from <
quotes/10787600.Gabriel_Iqbal>. Gabriel Iqbal is author of the book Heart
24. HeartMath Institute, California, USA. Research FAQs. <https://www.heartmath.
25. HeartMath Institute. 2015. Science of the Heart: Exploring the Role of the Heart in
Human Performance. Volume 2. California, USA: HeartMath Institute. < https://>.
26. Cited in the blog post Jiddu Krishnamurti—a Radical Transformation of the
Mind, on 8 Mar 2009. Retrieved from <https://thecriticalthinker.wordpress.
27. Pope Francis. 2015. Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’: On Care for our Common Home.
The Vatican, Rome, Italy.
28. Statement by Karen Armstrong, author of books like The Case for God,2008,
and ‘Three steps to a compassionate life, 2010, on being bestowed with the 2017
Princess of Asturias Award for Social Sciences; 31 May 2017.
29. Svetasvatara Upanishad. Chapter 2. Invocation to Savitr. Retrieved from
30. Source: Collected Works of Carl Jung (1936). 6:964 (Psycological Types).
31. Mark 8:36. For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world,
and lose his own soul?
32. Solzhenitsyn, A. 1973. The Gulag Archipelago. p.312.
33. Dasgupta, A. 2015. Lessons from Russalana: In Search of Transformative Thinking.
New Delhi, India: Harper Collins. p.140.
References and Notes
34. Source: T S Eliot’s 1930 essay on Baudelaire.
35. St. Macarius on the Heart. Cited in blogpost From Under the Rubble on 26
May 2011. Glory to God for All Things. Retrieved from <https://fatherstephen.>.
36. Source: Isn’t Religion to Blame for Most of History’s Killings? Retrieved from
37. Source: Frankenstein (Curran, S., ed.). 2009. Mary Shelley’s Introduction to
the 1831 edition of Frankenstein. Romantic Circles. <
38. Source: Ivereigh, A. 2015. Pope Presents Curia With List of Virtues to Counter
Temptations. Mercatornet. 30 Dec 2015. Retrieved from <http://www.
39. Matthew 18:22.
40. Plato. Republic. [Translated by G.M.A. Grube; revised by C.D.C. Reeve. 1992.
Indiana, USA: Hackett Publishing.].
41. Graves, C.W. 1974. Human Nature Prepares for a Momentous Leap. The
Futurist. Retrieved from <
42. Coleridge, S.T. 1798. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.
43. Turkle, S. 2013. Alone Together: Why We Expect More From Technology and Less
From Each Other. Basic Books.
44. Capra, F. 1984. The Turning Point: Science, Society, and the Rising Culture.
Bantam. Reissue Edition (1 Aug 1984).
45. Harari, Y.N. 2013. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind. Vintage. p.74.
46. Harari, Y.N. 2013. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind. Vintage. p.82.
47. Kolbert, E. The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History. New York, USA: Henry
48. Source: How Modern Humans Have Become Weaklings Compared With Our
Ancient Ancestors Who Could Outrun and Outlift today’s Top Athletes. Daily Mail
Online. 28 Apr 2014. Retrieved from <
The War Within—Between Good and Evil
49. Source: Children Growing Weaker as Computers Replace Outdoor Activity. The
Guardian International Edition. 21 May 2011. Retrieved from <http://www.>.
50. Source: How Today’s Computers Weaken Our Brain. The New Yorker. 9 Sep
2013. Retrieved from <
51. Cited in: Weisberg, J. 2016. We Are Hopelessly Hooked. Review of Nir Eyal’s 2014
book, Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products. The New York Review of
Books. USA. 25 Feb 2016. p.9.
52. Simon McKeown, quoted in the post Can the Internet Make Loved Ones ‘Immortal’?
by Denyse O’Leary on 4 Nov 2015. Retrieved from <Mercatornet, http://
53. Prof. Maciej Henneberg, quoted in ‘Humans Not Smarter Than Animals, Just
Different, Experts Say’. Phys.Org. University of Adelaide, Australia. 4 Dec 2013.
Retrieved from <
54. Source: Non Physical Abuse and Violence. <
55. Khazzoom, L. 2010. Violence Is Not a Physical Act, It is Energy, It is Intention. 10
Mar 2010. Retrieved from <
56. Arendt. H. 1969. Reflections On Violence. The New York Review. USA. 27 Feb
57. Tagore, R. 2012. The Religion of Man. India: Niyogi Books. p.68.
58. von Bernhardi, F.A.J. 1911. Germany And the Next War.
59. Bobbitt, P. 2003. The Shield of Achilles: War, Peace, and the Course of History.
New York, USA: Anchor.
60. Long, J.A., Mark-Kurik, E., Johanson, E., Lee, M.S.Y., Young, G.C., Zhu Min,
Ahlberg, P.E., Newman, M., Jones, R., den Blaauwen, J., Choo, B., and Trinajstic,
K. 2014. Copulation in Antiarch Placoderms and the Origin of Gnathostome
Internal Fertilization. Nature. 19 Oct 2014. pp.196-199.
61. Eisenstein, C. 2013. The Ascent of Humanity: Civilization and the Human Sense
of Self. New York, USA: North Atlantic.
References and Notes
62. Mutukat, J. 2015. Shrinking Sex Life and Neutering Mankind. Human First. 11
Jan 2015. Retrieved from <
63. The Daily Mail Online. 2011. No Sex Please, We’re Japanese: Country Heads for
Extinction As Survey Reveals Young People Shunning Marriage. [National Institute
of Population and Social Security Research in Japan]. Daily Mail Online. 28 Nov
2011. Retrieved from <
64. Merton, T. No Man Is An Island.
65. Source: Opiniatrety: Half- to Quarter-Baked Thoughts. Blogpost of Matt Weiner,
6 Apr 2004. Retrieved from <>.
66. Alexander, E. 2012. Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey Into the Afterlife.
New York, USA: Simon & Schuster.
67. Tagore, R. 2012. The Religion of Man. India: Niyogi Books. p.106
68. Source: Speech delivered by Prof. Martin Luther King Jr. at Ebenezer Baptist
Church, Atlanta, Georgia USA, on 3 Mar 1968. Retrieved from <https://
69. Adam Smith. Moral philosopher and a pioneer of political economy. One of the
key figures of the Scottish Enlightenment. Adam Smith is best known for two
classic works: The Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759), and An Inquiry into the
Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776). (Source: Wikipedia: The Free
Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation).
70. Andersen, R. 2012. How Engineering the Human Body Could Combat Climate
Change. The Atlantic. 12 Mar 2012. Retrieved from <
71. Bloom, P. 2013. The Baby In The Well: The Case Against Empathy. The New
Yorker. USA. 20 May 2013.
72. Baier, K. 1995. The Rational and Moral Order: The Social Roots of Reason and
Morality. The Paul Carus Lectures 18. Chicago, USA: Open Court. p.27.
73. Yanofsky, N.S. 2013. The Outer Limits of Reason: What Science, Mathematics,
and Logic Cannot Tell Us. USA: MIT Press.
The War Within—Between Good and Evil
74. Russell, B. 1950. Unpopular Essays.
75. Steve Grand. Creator of Lucy, a robot baby orangutan, and author of Creation: Life
and How to Make It.
76. Source: Seltzer, A. The Heart and Its Energy. Retrieved from <http://
77. A poem by Charlie Chaplin written on his 70th birthday, on 16 Apr 1959.
78. Pearsall, P. 1998. The Heart’s Code: Tapping the Wisdom and Power of Our Heart
Energy. New York, USA: Broadway Books.
79. Besant, A. 1916. The Coming Race. Adyar Pamphlets. Lecture delivered at the
Theosophical Conference held at Chittoor on 17 March 1916. Theosophical
Publishing House. Adyar, Chennai, India. Retrieved from <
80. Source: Seltzer, A. The Heart and Its Energy. Retrieved from <http://
81. Source: Seltzer, A. The Heart and Its Energy. Retrieved from <http://
82. Marinelli, R., Fuerst, B., van der Zee, H., McGinn, A., Marinelli, W. 1995. The
Heart Is Not a Pump: A Refutation of the Pressure Propulsion Premise of Heart
Function. Fall-Winter 1995 Issue [Vol.5, No.1] of Frontier Perspectives, the journal
of the Center for Frontier Sciences at Temple University in Philadelphia, USA.
Retrieved from <>.
Chapter 3: Money—Maya, Mara, and Moksha—All-in-One
1. Daly, M. 2017. Killing the Competition: Economic Inequality and Homicide.
New York, USA: Routledge.
2. The original and more accurate Latin phrase ‘canis caninam non est’ translates as ‘a
dog doesn’t eat dog’s flesh’.
3. Carlyle, T. 1831. Sartor Resartus: The Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdrockh.
4. Cited in: Moore, C. 2017. Moral Materialism. <
topics/justice/social-justice/moral-materialism>. Retrieved 12 Feb 2017.
References and Notes
5. Sunstein, C.R. 2015. Why Free Markets Make Fools of Us [Review of Phishing
for Phools: The Economics of Manipulation and Deception by George A. Akerlof and
Robert J.Shiller, Princeton University Press.]. The New York Review of Books,
USA. 22 Oct 2015.
6. Swami Sukhabodanda. 2012. Difference Between Longing and Desire. Times of
India, Hyderabad, India. 15 Nov 2012. p.12.
7. Corinthians 13, The Message.
8. Adorable and Hilarious Kids’ Letters to God. Retrieved from <http://www.babamail.
9. Ventrella,
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