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forms increased in number and variety. From the repulsive Voodoo practices of the African savage, one may trace a straight line to the Witchcraft epidemic in New England, and thence on to the present time, when the Western world has apparently gone wild on “psychism,” and the daily papers are filled with sensational tales of mesmeric influence, hypnotism, personal magnetism, etc. The books of all ages are filled with tales of psychic influence, the Bible containing a number of instances of its practice for good or evil.

At the present time, attention is often called to the wonderful instances of the power of the mind, personal magnetism, etc., and it is quite common to hear the expression that one has, or has not, “personal magnetism” - is, or is not, “magnetic.” Much nonsense has been written on this subject, and some of the wildest assertions and theories regarding it have been advanced. And yet, the truth itself is far more wonderful than are the wildest fictions which have been written and taught regarding it. Underlying all the popular notions and misconceptions regarding Psychic Influence lies a solid basis of fact, the greater portion of which is undreamt of by even many of those who have been feeding the public taste for sensationalism.

We need scarcely tell our students that the Orientals have known and practiced, for centuries past, all known forms of occultism, and, in fact, have possessed the secrets which the investigators of the West have been striving so laboriously to uncover. Scraps of the knowledge have filtered through, and have been eagerly seized upon by Western writers, and used as the basis for startling claims and theories.

And, much of this hidden knowledge will, and must, remain hidden for years to come, because of the undeveloped state of the race and the general unfitness of people for this secret wisdom. To spread before the general public even a small part of certain of the hidden teachings, at this time, would be dangerous indeed, and would bring upon the race one of the greatest curses known to man. This not because of any wrong in the teachings themselves, but because the selfishness of the average man or woman is such that they would soon begin to use this knowledge for their own personal profit and ends, to the detriment and hurt of their fellow men. This would avail them nothing if the entire race knew enough of the subject - had advanced far enough intellectually and spiritually to grasp and comprehend these teachings, and thus be able to protect themselves from the selfish attempts of their unscrupulous brothers and sisters. For, as all occultists know; no Black Magic can affect the man or woman who knows his or her real place in nature, his or her real powers to resist the practices of those who have acquired bits of occult knowledge without the spiritual growth which would teach them how to use same properly. But the average person of today does not know - and will not be convinced - of his own power, and therefore is unable to protect himself from the psychic attempts of even those who have grasped some fragments of occult teachings, and are using them for selfish ends.

The improper use of psychic power has long been known to occultists as “Black Magic,” which, so far from being a remnant of the superstition of the Middle Ages, is a very real thing, and is being practiced today to a great extent. Those so practicing it are sowing the seeds of their own punishment, and every bit of psychic force expended for base and selfish ends will unquestionably rebound and react upon the user, but nevertheless these people are influencing others that they may reap some material gain or pleasure, and the public is being more or less imposed upon by such people, although it laughs at the idea - considers the matter a joke - and regards those who teach the truth as wild visionaries or mentally weak.

Very fortunately, those who would so prostitute psychic powers know comparatively little regarding the subject, and can use only the simpler forms, but when they come in contact with those entirely ignorant of the subject, they are able to accomplish more or less by their arts. Many men find, sometimes by accident, that they can influence others to their bidding, and not knowing the source of their power often use it just as they would any physical power, or mental strength. Such people, however, usually have gradually brought to their knowledge (in pursuance with well-established occult laws) something which will lead them to a better understanding of the subject, and they begin to see their mistake. Others pick up a little bit of occult teaching, and “try it on” others, and, seeing the effect, start on the road to “Black Magic,” although scarcely knowing what they are doing. These people, also, are warned in certain ways, and given every chance to rectify their error. Others seem to understand something of the risk they are running, but willingly take it, being fascinated by their new sense of power, and blinded by it.

None of these people are allowed to go very far with their selfish work, as there are certain influences at work to counteract their efforts, and a little good always counteracts a great deal of the selfish psychic work - this being an old occult truth.

But outside of this bit of elementary “Black Magic,” of which we have spoken more in the way of a warning and a caution, many people are endowed with faculties which make them powers among their fellow men and women, and their influence is felt in everyday life, just as the influence of the physically strong man is felt in a crowd of weaker people. It needs but a moment’s glance at one’s acquaintances to show that some of them have a greater influence than have others. Some are naturally looked to as leaders and teachers, while others naturally fall into place as followers. These strong, positive men come to the front in warfare, business life, the bar, the pulpit, in the practice of medicine, and in fact, in all walks of life and all branches of human endeavor. We notice this fact, and speak of this man being possessed of a great deal of “Personal Magnetism,” or of that one lacking it. But what do we mean by “Personal Magnetism”? Can anyone give an intelligent answer? Many are the theories which have been advanced to account for this phenomenon, and many are the plans advanced to develop this “power.” Of late years many teachers have sprung up, claiming to have discovered this secret and offering to teach it to all comers at so many dollars a head, many sensational announcements having been made to attract purchasers of “courses” of instruction, and many appeals to the most selfish motives have been made in order to awaken an interest in what is offered for sale. In the majority of cases these teachers have practically nothing to offer and teach, while in some few cases they have worked out a sufficient knowledge of the subject to be able to give directions whereby one may possess himself of a sufficient degree of psychic power to gain a certain amount of influence over the ignorant and weak of the race. But, fortunately, the majority of these purchasers of these teachings have not sufficient confidence in themselves or in the teachings to put into practice even the comparatively meagre teachings given them.But at least a few have sufficient self confidence to put these plans into practice, and are able to do considerable harm by their ignorant and selfish use of powers which are intended for high uses. All these things must pass away as the race advances in knowledge and understanding of the occult truths, and, in the meantime, those who. really understand the subject are doing what they can to educate the race in its principles, that they may protect themselves, psychically, and may not be tempted to make a selfish use of the higher powers.

The man or woman of spiritual growth and development can afford to smile at the efforts of these dabblers in “Black Magic,” at least so far as the fear of any personal injury to or effect upon themselves is concerned.

Such a one rises to a higher plane to which the efforts of the selfish occultist cannot penetrate. We will have something to say on this subject of Self Protection, toward the end of this lesson, after we have given the student a general idea of the several forms of Psychic Influence in general use.

We wish to be distinctly understood, however, when we say that no attempt will be made in this lesson to uncover a degree of occult knowledge which might place in the hands of the chance reader a weapon to use for his own selfish ends. This is a lesson designed for the Self Protection of those who read it - not for the advancement of a knowledge of “Black Magic” even in its elementary forms. And let us here caution those who read what we will write on this subject that we are serious in what we say regarding the selfish use of occult knowledge - if they knew but a fragment of the trouble which one may bring upon himself by improper occult practices, they would drop the subject as quickly as they would a venomous serpent which was beginning to warm into life from the heat of their hands. Occult powers are for the proper use and protection of mankind, not for misuse or abuse, and, like playing with the wires of a. dynamo, meddling with these powers is apt to prove unpleasant to the person who will not heed the warning.

Although many Western writers deny it, all true occultists know that all forms of Psychic Influence, including what is called “Personal Magnetism,” “Mesmerism,” “Hypnotism,” “Suggestion,” etc., are but different manifestations of the same thing. What this “thing” is may be readily imagined by those who have followed us in our preceding lessons. It is the power of the Mind of the individual, operated along the lines mentioned in our preceding lessons.

We trust that the student has acquainted himself with what we have said regarding “The Instinctive Mind,” “Thought Dynamics,” “Telepathy,” “Thought Forms,” etc., as well as the potency of Prana, that he may understand this lesson without too much repetition.

Psychic Influence - and by this we mean all forms of it - what does it mean? Of what does it consist? How is it called into operation? What is its effect? Let us try to answer these questions.

We must begin with the Instinctive Mind - one of the Seven Principles of Man. We told you (in Lesson II) that this is a plane of mentation shared in common with us by the lower animals, at least in its lowest forms. It is the first form of mentation reached in the scale of evolution, and, in its lowest stages manifests entirely along subconscious lines. Its beginnings are seen as far back as the mineral life, manifesting here in the formation of crystals, etc. In the lower forms of plant life it shows but feebly, and is scarcely a degree above that manifested by the mineral. Then, by easy and progressive stages it grows more distinct and higher in the scale, in plant life, until in some of the higher forms of plants it even manifests a rudimentary form of consciousness. In the kingdom of the lower animals, the Instinctive Mind is seen in varying stages, from the almost plantlike intelligence of the lowest forms of animal life to the almost human intelligence of some of the higher animals. Then in the lower forms of human life we find it scarcely removed from the highest

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