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this Consciousness is omnipresent, it must be
present within every individual; each individual must be a manifestation of that Omnipotent,
Omniscient and Omnipresent Consciousness.
26. As there is only one Consciousness in the Universe that is able to think it necessarily
follows that your consciousness is identical with the Universal Consciousness, or, in other
words, all mind is one mind. There is no dodging this conclusion.
27. The consciousness that focuses in your brain cells is the same consciousness which
focuses in the brain cells of every other individual. Each individual is but the individualization
of the Universal, the Cosmic Mind.
28. The Universal Mind is static or potential energy; it simply is; it can manifest only through
the individual, and the individual can manifest only through the Universal. They are one.
29. The ability of the individual to think is his ability to act on the Universal and bring it into
manifestation. Human consciousness consists only in the ability of man to think. Mind in itself
is believed to be a subtle form of static energy, from which arises the activities called
'thought, ' which is the dynamic phase of mind. Mind is static energy, thought is dynamic
energy -the two phases of the same thing. Thought is therefore the vibratory force formed by
converting static mind into dynamic mind.
30. As the sum of all attributes are contained in the Universal Mind, which is Omnipotent,
Omniscient and Omnipresent, these attributes must be present at all times in their potential
form in every individual. Therefore, when the individual thinks, the thought is compelled by its
nature to embody itself in an objectivity or condition which will correspond with its origin.
31. Every thought therefore is a cause and every condition an effect; for this reason it is
absolutely essential that you control your thoughts so as to bring forth only desirable
32. All power is from within, and is absolutely under your control; it comes through exact
knowledge and by the voluntary exercises of exact principles.
33. It should be plain that when you acquire a thorough understanding of this law, and are
able to control your thought processes, you can apply it to any condition; in other words, you
will have come into conscious cooperation with Omnipotent law which is the fundamental
basis of all things.
34. The Universal Mind is the life principle of every atom which is in existence; every atom is
continually striving to manifest more life; all are intelligent, and all are seeking to carry out the
purpose for which they were created.
35. A majority of mankind lives in the world without; few have found the world within, and yet
it is the world within that makes the world without; it is therefore creative and everything
which you find in your world without has been created by you in the world within.
36. This system will bring you into a realization of power which will be yours when you
understand this relation between the world without and the world within. The world within is
the cause, the world without the effect; to change the effect you must change the cause.
37. You will at once see that this is a radically new and different idea; most men try to change
effects by working with effects. They fail to see that this is simply changing one form of
distress for another. To remove discord, we must remove the cause, and this cause can be
found only in the world within.
38. All growth is from within. This is evident in all nature. Every plant, every animal, every
human is a living testimony to this great law, and the error of the ages is in looking for
strength or power from without.
39. The world within is the Universal fountain of supply, and the world without is the outlet to
the stream. Our ability to receive depends upon our recognition of this Universal Fountain,
this Infinite Energy of which each individual is an outlet, and so is one with every other
40. Recognition is a mental process, mental action is therefore the interaction of the
individual upon the Universal Mind, and as the Universal Mind is the intelligence which
pervades all space and animates all living things, this mental action and reaction is the law of
causation, but the principle of causation does not obtain in the individual but in the Universal
Mind. It is not an objective faculty but a subjective process, and the results are seen in an
infinite variety of conditions and experiences.
41. In order to express life there must be mind; nothing can exist without mind. Everything
which exists is some manifestation of this one basic substance from which and by which all
things have been created and are continually being recreated.
42. We live in a fathomless sea of plastic mind substance. This substance is ever alive and
active. It is sensitive to the highest degree. It takes form according to the mental demand.
Thought forms the mold or matrix from which the substance expresses.
43. Remember that it is in the application alone that the value consists, and that a practical
understanding of this law will substitute abundance for poverty, wisdom for ignorance, harmony for discord and freedom for tyranny, and certainly there can be no greater blessing
than these from a material and social standpoint.
44. Now make the application: Select a room where you can be alone and undisturbed; sit
erect, comfortably, but do not lounge; let your thoughts roam where they will but be perfectly
still for from fifteen minutes to half an hour; continue this for three or four days or for a week
until you secure full control of your physical being.
45. Many will find this extremely difficult; others will conquer with ease, but it is absolutely
essential to secure complete control of the body before you are ready to progress. Next week
you will receive instructions for the next step; in the meantime you must have mastered this

PART ONE Study Questions with Answers

1. What is the world without in its relation to the world within? The world without is a reflection
of the world within.
2. Upon what does all possession depend? All possession is based on consciousness.
3. How is the individual related to the objective world? The individual is related to the
objective world by the objective mind; the brain is the organ of this mind.
4. How is he related to the Universal Mind? He is related to the Universal Mind by the
subconscious mind; the Solar Plexus is the organ of this mind.
5. What is the Universal Mind? The Universal Mind is the life principle of every atom which is
in existence.
6. How can the Individual act on the Universal? The ability of the individual to think is his
ability to act upon the Universal and bring it into manifestation.
7. What is the result of this action and interaction? The result of this action and interaction is
cause and effect; every thought is a cause and every condition an effect.
8. How are harmonious and desirable conditions secured? Harmonious and desirable
conditions are obtained by right thinking.
9. What is the cause of all discord, inharmony, lack and limitation? Discord, inharmony, lack
and limitation are the result of wrong thinking.
10. What is the source of all powers? The source of all power is the world within, the
Universal Fountain of Supply, the Infinite Energy of which each individual is an outlet.

Our difficulties are largely due to confused ideas and ignorance of our true interests. The
great task is to discover the laws of nature to which we are to adjust ourselves. Clear thinking
and moral insight are, therefore, of incalculable value. All processes, even those of thought,
rest on solid foundations.
The keener the sensibilities, the more acute the judgment, the more delicate the taste, the
more refined the moral feelings, the more subtle the intelligence, the loftier the aspiration--the
purer and more intense are the gratifications which existence yields. Hence it is that the
study of the best that has been thought in the world gives supreme pleasure.
The powers, uses and possibilities of the mind under the new interpretations are
incomparably more wonderful that the most extravagant accomplishment, or even dreams of
material progress. Thought is energy. Active thought is active energy; concentrated thought
is a concentrated energy. Thought concentrated on a definite purpose becomes power. This
is the power which is being used by those who do not believe in the virtue of poverty, or the
beauty of self-denial. They perceive that this is the talk of weaklings.
The ability to receive and manifest this power depends upon the ability to recognize the
Infinite Energy ever dwelling in man, constantly creating and recreating his body and mind,
and ready at any moment to manifest through him in any needful manner. In exact proportion
to the recognition of this truth will be the manifestation in the outer life of the individual.
Part two explains the method by which this is accomplished.
1. The operations of the mind are produced by two parallel modes of activity, the one
conscious, and the other subconscious. Professor Davidson says: "He who thinks to
illuminate the whole range of mental action by the light of his own consciousness is not unlike
the one who should go about to illuminate the universe with a rushlight."
2. The subconscious' logical processes are carried on with a certainty and regularity which
would be impossible if there existed the possibility of error. Our mind is so designed that it
prepares for us the most important foundations of cognition, whilst we have not the slightest
apprehension of the modus operandi.
3. The subconscious soul, like a benevolent stranger, works and makes provision for our
benefit, pouring only the mature fruit into our lap; thus ultimate analysis of thought processes
shows that the subconscious is the theatre of the most important mental phenomena.
4. It is through the subconscious that Shakespeare must have perceived, without effort, great
truths which are hidden from the conscious mind of the student; that Phidias fashioned
marble and bronze; that Raphael painted Madonnas and Beethoven composed symphonies.
5. Ease and perfection depend entirely upon the degree in which we cease to depend upon
the consciousness; playing the piano, skating, operating the typewriter, the skilled trades,
depend for their perfect execution on the process of the sub-conscious mind. The marvel of playing a brilliant piece on the piano, while at the same time conducting a vigorous
conversation, shows the greatness of our subconscious powers.
6. We are all aware how dependent we are upon the subconscious, and the greater, the
nobler, the more brilliant our thoughts are, the more it is obvious to ourselves that the origin
lies beyond our ken. We find ourselves endowed with tact, instinct, sense of the beautiful in
art, music, etc., or whose origin or dwelling place we are wholly unconscious.
7. The value of the subconscious is enormous; it inspires us; it warns us; it furnishes us with
names, facts and scenes from the storehouse of memory. It directs our thoughts, tastes, and
accomplishes tasks so intricate that no conscious mind, even if it had the power, has the
capacity for.
8. We can walk at will; we can raise the arm whenever we choose to do so; we can give our
attention through eye or ear to any subject at pleasure. On the other hand, we cannot stop
our heartbeats nor the circulation of the blood, nor the growth of stature, nor the formation of
nerve and muscle tissue, nor the building of the bones, nor many other important vital
9. If we compare these two sets of action, the one decreed by the will of the moment, and the
other proceeding in majestic,

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