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he was – this was at the centre point where all my drawn lines crossed. I also told his carer that she would meet a lady there called ‘Margaret’ who has seen Milo and that ‘Margaret’ was an artist.

It all proved to be true, except that the lady in question was referred to a‘Maggie’. There were many more such cases.

This collage reminds us that all things are equal and that the vision of ourselves, made in our Creator’s image is, being rather egocentric.

Prophetic dreams are the great paradigm shift; they are the beacon, the sterling proof that all angelic dreams are absolutely reliable and, the herald of all truths.

Such was the case for me in 2010 when I dreamed that the New York State seaboard would suffer cataclysmic damage in 2012. In 2012, Hurricane Sandy devastated the New York seaboard.

Four weeks before the Brexit referendum on 23rd June 2016, whilst meditating on nothing in particular, I had quite a shock when a very loud subjective shout, uttered the word ‘OUT’, and then connected it with the forthcoming Brexit vote.

This picture appeared on the TV screen on the morning of the referendum result.

Such events as these, prove that all truths are to be found in the guiding dream and is the reason why the satanic seeks to erase any hope of its renaissance.

Whilst exposing mankind’s collective satanic history, we note that in the 20th century, over 200 million people and countless numbers of other innocent creatures died in our wars. Ignoring the millions of minor battles, insurrections and lesser collective killings that never stop, there has only been an aggregate 250 years without major documented wars in the last 3,400 years, which then tracks back in a similar fashion, throughout the emergence of our species from out of Africa and into the wider world.

The story of what followed on from the adjacent picture, came from the findings of Plato (3rd/4th century BCE) through his ‘Plato’s Cave’ symbolism. He identified how our species had lost its way. Mankind had changed into a dangerous ‘comfort-zone creature’ and dismissive of many factual matters that it felt uncomfortable with, as though they did not exist.

Plato also noted that this (comfort-preference) had also made mankind easy prey for being led astray into emotional feel-good entrapments. His symbolism implied that people would not turn their heads around and look into the light. If they did so, they would see the truth, instead of just relegating its shadows to convenient interpretations.

Next, we identify the satanic influence that leads astray and, entraps that ingenuous comfort zone majority.

Throughout history, every culture has been ruled, regulated and directed by tyrants and their cohorts. When we link this phenomenon together with the ‘Plato’s Cave’ observation, we can see that the two situations could not be more perfectly choreographed for the production of satanic outcomes.

Getting Real

Science has brought us up-to-date on this satanic problem. In 2004, psychologists identified this universal predator trait. A feature in the New Scientist periodical and national newspapers, stated:

‘There is a predator in society and this predator, is a psychopath. It is always looking for feeding grounds and represents about one percent of every population.’

The total in the UK alone, is about 656,000 (according to conservative ‘official’ statistics) and as we are further scientifically informed, these are primarily found in politics, law, theology and business et cetera, in fact, wherever there is power or influence. More information about this can be found on the website under, ‘Professor Robert Hare’, a world leading authority on psychopaths and sociopaths.

This raises an interesting point. Every other variety on our planet has stayed true to Nature’s purposes, as it also was with pristine Homo sapiens during the divine ‘Dreaming Time’ compact between Homo sapiens and its Maker.

So, what made it all go wrong?

We must return to the ‘Fall’ (of mankind) in Africa some 80 thousand years BCE. This descent from the Dreaming Time was instigated through social changes into tribalism. It proved to be a breeding ground (for the first time appearance) of satanic-control personalities and supportive cohorts.

This marked the beginning of despotic social systems, for which all information and direction was also brought under leadership control. Central to this control, was the denigration and, forceful eradication of the guiding dream from out of those governed, otherwise, they could not be governed.

It is leadership proclivities therefore, to which we look for removal of God from out the human psyche.

This process eventually became so successful, widespread and complete, that these corruptions to our species would follow it out of Africa into the wider world during the great ancestral Diasporas 70,000 and 40,000 years BCE.

As time would show, it was never possible to rip the soul out of mankind without replacing it with something else. That solution came and, remained by means of those pantheon creations of false gods and their deified earthly intermediaries.

This spiritual meddling did not fill the vacuum of ‘Dreamtime Lost’ completely, which then opened the door to a vast medley of further strange, spiritual activities and with it – the arrival of charlatanism and the paranormal debunker.

So where are we today?

Although we have lost our direct guiding contact with the Supra Ordinate (our Creator), there are some who can still feel the pull of something angelic. Whilst on the other hand, we have the debunkers who most vehemently do not. However, should we blame them for their disposition, considering the tens of thousands of years of our pristine spirituality being systematically and relentlessly erased in all places by despotic governance, until finally, those angelic abilities became mostly atrophied from out of our species? War, confusion and disparagement then took its place.

Throughout time, there have been other people in the same ‘Dreamtime’ revelatory position in which I find myself but who had then, been summarily erased for reasons of their knowledge being in conflict with official doctrine. We should therefore, thank the covert continuance of angelic purists throughout those eons of time for keeping alive, those eternal possibilities of supernormal activity which now litters human experience throughout our world and will not be wished away.

In mathematical terms, the most critical elements in the great human equation are its metaphysical aspects, which conventional attitude then rejects. It is this rejection, which ensures we never get the sum right and, chaos follows.

It was Dante (1265 to1321 CE), who indicated our new direction. He showed us the difficult journey back towards the angelic, through the creation of his ‘Divine Comedy’. It was the story of his need to reach and ascend the Mountain of Paradise until at one with God. However, the only passage towards Paradise was through the torments of Hades, where Dante was forced to pass amongst the tortures of the fallen people and their satanic inflictors. Fortunately, he was able do this in relative safety with his angelic helper, Virgil.

Of course, the tale is utter rubbish but, it did fill the church pews at the time and did again in later times with the advent of Botticelli’s painting of ‘Hell’, (the ‘Mappa Del Inferno’ and its uninviting, ‘Abandon All Hope Ye who Enter Here’).

Dante was a lot smarter than we think.

His journey is a psychological one in the real everyday world. It is saying that we have to face and know everything in life for what it really is. This becomes our journey into wider consciousness and the only way to spirituality. Unfortunately, (as previously mentioned) there are collective forces of fixed opinion that will not apostatise to that direction. It is this resistance to change, that reveals the powerful hold that human ‘comfort zones’ can generate.

Phenomena of this kind is, simply an expression of emotional commitment to abstract concepts, ones that offer unreal visions of hope and promise. Models of this nature are easily observed through those mythical belief systems (theology) and equally so, through the religiosity that comes attached to illusory, secular social concepts. Of course, the same strange phenomena manifests in a myriad of smaller and larger disuniting ways and, woe betide those who disturb them.

I know that my writings will be difficult for conventional thinking to accept, so it therefore seems sensible to gather support from the science of quantum physics. That should get us back on the solid ground of empirical knowledge and as far away from the quicksand of the supernormal as we can. Well, not quite!

There is a great deal written on the subject of particle/wave duality, whether it be the positive proton in the atom’s nucleus or, its spinning compliment of negative electrons. Nevertheless, there had been an irksome secret hiding in there.

This secret was brought into the open by the famous two-slot experiment and, it has thrown a ‘spanner into the works’ of our safe little world of science.

In this experiment, particles (they have substance) are fired from, what is referred to as an ‘atomic gun’ and aimed at a small board with two tiny slots in it. A fired particle will then pass through one of those slots and travel on to a device recording its arrival. In the meantime, because all this is happening at speeds beyond human perceptual abilities, the activity is therefore, remotely observed. This is where things get very strange indeed. The particles are aware they are being watched. We know this because, when the remote viewer is turned off, everything that is fired from the gun reverts to its preferred alter-ego waveform that has no substance. It then washes through the two slots at the same time – like water waves – and leaves evidence to that effect.

This discovery implies that it is the conscious expectation of the viewer that causes the non-physicality of wave to take on particle substance and through which particles then take on structural forms. We are therefore, forced to conclude that, without an observer, there can be no physicality. Does that not have a very supernormal feel to it?

There is an aboriginal saying, ‘we are the dream being dreamed’. They were indeed aware of some (dreamtime) realities that we have since forgotten.

All things physical also have their ghost. Consequently, I began that exercise into the strange activities of the sub-atomic particle because, in doing so, the evidence reveals that sub-atomic particles which have substance and, of which all things are primarily constructed, also have their own non-substance, alter-ego ghost – their own cryptic metaphysical sibling. More to the point, through this evidence, we are then forced to meet the reality of our very own non-substance metaphysical sibling (our ghost).

There is a universal law, which states that ‘all things have their opposites’ which includes, that the physical is also twinned with its non-physical ghost. Trying to dodge this reality is not rational because, the very make-up of our physical form is a matrix of those self-same sub-atomic particles. It is a particle wave duality world – a yesteryear fiction now proved factual.

We cannot help but be astounded at the kind of mind and reasoning that caused our real, non-physical self to find itself entrapped within palpable particle form, within which to remain, until particle atrophy releases us back to our real selves – the aspect of us that never dies.

Now that it is scientifically proved that our physical forms are a construct of sub-atomic particles (thence to the atom and molecule), so are the foods we intake, from which we then build our physical body. Our over-cover molecular structure sustains itself on other molecular structures. Moreover, the particle matrix physicality of ours, then has a ‘shelf life’, which of course, is at variance from one person to another.

The misnomer ‘natural death’ is therefore, merely our particle matrix ‘shelf-life’ losing its bonds of connectivity. Its decay is the release of those particles back into general usage for other things. All that is borrowed – must be returned.

What then, of the real person

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