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in ancient Hindu spiritual tradition is: sat-chit-anand (sachidanand).

The three parts of the seed word means:

sat = absolute existence

chit = absolute consciousness

anand = absolute bliss

The corresponding word for ‘absolute’ in sanskrit is ‘mool’. We can say it means absolute but as it is; the words that humanity has designed cannot fully explain the deepest of meanings.

The word ‘mool’ has following wider meanings: absolute, intrinsic, innate, natural, zero, etc. The seed word reveals: sat-chit-anand is the intrinsic nature, innate positioning, natural mechanism and transcendental purpose. Sat-chit-anand is the original and innate positioning of consciousness. It is the absolute and ultimate arriving.

The modern and very contemporary scientific ideas of psycho-synthesis and psycho-energetics also say the same thing. In very simple words, it is your own ‘common sense’. The core idea of it is that, sat-chit-anand being the ‘mool’ idea, it is already and well there in all living being, one does not have to create it, or find it, or teach it or learn it or propagate it. The ultimate goodness and wellness is within us.

We just have to have it. Common sense is just there to be revealed and realized. All beings have this within them. It is so simple to sound true. For, we all have the mind training to accept goodness as something very complex and beyond our easy endeavors.

That is why, the wise of ancient wisdom have said, “don’t do anything, yet become everything”. They say, “give up everything, you get everything”. They say, “go where you began, you shall arrive”. They say, “what you experience outside is inside you”. They say, “seek the zero, get the infinity”. They say, “keep quiet, the music shall flow”. They say, “do not be, you shall be”. Etc. All these seed words are pointing towards the fact that truth is not to be created or searched. It is already there. We just have to unravel and assimilate them with innocence of consciousness.

We all pray our respective Gods to guide us to be good. The fact remains, goodness is just a seed realism and very much singular, well within the easy reach of our simple endeavors. As this seed manifests itself in a complex structure of a giant tree with innumerous branches and uncountable leaves and fruits, we all are led to believe, goodness is very complicated. It is never, it is just a seed.

Plant the seed of this common sense in your mind and let it grow within your mortal being. Then, enjoy the diversity of goodness and be your own God. All rational minds have told us since ages, God is within us. They said, those attempting to find it outside are doing the mistake of uprooting a giant oak tree from the jungle and planting it in their house garden. Like seed, goodness grows within and it cannot be transplanted. Even if it happens, it would not survive long.

The seed realism of goodness is ‘accommodation’. Acceptance of ‘I’ with compassionate accommodation towards ‘We’, ‘He’ and ‘They’. No doubt, one is designed to believe in ‘I’ as the center of the universe, but then, the ‘I’ needs to be compassionate and affectionate towards the existence of ‘others’ in the periphery.

This is what rational minds have called ‘holism’ and ‘assimilation’. The liberty of periphery to be equitably (if not equally) as important as the center and the duty of center to accommodate periphery in the liberty to be what it is. This holism is the easy and smoothly replicable model of divinity, a singularity of situationalism. The imagery of Gods may be in plurality; divinity is however singular.

Most rational minds have warned humanity of the ‘dictatorship’ of singularity of elements other than the abovementioned divinity. The dictatorship of all sorts, especially the dictatorship of subjective intelligence, dictatorship of ‘parts’; that of either the center or the periphery is anathema as it kills the goodness. Only the dictatorship of holism is allowed; this dictatorship of compassion, accommodation and acceptance is welcome.


God With Us, We Need None?

Mahatma Gandhi had once written to compatriot in independence struggle, “why do we care for someone’s company, why should a person believing in God need the companionship of any other person?” On the face value, it seems like a strange statement! When God is with us, should we need none? The lines seem to lead an average mind to this end itself!

One needs to understand, what Mahatma meant to say and for that, we need to understand the context of the statement. He said it to bring home the value and inevitability of a noble end (of independence) for which all his contemporaries were struggling. Seen in this light, what he meant was to emphasize that an individual is so very unimportant in front of a noble collective cause.

The trouble is, an average mind will often take a wrong notion of the above-said idea and accept God as an end in itself, with a feeling of its exclusivity. It would look wrong.

On deeper analysis, one can realize that not only about God, but also about so many crucial issues of our lives, we humans have been made to acquire a notion, which is more misleading than anything is. It is because; it seems so, most of our favorite and acceptable notions and ideas are a product of our ancestors’ then obsession with ‘struggle’ that defined everything in their worldview.

And true it was. Humanity has emerged and evolved through very tough and difficult times. Science and history tells us how smartly and beautifully adaptable our ancestors were to survive and bequeath us such a beautiful planet to us. It may seem that, life can never be easy and this world can never be less cruel. However, this is no justification to color all our personal, societal, mental and spiritual benchmarks with the tint of ‘struggle’ preoccupations.

Life may always remain tough and cruel but benchmarks of all human goodness must never be ‘struggle’ but the beauty of love and compassion, both at personal and collective levels, which truly makes struggle one of the factors but never the core/prime factor.

Humans and humanity should always remain the cardinal issue in divinity and all other goodness. There is a folklore that 500 years back, one of the great priests of India treated Goddess Durga as his daughter and Goddess in return actually served him as daughter! How beautiful a metaphor, this is divinity.

Look at Shiva, the Hindu God of Trinity, popular for his innocence and compassion. Shiva is a beautiful metaphor for every human to follow. Every boy and girl would like his or her father to be like him. Shiva has been designed and metaphored to be humanity’s pride figure of a father. The entity of fatherhood is ideally like his persona. All fathers should have this.

Look at Durga, the most popular Hindu deity of power and energy. She is so beautiful and compassionate, like all mothers should be. She is equally endowed and mighty, as a mother always is. And, Vishnu, Hindu God of protection and provision. His imagery, as created in religious texts, is every girl’s cherished husband material. Look at the metaphor of Hindu Goddess Luxmi, she is the quintessence of every parent’s dream daughter! Even today, when a girl is born, people say, “Luxmi has come to the family”.

It needs to be checked. Is there any god or goddess who does not resemble anything but a human par excellence? Yes, devil forces in religions have faces other than human, resembling aliens and in all dreadfulness. This entire imagery is a beautiful metaphor of the spiritual positioning that within us is our god. We need our gods and goddesses and we have them around us. If not, it should, it must. In family and in society, we need to have these God models.


Beyond This Talk

In the five other ebooks, which this stupid friend of yours has created for you, the descriptions of which I have provided below, we have talked in details about different aspects of cosmic mechanism and life and living realisms with focus on individual and subjective empowerment to optimize potentials for larger wellness and excellence. They shall help you evolve and design your own subjective and personalized model of ‘wellness wisdom’. These ebooks shall also help you optimize your potentials in day-to-day life and living.

In each ebook, one aspect of life and living problems and troubles has been talked about in detail for easy and smooth understanding of an average reader. There too, we talk like friends. The efforts are directed at understanding the core mechanism and processes of life and living realisms in a novel approach, with holistic, assimilative and integrative perspective. This takes all good aspects of all wisdoms; old and new and assimilates them for larger wellness and excellence of individuals. I affectionately invite you to go through the sample pages of these ebooks.

Moreover, as your friend, I am always at your side to elaborate on any issue, which you might have with you. We can talk and share more on them. You can mail me if you have any query or if you wish to know more on any aspect of issues discussed in the ebooks. I shall always treasure your communication and shall be very prompt and supportive in my response. All my efforts are directed at generating larger wellness with all people, with whom I share this beautiful earth. I share with you, what I have internalized. It is such a huge privilege and joy for me. As I have already mentioned, I also learn and unlearn from you and all people with whom I share my consciousness. Give me this precious chance to learn and unlearn from you.


Accept My Gratitude

Writing something is a daunting task as there is always a lurking apprehension of it not being of utility for some readers. I however feel at ease, because of my faith in magnanimity of readers. I am happily sure; you shall forgive if my efforts could not be up to your expectations. Thank you so much for being with me and allowing me to share with you. Wish you an empowered life; with the prosperity of the consciousness.


About The Author

People say, what conspire to make you what you finally become are always behind the veil of intangibility. Someone called it ‘Intangible-Affectors’. Inquisitiveness was the soil, I was born with and the seeds, these intangible-affectors planted in me made me somewhat analytical. My long stint in media, in different capacities as journalist, as brand professional and strategic planning, conspired too! However, I must say it with all innocence at my behest that the chief conspirators of my making have been the loads of beautiful and multi-dimensional people, who traversed along me, in my life journey so far. The mutuality and innocence of love and compassion always prevailed and magically worked as the catalyst in my learning and most importantly, unlearning from these people. Unconsciously, these amazing people also worked out to be the live theatres of my experiments with my life’s scripts. I, sharing with you as a writer, is essentially my very modest way to express my gratitude for all of them. In my stupidities is my innocence of love for all my beautifully worthy conspirators!


Other Titles By Santosh Jha





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