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Interesting wildlife abound in various countries in all continents.....and so its true too for South Amnerica....where I have discovered that the snimal species are direct relatives to various creatures found nowadays in other countries and continents than of South America. 

For thousands of years, the dog has been one of those at the center of our affection (Along with our felines).
We respect them as workers. Admire them as hunters. We awe them for their speed while running at the park, a flurry of legs and fur. We love them for their comfort and protection. And we are inspired to show the world this love.

Pinky gave birth to three kittens. It is making me happy to see all of them running around the front yard. They coloring my life as well as Brownie and Pinky.


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A book about Brownie my first unofficial pet. In the year 2008 he entered our life and has stayed with us ever since until the day he died. He has colored our life.

Pinky is another generation of street cats that came by our house and stay there. She is a lovely cat that melt everyone's heart with her eyes.


This is just a picture book for cool cars. This is book number #1 out of the Cool cars series. This is my first book I ever did on this sight so please don't hate it.

For my incredible friend cheapzone who's always there for me. We're so much alike and i really don't know what I would do without her. So glad to have her as a friend! ♥♥

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