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One of the ancients,once said that poetry is "the mirror of the perfect soul." Instead of simply writing down travel notes or, not really thinking about the consequences, expressing your thoughts, memories or on paper, the poetic soul needs to seriously work hard to clothe the perfect content in an even more perfect poetic form.
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What is poetry?

Reading books RomanceThe unity of form and content is what distinguishes poetry from other areas of creativity. However, this is precisely what titanic work implies.
Not every citizen can become a poet. If almost every one of us, at different times, under the influence of certain reasons or trends, was engaged in writing his thoughts, then it is unlikely that the vast majority will be able to admit to themselves that they are a poet.
Genre of poetry touches such strings in the human soul, the existence of which a person either didn’t suspect, or lowered them to the very bottom, intending to give them delight.

There are poets whose work, without exaggeration, belongs to the treasures of human thought and rightly is a world heritage. In our electronic library you will find a wide variety of poetry.
Opening a new collection of poems, the reader thus discovers a new world, a new thought, a new form. Rereading the classics, a person receives a magnificent aesthetic pleasure, which doesn’t disappear with the slamming of the book, but accompanies him for a very long time like a Muse. And it isn’t at all necessary to be a poet in order for the Muse to visit you. It is enough to pick up a volume, inside of which is Poetry. Be with us on our website.

Read books online » Poetry » Poetry, Advice, Quotes, Etc., Etc. by Rebecca K. (the lemonade war series txt) 📖

Book online «Poetry, Advice, Quotes, Etc., Etc. by Rebecca K. (the lemonade war series txt) 📖». Author Rebecca K.

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/> For giving me a chance.
Even though half the time,
I'm a hopeless wreck.
And the other half,
I"m a haphazard mess.
But like I said before,
Nobody's perfect right?
Nobody's Perfect, Rebecca Kinnaman
For S.C.

You say that you're not perfect.
You me tell me you want to die.
You go on
About how people want you dead.
I don't want to hear you
Talking like that.
No matter what anybody says.
You may not be perfect.
Yo what,
Tell me the name of one person who is.
I don't ever want to hear you
Say that you want to die.
No matter how hard life gets.
If you start feeling like that
You tell me.
I will try and do my best
To change your mind.
And not everybody wants you dead.
If you feel like that,
Let me know
I'll change your mind.
Even if it's two in the morning.
I'm going to do my best
To tell you:
"I know you're not perfect.
But I don't care.
Neither am I.
And another thing:
I love you..."
I Love You, Rebecca Kinnaman

I love you.
I just wanted to let you know.
Even though you mes sup.
There's nothing to make me stop.
I hope you realize something.
You may not be perfect.
You might fail at something.
You might feel unloved.
But forget all of those.
Because I have news for you.
Nobody is perfect.
Everybody has flaws.
And I love you.
Don't forget that simple phrase.
I love you...
ILY!, Rebecca Kinnaman

"You've been there for me when I was sad, mad, depressed, or when no one else was. I could never repay you for that. (Doesn't mean I'm not gonna try!)"- Author Unknown, Found at Status Shuffle
"When you want to cry... I am your shoulder. When you want to laugh... I am your clown. At all times... I am here. <3"- Author Unknown, Found at Status Shuffle
"You're always there when I need you. You're always there there when no one else is. You will always be my best friend... I LOVE YOU! <3"- Author Unknown, Found at Status Shuffle
"I love that when I'm having a rough day, all I have to do is hear your voice or see your face and my day is flipped around completely. :)"- Author Unknown, Found at Status Shuffle
"It doesn't matter what age you are. The only thing that matters is they came to be by your side and they never left."- Author Unknown, Found at Status Shuffle
"You know you've found your soul mate and best friend, when you're having a bad day and you just want to be in their arms so they can shield out all the bad in the world!"- Author Unknown, Found at Status Shuffle
"... Sometimes you have to throw caution to the wind and just go with what feels right at the moment! Don't worry about others may think! Live for YOU!"- Author Unknown, Found at Status Shuffle
"You think you're nothing extraordinary... The love you give me, the thoughtful little things you do, the way you accept me, is nothing short of amazing!"- Author Unknown, Found at Status Shuffle
"Ever feel like you just don't belong... You shouldn't be here... You shouldn't exist..."- Author Unknown, Found at Status Shuffle
"Sometimes, I'm afraid to be happy; Because every time I'm happy, something goes wrong and hurts me to the point where I want to give up and end my life."- Author Unknown, Found at Status Shuffle

Real friends look out for you,
Accept you,
Won't ever abandon you,
And will keep your secrets.
Unless those secrets might hurt you.
And only then,
Will they tell someone your secrets...
So trust them.
Because there aren't many out there
That will do that.
Trust their decision.
Don't hate them.
They were only looking out for you.
Anything that they did,
Or said
Was in your best interest.
They did it for you.
Everything that they ever did...
It was for you...
It Was For You- Rebecca Kinnaman

Don't build yourself around other people. Because they'll leave. Don't build yourself around items. Because they'll get destroyed.Don't build yourself around anything. Because it'll only hurt you. I guess the only thing that you can do is build a wall around your heart. Because then, no matter what, you can't be hurt. That wall will keep out any possibility of caring... Loving... Hurting... It will block it all out. All the things that could hurt you. All the things that could make you sad. Happy. Alone... Keep all those things out... And you won't have to worry about it. So, build a wall around your heart, and you can't be hurt. Ever... -Rebecca Kinnaman

Although the storm's passed, it does not mean that the damage has been repaired.- Rebecca Kinnaman
Real love, no matter what blows it takes, what words are said, what people come through, will last. Remember that. Because if you can't handle a few harsh words, or somebody standing in the way of it, then it was never meant to be. But, if you can stay and fight, and last through all the storms that threaten you, then your love won't falter. It will only grow stronger with each blow. With each word. And with each storm...

My personality is like a two way mirror. You may see one thing going on on the outside. But, on the inside, something completely different is happening. Will you be the one to open the door to the other room? Or will you be like all the others and run because you were afraid of what you would see what I'm really like? Choose carefully. Because if you can't handle somebody for what they have on the inside, then you shouldn't have tried to be with them in the first place.- Rebecca Kinnaman

If you really love somebody, you will love them. You will love them without terms. You will love them unconditionally. Love isn't a contract. It is not something that you can sign into and get out of. Love is there. And it always will be. You love your family. You love your friends. You love your girlfriends and boy friends. You love everything. So, if you can love your self with all of your flaws, then why can't you love others? We're all the same on the inside. Why can't you see that? You have flaws too, you know. Even if you can't see them, other people can. Most of them come through in your personality. And by putting people down, and making snarky remarks towards their appearance, then you're only down grading yourself. So why would you do it? Do you do it to make yourself feel good? Do you do it to make them feel bad? Do you do it just for the Hell of it? Don't do it ever. You never know what your words could do to somebody. Even the slightest remark could push them over the end. That's what your words finally did to me... They pushed me over the edge. Because you were doing the same exact thing to others, that others did to me for so many years. You know it hurts me, even if it's not directed to me... So why do you do it? You do it because you can't accept yourself. You do it because you want to hurt them. Don't do it. Please. You never know when you might push them over the edge to no return. So stop it. Don't. Just don't.- Rebecca Kinnaman

I know it's hard right now, but believe me when I tell you I'm here and I"m not going anywhere! No matter how hard it gets, I'm in this forever!- Status Shuffle
Everytime I look at you, I wonder what I did to deserve such an amazing person like you. <3
She's special when the phone rings, you run to get it, fall in the process, get up, trip over the dog, get BACK up and still answer it by the second ring. You can have all the straight guys. :P I'll take my tatted up, crazy, out going, drive me up the wall guy any time.-Status Shuffle
I don't love you because you're perfect. I love you because you're perfect for me.- Status Shuffle
You were there for me when I cried, feld me when I felt like I would die, loved me when I felt completely alone, and helped me find my way home. I don't believe in happily ever after, love at first sight, or fairy tales. But I believe in us. Maybe you not being perfect is why I love you so much. :)- Status Shuffle
When someone sees you at your worst and still thinks you look your best, that is someone worth keeping. ♥- Status Shuffle

Loving somebody isn't when you know everything about them. Loving somebody isn't spending time together all the time. Loving somebody isn't talking twenty four seven. Loving somebody isn't when you know they're not going to go off and betray you. Loving somebody isn't giving them your heart to take care of. Loving somebody isn't about any of that. Loving somebody is when you take the time to learn more things about them. And accepting them for what ever they are. Or what ever they have been or what ever they might be. Loving somebody is when, even though you may not have seen each other for a week, you can't wait until you see them again. Loving somebody is when you can go back and remember all the coversations that you've had with them, good or bad, and smile just knowing that sometime soon there will be another one to add to the list. Loving somebody is trusting them to not hurt you and stab you in the back. Loving somebody is letting them take your heart and fixing what ever might have been wrong with it. Loving somebody is so many things. But it's never going to be perfect. Yet so many of us walk into relationships expecting just that. Why? It's because you want it to be perfect. Don't walk into a relationship expecting it to be perfect right off the bat. Instead, walk into it letting it be the worst thing ever. And then, slowly, day by day, make it perfect. Hope some of you will take advice from this. Have a great day!


I will never turn my back on you or walk away...I will be there thru the hardest times because that's what makes the best times so inspire me

just wishes that people would see what they do to me though my eyes

all i know is your smile melts my heart, your kiss makes my day, and you simply take my breath away.


love me without fear, trust me without doubts, love me without restrictions, want me without demand and accept me for who i am

Sometimes you have to be apart from the people you love but that doesn't mean you love them any less Sometimes it even makes you love them more

Sometimes it's just easier to say I'm okay, than

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