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One of the ancients,once said that poetry is "the mirror of the perfect soul." Instead of simply writing down travel notes or, not really thinking about the consequences, expressing your thoughts, memories or on paper, the poetic soul needs to seriously work hard to clothe the perfect content in an even more perfect poetic form.
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What is poetry?

Reading books RomanceThe unity of form and content is what distinguishes poetry from other areas of creativity. However, this is precisely what titanic work implies.
Not every citizen can become a poet. If almost every one of us, at different times, under the influence of certain reasons or trends, was engaged in writing his thoughts, then it is unlikely that the vast majority will be able to admit to themselves that they are a poet.
Genre of poetry touches such strings in the human soul, the existence of which a person either didn’t suspect, or lowered them to the very bottom, intending to give them delight.

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Read books online » Poetry » The Panopticon by Jason Ronin (surface ebook reader txt) 📖

Book online «The Panopticon by Jason Ronin (surface ebook reader txt) 📖». Author Jason Ronin

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the mainstream media don't report such things (except for one report by Mike Wallace which was quickly pulled from the air). In fact there are hundreds of dark disturbing truths about history and world events that the major media, if it cared about the truth, should be reporting on but they don't. The CIA/drug trafficking connection is just one of many.

Now think about it. Does the government ever tell you to think for yourself? Hello no. Does the school system urge you to think for yourself? Nope. Do the mainstream media ever encourage you to think for yourself? No way. What does that tell you? Is society all about truth, or control? Meditate on this and it becomes obvious - that you've been duped and controlled all along.

Look at the big newscasters such as Bill O-Reilly of Fox and Anderson Cooper of CNN. Why do you think they are so narrow, judgmental, arrogant, ignorant, dumb and small minded? (Which clearly shows on their facial expression?) Why do you think they ridicule and attack everything that strays from the status quo? Why do they have that "everything outside the box is bull#" on their faces? Why do they look so "programmed", embodying a "herd mentality"? Why don’t the big corporate media pick newscasters who are wiser, more intellectual and more awake, and less programmed? It's because these figures are how YOU are supposed to be. YOU are supposed to be just like them - narrow, ignorant, dumb and small minded. These figures define the limits of your intelligence. You are NOT supposed to be smarter than them. You are not supposed to be intellectual, awake, wise or free-thinking. You are supposed to be a conformist with a herd mentality, no different than they are.

No one who truly seeks the truth or speaks the truth gets put into positions of influence by the big corporate media. No way. They want ignorance, not awareness. They want you thinking about stupid things like celebrity gossip and pseudo-social issues like "gay rights in the military", etc. Why do you think they spend hours covering such useless and irrelevant topics, and when they cover more important subjects, they only have a few minutes due to "time constraints"? They cater to the stupid, and insult the intelligence of the wise every day. They are idiots who demand YOU to be an idiot too.

You are a slave, puppet, and toy to your slave masters and controllers. That's all you are. These slave masters have engineered the deaths of millions before all throughout history, through all sorts of ways you couldn't even begin to imagine. So what value are you to them? You're just an ant to them.

Why else do you think world events are insane and irrational? Why do you think there is so much unnecessary suffering, unnecessary wars and bloodshed? Why can't logic, reason and common sense solve the world's problems like it should? Obviously its cause your slave masters doesn’t want peace and harmony. They are nothing like you. They do not think like you and they have no empathy with you at all. You're just a toy to them, and an exposable one. Their plans and agenda are unknown to you, and if you knew what they were, it'd be far too disturbing for you to accept. So it's better you don't know.

All we know for sure is that these "slave masters" do not thrive on peace, justice and harmony, but on suffering, stress, fear, conflict, division, inequity, etc. for that is exactly what they have created and engineered all throughout history. They've engineered and funded wars, revolutions, oppression, famines, mass murders, global events, assassinations, terrorist attacks, etc. while feeding the public lies and cover stories about them (aka the official version of history and events). Do a little research and you will find this out. Look up for example, which organizations and individuals funded Adolf Hitler and brought him to power, which you were never told in school, and the "hidden hands" become apparent.

Had they wanted to, the controllers could have engineered a peaceful harmonious world centuries ago. But they didn't and have their reasons. They are not reasons you would be able to understand or accept though, for they are not like you and do not think like you. You can't comprehend them. All you can do is realize the truth about your enslaved existence and how you are controlled and programmed, so that you can "wake up" so to speak.

Now, whether there is a grand conspiracy at the top (e.g. Illuminate, Bilderberg, Secret Societies) and what forces are behind them (Satan, demons, interdimensional beings, etc.) and how high up they go, are all subject to debate. However, what we do know for sure is that we are mind controlled and enslaved. That much is certain.

Moreover, as part of the control system, virtually everything that can set you free has been painted as evil. As one fan of David Ickes put it: "Everything that can set you free has been painted as evil... It's called the "scarecrow technique" and it's used for basically everything that might set us free - through a variety of mindless religions, such as science scepticism, Judaeo Christianity, anti-drug, capitalism, and psychiatry. If people are screaming "evil", there's a good chance so long as it's not hurting someone, that it is actually the path to freedom."
The more you think about all this and meditate on it, the more obvious it all becomes - that you are enslaved, living an enslavement existence and that your mind and beliefs are programmed (not with truth). Along with this realization comes a sense of helplessness and hopelessness, which is natural since after all, what can you do against a whole global system of enslavement, propaganda and mind control? You can't change it, so isn't it better you remain ignorant and not realize the truth?

These are all very disturbing realizations no doubt. It is not pleasant to realize all this. I won't lie to you about that. This is not just about government being corrupt (which everyone already knows). This goes far beyond that into the fact that most of everything you've been told about the world turns out to be false. As Mark Twain said, "The trouble with the world is not that people know too little, but that they know so many things that ain't so."

But it is liberating though, in that once you realize that you were a programmed slave all along, and woken up from it, you are finally free to set your own path and destiny, think for yourself, and realize what you truly are and have been all along - infinite consciousness.

That is why the Nero character in "The Matrix" chose to take the "red pill". He knew that when he woke up and discovered the truth about reality, it would be very disturbing and unpleasant. But as Frederic Nietze said, "No price is too high to pay for the value of owning yourself."

You can take solace in this though. If our universe is holographic and fractal in nature, then any change in one of its parts affects the fabric of the whole. Thus, your awakening does affect the matrix as a whole, similar to the so called "Hundredth Monkey Effect". As Gandhi said, "You must become the change you wish to see in the world.
Do we now live in a Totalitarian society, has it crept up on us while we were busy worrying about the gossip in the street or the lives of our favourite soap operas, do we now live in a Panopticon world, what do you casual reader think.
Total (or totalitarian rule) is a political system where the state, usually under the control of a single political person, faction, or class, recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible. Totalitarianism is generally characterized by the coincidence of authoritarianism (where ordinary citizens have less significant share in state decision-making) and ideology (a pervasive scheme of values promulgated by institutional means to direct most if not all aspects of public and private life).
Totalitarian regimes or movements stay political power through an all-encompassing propaganda disseminated through the state-controlled mass media, a single party that is often marked by personality cultism, control over the economy, regulation and restriction of speech, mass surveillance, and widespread use of state terrorism.
We are told that what the government is doing is for our benefit and the good of the country, but is it really? After all its politicians telling us this, do you trust them? We are only told what they want us to here and not the real truth.
Here in the U.K they say that the treasury is bankrupt but money is still found to send aid abroad, how can this be if no money is available?
There is a big outcry about Wikileaks revealing the cables from the United States and all of a sudden Julien Assange is hit with a spurious sexual assault charge and calls are made for him to be tried for treason/espionage, he’s Australian so cannot be charged under U.S laws, or executed, the majority of the cables could be classed as office gossip and as for revealing sites that are possible targets, what does it matter you can bet your dollars the terrorists already know them. All kinds of opinion exist to this subject but read between the lines, an erosion of free speech and the machinations of a government that believes it is above all others.

X-ray vans that can see through walls--and clothes--hit America's streets. Nervous yet?

AS&E's vans can be driven past stationary vehicles to scan their contents or parked to see the innards of passing cars and trucks
With all the fuss about the T.S.A and the backscatter scanners not a lot of people are aware that backscatter vans are patrolling the streets of the U.S as well.
Privacy-conscious travellers may cringe to think of the full-body scanners finding their way into dozens of airport checkpoints around the country. Most likely aren't aware that the same technology, capable of seeing through walls and clothes, has also been rolling out on U.S. streets.
American Science & Engineering ( ASEI - news - people ), a company based in Billerica, Mass., has sold U.S. and foreign government agencies more than 500 backscatter X-ray scanners mounted in vans that can be driven past neighbouring vehicles or cargo containers to snoop into their contents. And while the biggest buyer of AS&E's machines over the last seven years has been the Department of Defence for operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, the company says law enforcement agencies have also been using them domestically, deploying the roving scanners to search for vehicle-based roadside bombs in American cities. "This product is now the largest-selling cargo and vehicle inspection system ever," says Joseph Reiss, AS&E's vice president of marketing.
These vans could look through your walls at what you’re doing.

Has our privacy has been eroded piece by piece while we were looking the other way?

He sees you when you're sleeping; he knows when you're awake…

…and by “he” I mean not Santa Claus. That’s a fictional character. That would be ridiculous. No I mean “Big Brother”, the ever watchful eye in the sky.

In today’s high tech, high anxiety world- the increases in surveillance have been astronomical. From the oft publicised wire-tapping (now wrapped up in Congress hashing out a bill to find whether phone companies should be held liable for handing over records without consent to the gov’t) to the ever present security cameras that now perch looking down on so many street corners, it goes to reason that we are no longer ever alone, and
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