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One of the ancients,once said that poetry is "the mirror of the perfect soul." Instead of simply writing down travel notes or, not really thinking about the consequences, expressing your thoughts, memories or on paper, the poetic soul needs to seriously work hard to clothe the perfect content in an even more perfect poetic form.
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Read books online Ā» Poetry Ā» QUEST by Keith R (Bob) Perry (free e novels .txt) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«QUEST by Keith R (Bob) Perry (free e novels .txt) šŸ“–Ā». Author Keith R (Bob) Perry

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that God tells of love and knowledge being the keys to eternity in Paradise though you will never know what lies beyond the grave, because with the current set-up, if you did you would be dead.

Verse 91
Perhaps ā€˜life after deathā€™ is a means of control;
A story used by Kings, Presidents and Priests.
They may not all at the same time
Know the truth of this deception.

If Kings, Presidents and Priests throughout the ages were perhaps losing their influence, they would put the ā€˜fear of Godā€™ and ā€˜life after deathā€™ syndrome into their respective subjects, citizens or flock as a means of control.
These hundred verses are designed to stimulate oneā€™s interest in such matters. Bon voyage!
Your life might be a slumber
Interrupted by moments of vision
Or a life of vision
Interrupted by moments of slumber.

I shall arise and take myself to great heights.
I shall do this until the sun
Will cease to warm
The far reaches of my heart.

How long are you prepared to slumber?
Will this reconnoitre be your lifeā€™s judgement
Be deemed by God, fate or luck?
Fear not, oneā€™s lifeā€™s mould be set beforehand.

Page 1
Is it possible
To predict your time?
Though lifeā€™s time
Will surely unfold.

Please consider this?
One asks, ā€œWhat can I
Consciously oppose or enjoy?ā€
ā€œWhat is the worth of my free willā€?

As I gaze at the moon and stars,
As I gaze at the might of the Universe,
Could my lifeā€™s work
Have a single speck of worth or influence?

Page 2

How could my thoughts,
Paramount to my life,
Influence a grain of sand
On the beaches and deserts of the Universe.

Perhaps you and I could alter this speck of existence
Where there are two today
Tomorrow there will be three.
Will the Universe end in the nothing it began with?

Should we not ask ourselves,
ā€œAre we the masters of our own livesā€?
ā€œDo we control our environmentā€?
ā€œDoes our environment control usā€?

Page 3

ā€œIs it a melodrama of blending
Where bits and pieces give and take?
Or does it affect people
Individually and differently?ā€

Maybe we should put aside an empty glass
And give this some thought:
To those who wish to party on, be it so!
For those who will decree, there will be a difference.

I sweeten the grain of the field
With the nectar of the flower:
Sometimes I drink deeply from the cup
That life proffers forth.

Page 4

Times that thieve my agility of youth
And turns it into the pains of age:
Should I suffer that which is dealt to me
Be it from Man or the Heavens.

Should I fight my life through
Or should I look for pleasurable pursuits?
Many have this question answered.
I am sure that many will change their mind.

By the broadening of lifeā€™s pleasures
Or the narrowing of lifeā€™s pain,
Do I deviate from lifeā€™s path?
Perhaps Iā€™m meant to wonder through this wilderness.

Page 5

The progress of knowledge from father to son
Or from teacher to scholar can only benefit Humanity
Though I ask, ā€œIs this the goal of Humanityā€?
ā€œIs this the purpose of Humanityā€.

Were there beings in the Galaxy
That once breathed a soul
Into an ape like creature
On the planet Earth a long time ago.

I once demanded to know
Who was in charge of it all?
The reply came back as resounding laughter,
ā€œSurely you donā€™t think that someone is in chargeā€.

Page 6

A day is as a thousand years
A thousand years is as a day;
Jesus has been away a couple of days ā€“ perhaps?
Should this be so, when will He return?

What will He do if He does return?
Or has He been here all the time?
Of paramount importance to humanity
Is the concept of its religion.

I ask, ā€œHow many religions are there on the planet Earthā€
ā€œHow many religions exist in the Universeā€?
Could we be so pompous as to say
ā€œOnly mine is the true oneā€.

Page 7

The vast majority of Earthā€™s religions
Believe in the concept of there being a ā€˜Godā€™.
Will beings on other planets of the Galaxy believe in our God?
I cannot be any surer than you.

Itā€™s interwoven throughout the structure of the Humanity
That true Christians would fight to the death
To defend Christianity. Islam has its Holy Wars.
These fights are sometimes mixed with Ethnic Cleansing.

The incredible entity called ā€˜Manā€™;
Why does it ingest toxins on a daily bases?
They are slowly destroying themselves and their habitat.
There are those who poison their minds too.

Page 8

We must ask why?
Surely this is a tragedy?
Will Doctors, Engineers, Poets and Saints save the day?
Or will there be an unstoppable tragedy regardless?

In the pool of human endeavour,
Derived from the pool of thought,
Many achieve great wisdom
Of glory, of industry or in the Fate of Humanity.

However when the Angel with the darker drink
Invites one Soul to cross the Universe,
Oneā€™s earthly wisdom becomes as one with a slave
Who has no wisdom at all.

Page 9

This day in my time and presence on Earth,
I ask my Soul if the rich man
And the peasant departs equally.
How then do we gain credits in Heaven?

Does it matter in Godā€™s eyes?
Then I ask, ā€œWhat does God want of usā€?
If I had my say before my time on Earth
And you also, my friend, would we abstain?

Why would we leave Paradise
For our earthly existence
With the chance that after we depart
We might end up in hell?

Page 10

Is Heaven and Hell a figment of our imagination
Nurtured by Priests for their ā€˜bowl of riceā€™>
Do they know something we donā€™t, or is it a figment
Of their imagination used as a control mechanism?

Should one have taken on a Mistress
And live oneā€™s life enjoying sweet delicacies.
Would this be enough to justify
Oneā€™s birth and death?

Does God need us as much as we need Him?
What of the other Gods of humanity
Thorough out the centuries? Today I ask myself
ā€œAre there different path to enlightenmentā€?

Page 11

Is the holy Bible the true way?
Or is it the holy Koran?
Their respective Priests
Would preach that theirs is the truth.

Maybe itā€™s the way of the Hindu or the Buddhist.
Why did the Christian God outdo the Roman Godā€™s?
Were the long-term effects of the Roman Gods decadent
Or did the Christian God suit better?

I wonder how long the Christian
Concept of their God will last?
Or will His truth fulfil the hearts
And aspirations of Humanity better?

Page 12

Is Earth just a ā€˜horn of plentyā€™ to serve Humanity
Or did Earth bear us, as insignificant as we are,
To treat us as being of Natureā€™s loins
To return us back into nothing?

Who is more precious, a baby or an old Woman or Man?
Does Mother Nature care?
Or should we be satisfied that Christianity tells us
That we are all equal in Godā€™s eyes?

Were it in our hands to change things
What would Humanities dreams change of it?
How would you change it all?
Would it be fair to all Humanity?

Page 13

Please donā€™t accuse me of blasphemy
As I am as curious as you, my friend?
Are the days of our lives really numbered?
Could you change a single day?

Is the life of a man
Putty in a strong manā€™s hands?
Or is God alone
Capable of changing fate?

When your heart stops beating and your Soul leaves your body
And your body is buried or burnt
What part of your existence does your Soul take with it?
If it does not take anything, how is God to judge?

Page 14

When you donā€™t sleep at night
Is it because you wonā€™t farewell yesterday?
Is it because you have problems with tomorrow?
Be at peace with what the night offers.

Is faith sufficient? Is the written word enough?
Should we seek further enlightenment?
Or should we not blaspheme
And accept it as the Priests tell us?

When you meet God, would you offend Him?
Or would you admit to His immeasurable love?
If it is not His immeasurable love
Please teach me its other name?

Page 15

I ask myself, ā€œWhat is Godā€™s purposeā€?
If indeed He has a purpose
Or is there simply no God at all?
The Bible tells us there is.

Why does Humanity need religion?
Do some people need to be guided
To maintain their values?
Or do you think they can carry on regardless?

We have the religion of the Jews
The Atheists of Japan,
The faith of the Irish,
Where are you at?

Page 16

The Christians, the Jews, the Moslems and the Atheists;
Each offers the true way of life, as seen through their eyes.
Should we waste our time trying to understand
Or should we blindly accept the faith of our forefathers.

Do we have a duty towards Humanity
To discover the truth that hides
Behind the veil of uncertainty
To discover the answer of the ultimate question?

Does the truth lie in some library somewhere in the Universe?
Is it in the Holy Books of Humanity?
Is the truth a ā€˜blind manā€™s understandingā€™?
Will faith see us through?

Page 17

Should the 26 letters of the alphabet be used
To educate and guide us along lifeā€™s pathway.
Then will the millions of words derived from these 26 letters
Guide Humanity onto the true pathway?

Do we ponder over these matters
In the evening of our life
Just in case itā€™s true?
Would it make us feel secure?

Do we need spiritual insurance?
Should we have blind faith?
Can you prove it all to me conclusively?
There are those who think they can.

Page 18

What of the confidence tricksters
Who claim to have all the answers?
All religions have their share.
And all religions have their unanswerable mysteries.

The great empires that have culminated in Humanitiesā€™ glories,
Have come and gone throughout the centuries.
Each claim their empire is the best ever
Though now their mouths are stopped with dust!

A tear from Caesarā€™s eye proffered forth in a Golden Goblet
Is loved by some more than a glass of wine.
Do you aspire towards the Golden Goblet or the glass of wine?
Or just for a glass of water, perhaps?

Page 19

Are our lives a joke?
What do you recommend to me?
Do these words of mine point
To a different point of view?

Maybe itā€™s my life thatā€™s the joke.
Maybe itā€™s yours.
Maybe itā€™s everybodyā€™s.
Maybe it is all so very serious.

If a man could fathom the mysteries of life
And take them with him to the next world,
Would anything
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