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One of the ancients,once said that poetry is "the mirror of the perfect soul." Instead of simply writing down travel notes or, not really thinking about the consequences, expressing your thoughts, memories or on paper, the poetic soul needs to seriously work hard to clothe the perfect content in an even more perfect poetic form.
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What is poetry?

Reading books RomanceThe unity of form and content is what distinguishes poetry from other areas of creativity. However, this is precisely what titanic work implies.
Not every citizen can become a poet. If almost every one of us, at different times, under the influence of certain reasons or trends, was engaged in writing his thoughts, then it is unlikely that the vast majority will be able to admit to themselves that they are a poet.
Genre of poetry touches such strings in the human soul, the existence of which a person either didn’t suspect, or lowered them to the very bottom, intending to give them delight.

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Read books online » Poetry » WHITE DOWN by JOE PARENTE (book series to read .txt) 📖

Book online «WHITE DOWN by JOE PARENTE (book series to read .txt) 📖». Author JOE PARENTE

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case you miss this deal, it’ll be offered again during your next meal.
If after four times of hearing this tale, don’t worry, you’ll find it cheap at the next garage sale.


Go on now put bait on your hook cast it out as far as you look.
Be patient as you have ever been because one of these days you’ll haul a big one in.
It could be a bass a trout or a crappie, I’m proud of you son you’ve made me so happy.
Now that the first one is now in the net, let’s get another on the hook you can set.

[Twenty, thirty, ninety minutes away, not a bite in sight and it starts to rain.]

Well now boy here’s what I say, where not going to catch any more this day
I brought my line in, turning the lever, and it came down now, faster then ever.
Now it was pouring down the back of my neck, soaking me faster than all heck.
Son, come on now we’ve got to go, can’t get any wetter let’s go.
He waited and waited and he stood his ground, staying still, refusing to budge or move around.
Stomping my feet I was getting so bored; I wanted to go it was well past four.
I was getting wetter and colder, totally soppier.
My boy started to point Hey, Look at my bobber!
He was fighting it hard and soft when needed, making sure he landed it fully defeated!

I looked at him.
I then looked down.
That’s the biggest fish that’s come out of this pond!

I don’t know how I felt, I was both jealous and proud, his eyes were so big, and His whooping was loud.

I had taken him out there to teach him that day, but I learned the lesson that’s here to stay.

Dinner that night was really delish, especially when your son can teach you to fish! jfp

Nurture to develop

Be nice in front of your Ma!
She didn’t raise you to give her no jaw!
She's been through a lot, even wiping your snot.
Therefore, you best be good to your Ma.

There’s more than one reason for being real good.
And I’m not counting all that good food.
She’s sacrificed time, money, and youth.
She scrubbed, and washed to keep you clean too.
Not only being the very best cook, she hugged you
And, loved you, as no other one could.
Remember the time when tying your shoes? I’ll tell you now,
She taught you that too.
How many times did you raise up your feet? As she ran the
Vacuum underneath.
She’s done so many things during your schooling.
“Grow up now and stop that fooling”
Now that I’ve opened you eyes a little wider, I am sure your
Memory expanded much higher.
The moment that I am sure you cannot recall, while a baby
You were deeply inside her.
Your Mother can recall so very much more,
Even the time before you were born.

Now that your older with your own fear and questions.
Mom is still there to guide your directions.

Have some respect not like a baboon, or Mom will get out that big Wooden spoon!



Sow seed,
So, grow.
Grow seed.
More grow.
I seed sow.

Too Dumb To Plumb

Did you ever wonder why
Plumbers’ prices are sky high?
If you’ve attempted to do the task,
Questions of price you’d never ask.
Fixing just a leaking faucet,
Will make you wonder what caused it.
By the time, you get the proper tool,
You will know the reason for plumbers school.
Now you get into the learned art,
Of finding where to buy the right part.
You explain your problem at the hardware store.
You find they don’t make that part anymore.
Four more trips to a different store.
The pieces you need? Ten visits or more.
Now it’s time to fix this leak.
A one-hour job feels like a week!
When the true test is closest to done.
It’s time to turn the water back on.
Surprise; surprise every pipe you had to touch.
Feelings of proudness for doing it yourself
De-flatted quickly when pipes leaked just as much.
Cussing, slamming and banging the wall,
You now are in trouble with no water at all.

The money and time you spent made you miffed.
Not using a plumber was only a myth.
Grabbing the phone book and making that call,
The plumber fixes your problem in one hour that’s all.
It’s times like this that make you scream.
Just do not succumb to that old pipe dream.


Whiskey’s a lot darker than scotch for those that are on the watch.
Some people think that if the stuff were lighter a darker drink would be mightier.
I wish I could enjoy a vodka, but to me the sensation doesn’t sock ya.
I really don’t care for brandy, just tasting too much like candy.
For a drink I could take or leave I could say it’s an aperitif.
Most hated are gimlets with gin.Someone left those little onions in.
The starter could be a Manhattan. That’s the one with the cherry.
One that makes me sweaty with fear is someone handing me a warm beer.
No matter which one is your choice, raise your glass so you may rejoice.

Salute` and happy holiday!

Sales Creed

Take the highway
Drive all night
Client there, price it fair.
Move on down to next town.
When in sight, price it right.
Follow through, until you do,
You’re not through.
Repeat this action, give satisfaction.
Someday you’ll lunch,
With the same bunch.
They’ll buy you pie.
If you never lie.

One Head is Better Than You

Here you go changing the rules almost when I’ve finished the project.
We worked well into the night, are you sure it’s not right? Can’t we use some logic?
Look, I’ll do as I’m told but if I may be so bold, I’d like to make this suggestion.
If we lower this one side and turn this one inside I think that should put an end to this session.
The changes I’m planning won’t require extra manning. I know that we’ll finish on time.
Well? What shall we do? Two heads are better than two, besides you’ll get all the credit.

This is taking longer, but I’ll be back I’ve got to go to the shack to look at the plan to edit.

I’ll drive up the dozer as you think it over I’ll need to see Mr. B.

Yes sir now you say, we can do it that way? And now you want to get started?
Now don’t you get lost when you talk to your boss because they just gave your job to me

Plush Mush

Accumulating plush animals is not a favorite pursuit of mine.
Can you explain the true objective?
Could fantasy be the soft and cuddly pastime?
Do the colors you collect have any effect?
Why does this minor obsession make such a major impression?

All this fuzz is quite a distraction.
This confusing pile is a total abstraction.
Egrets, moose, piranha, and a goose,
Stack them neat! They’re all loose.
I can’t tell what you’re collecting, lots of plush or lots of dust?

Hey! Look at that one there!
I’ve never seen that kind of bear!
It’s ears, it’s fur, why you giant lug!
Can I give him a gigantic hug?
Oh gee! Oh wow! What a beautiful cow!

I can see now; I’ve changed my mind.
I’d like to know where you got that kind.
By the way, what would you take for that snake?
You know, to my recollection,
I’ve never seen a better collection!

Hate To Wait

The arrival was as expected at ten A.M. as predicted.
I moved on to the room, all persons hopeful to be called soon.
No activity, I spot just magazine readers but no bleeders.
One hour later sitting about, then I hear the old nurse shout.
Here we are! [She’s coming over], no not another form to cover.
No! “Insurance is the same, Yes, “I am here again”.

Now I’m ushered to a room “Take off your shirt he’ll be here soon”.
Oh! My god it’s cold in here! I should have come back next year.
The rustling out the door I hear, many people walking near.
He’s now an hour late or more, wondering when he’ll open the door.
Soon a clipboard starts to rattle; still more voices start to prattle.
I now hear the “two tap” knock when in he walks, wearing a pure white smock.
With a nod and half a smile, he just sits there a short while.
Then he asks, “How are we doing” at this moment I think of suing.
He does a rapid blood pressure exam saying now I need a scan.
Now I’m speaking “Hey! What for, I just came in for this sore”.
You know it’s all this dance and song. He says, “I must do this, I can’t be wrong”
All this took was ten minutes as I chewed my nails to little nibbets.

By the time I went through this ordeal, the wound I came in for starts to heal.
As I said “Thank you” and began to walk, I could hear him next door with that doctor talk.

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