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One of the ancients,once said that poetry is "the mirror of the perfect soul." Instead of simply writing down travel notes or, not really thinking about the consequences, expressing your thoughts, memories or on paper, the poetic soul needs to seriously work hard to clothe the perfect content in an even more perfect poetic form.
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What is poetry?

Reading books RomanceThe unity of form and content is what distinguishes poetry from other areas of creativity. However, this is precisely what titanic work implies.
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Read books online » Poetry » Secret Desires Of The Heart by Melissa Willingham (android e book reader .txt) 📖

Book online «Secret Desires Of The Heart by Melissa Willingham (android e book reader .txt) 📖». Author Melissa Willingham

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it cast shadows upon the fallen snow. I listened to the lonely howling of a wolf somewhere off in the distance. Somehow I could strangely relate to that sense of urgency and desperation I heard in the creature’s pained cries for a mate.

For I, too, had yearned for someone to lie beside at night, sharing the comfort of an embrace, the passion of a kiss. I had longed for the warmth of a naked body pressed closely against mine, of being joined together in a perfect union.

Indeed, I understood the emptiness of leading a loveless existence and the futility of pursuing a happiness that always seemed just out of reach. Peace proved elusive to me, yet easily attainable for others. Suddenly, I knew somehow with utmost certainty that I and the wolf were one, soul mates ‘til the very end.

"Missing You"

Written for Keith and dedicated to Deniece.

You came into my life making it bright
and you sparkled just like a ray of light
you made me feel special, truly loved
we fit together like a hand and glove

Since we’re apart, I can’t forget you
a life without you makes me feel blue
I wish you’d give our love another chance
we can start over, have a new romance

If you only realized how I’m missing you
you would know my heart needs you
without you here, life isn’t the same
I come alive when someone says your name

Although I didn’t always treat you very kind
you were still the only woman on my mind
I’ll never regret the times we have spent
I wish you knew all that they have meant

With our marriage came lovely children
but with no family, my heart won’t mend
and if you ever decided to take me back
I will fulfill all the dreams that we lacked

I love you so much more than you know
at times I’m so lonely that the tears flow
you are beautiful and if you tell me I can
I’ll be all you have ever wanted in a man

Stranger of Deceit

My name is Steve, formerly known as Derrick. Anyway, I want to tell you a story about an angel, who came into my life. Her name is Vanessa. She changed me and she saved me. I don’t know how or when it happened, yet suddenly I realized that I’d become a different person and afterwards, I was never the same man again.

Before she appeared, I was cold and heartless, devoid of basic human emotions or so I thought anyway. I didn’t care about anyone or anything. I’d never experienced the joys of loving someone or being loved by someone.

I had no idea that anything was even missing from my life. But, she helped me to realize just how lonely and desperate I was, for someone special to end my loneliness. She filled the void in my heart that I didn’t even know existed. She met a need that I didn’t even know I had.

She was truly an angel, sent from God above, down to this earth. And somehow she turned a hard, tough, cruel man like me, into a loving, compassionate, generous soul. I am forever grateful to her, for she is now my loving, beautiful wife.

"Beautiful Inspiration"

You're such a beautiful inspiration
you fill me with sweet sensations
how refreshing you are to me

I can't begin to describe
what I'm feeling inside
when you hold me near
and whisper in my ear

I never knew someone like you
even existed on this earth
You're someone I value highly
there is so much you are worth

A man of faith, a man of honor
a man of whom I often ponder
Your gorgeous smile and
your breathtaking eyes
always seem to mesmerize

I'm so happy we've met
you're someone I'll never forget
I will always remember you
to your heart, I would be true, forever


A muse, a mirage, a mask
incognito, hidden identity
that's what you are to me
Wish I could figure you out

When you tell me of your dreams
things are never what they seem
and I don't mean to make demands
about your silly kind of plans
But, you simply confound the wise
with your profound complexities

You're an enigma, such a mystery
oh, like a jigsaw puzzle to me
one moment you treat me nice
next moment, you're cold as ice
Yet I find myself so captivated
my feelings must be investigated

When you tell me that we will wed
will it be before we're both dead
or before you change your mind
sometimes you can be so unkind
If only I could reach out to you
and find some way to break through

You're an enigma, such a mystery
oh, like a novel of intrigue to me
one moment you hold me dear
next moment, don't want me near
Still I find myself smitten by you
and I don't know what I should do

If only I could reach out to you
and find some way to break through
then I think we would find happiness
and our lives would be so blessed
There is no one else meant for me
oh, how I love you, my sweet mystery

“Warm, Summer Rain”

Once again, I awoke to the sound of machines and hammering. It was outside my house, where a new wing was being added on. After I arose, showered and dressed, I ventured outdoors. My eyes perused the group of construction workers who were hard at work.

I couldn’t help but admire the way the sweat glistened on their tanned, muscular arms. The blazing sun beat down relentlessly upon the men as my eyes traveled over them one-by-one. I settled my gaze upon you, the foreman, the object of my desire.

I’d been brought up to behave like a proper, good girl. I was trained to restrain myself and be virtuous. I shouldn’t lust after a blue collar worker.

My place was supposed to be with a white collar professional. Even so, there was no way to contain the arousal you brought to life within me.

Out of all of those sexy men, it was you that I wanted. I longed to get my hands on you and wrap my legs around you. I knew you felt the same way about me.

Both of us seemed to feel a powerful attraction surging between us, so intense, so magical. I knew you yearned to have your way with me, too.

So, later that night, I invited you to stay after the other workmen went home. You accepted my offer and we went over some of the building plans together. As we walked around in the yard, I pointed at various areas needing renovation.

All of a sudden, an unexpected rainstorm erupted from the sky, completely drenching us. Our eyes met and suddenly you reached for me, tugging me into your arms.

The red, Georgia clay from your hands dirtied and streaked my milky white, pristine skin. It started seeping into my ivory sundress, but I didn’t care. Nothing else mattered, except for that moment.

Your mouth hungrily covered mine and our tongues intermingled. We began to tear at one another’s clothes impatiently. We were both anxious to be naked, to feel the sensation of skin against skin. We fell to the ground, as the rain washed over us.

We were oblivious to anything except the need to touch, to taste, to explore with frenzied passion. Then we joined together urgently, as you filled me with your desire, which was matched by my own. We thrust together in perfect unison, over and over again. At last, we simultaneously achieved our release. The rain pounded us with a steady rhythm and rhyme.

Finally, we regained our senses and realized where we were. With joyous laughter, we rose up and rushed inside of the house, to continue our beautiful love-making. There was no doubt that this was the beginning of a wonderful relationship between us.

"For the Love of You"

Sweet, beautiful you, love in my life now
you mean more to me than anyone somehow
Looking deep into your eyes, I make a vow
to love you more than the law will allow

When I touch you tenderly and hold you close
I realize your love will always mean the most
With you I'm free and all I ever wanted to be
I'm so full of life, my heart is on my sleeve

I will always be here for you any day or night
leaving you behind, don't think I ever might
Keep me held safely, snugly, with you so tight
to break up our marriage is no one's right

Let me be the only woman you really love again
you're my everything, my freedom, you're my man
I'm living for the love of you and that is all
the feelings we share will never fail or fall

When I first saw you, I saw forever, true love
compared to everyone else, you're placed above
This is fate and destiny, we'll never be apart
for all eternity, two minds exist as one heart

"Looking for Love"

I'd like a date with my future mate
someone who will care and share
My beauty is more than skin-deep
at times, I'm just like a sheep
mild and meek, fragile and weak

I can only offer to you my heart
and the fact that I'm very smart
sometimes I'm so nervous and shy
but to my credit, at least, I do try
Where on earth could my love be?
why must he be out running free
when he should be here with me?

I'm still looking for love and
waiting for a sign from up above
I long for a man to hold my hand
and by my side to forever stand
our covenant sealed with a band

"Memories of Titanic"

This poem was inspired by the film, "Titanic".

Now you're gone, how can this be
I lost you to a roaring, raging sea
you were here but now you're gone
I must find the strength to carry on
you left me here, alone and cold
with nothing left for me to hold
My power will come from up above
easing the ache from our lost love

I thought that we were meant to be
but now you're a part of the sea
I hope and pray your soul is free
Love, you no longer belong to me
yet, I'll always possess a part of you
our baby, that I've given birth to
and all the memories of Titanic

"Mystery Man"

His voice is music to my ears
it's what I'm yearning to hear
He calms and soothes my fears
I dream one day he'll be near

Who could this mystery man be
who brings so much life to me?
Why does he make me feel alive
awakening what was cold inside?

Dare I imagine he just might be
the special man God chose for me?
I might somehow wish he is mine
a chosen love that will be divine

Yet I will wait and believe for
God to show me what lies in store
The Lord will lead me to the face
of the man my heart won't erase

He will guide us throughout time
according to His rhythm and rhyme
If we are to be, then we'll know
and our love will gradually grow

“My Bodyguard, My Chauffeur”

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