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v. 57. A yellow purse.] The arms of the Gianfigliazzi of Florence.


v. 60. Another.] Those of the Ubbriachi, another Florentine family of high distinction.


v. 62. A fat and azure swine.] The arms of the Scrovigni a noble family of Padua.


v. 66. Vitaliano.] Vitaliano del Dente, a Paduan.


v. 69. That noble knight.] Giovanni Bujamonti, a Florentine usurer, the most infamous of his time.




v. 28. With us beyond.] Beyond the middle point they tended the same way with us, but their pace was quicker than ours.


v. 29. E’en thus the Romans.] In the year 1300, Pope Boniface VIII., to remedy the inconvenience occasioned by the press of people who were passing over the bridge of St. Angelo during the time of the Jubilee, caused it to be divided length wise by a partition, and ordered, that all those who were going to St.

Peter’s should keep one side, and those returning the other.


v. 50. Venedico.] Venedico Caccianimico, a Bolognese, who prevailed on his sister Ghisola to prostitute herself to Obizzo da Este, Marquis of Ferrara, whom we have seen among the tyrants, Canto XII.


v. 62. To answer Sipa.] He denotes Bologna by its situation between the rivers Savena to the east, and Reno to the west of that city; and by a peculiarity of dialect, the use of the affirmative sipa instead of si.


v. 90. Hypsipyle.] See Appolonius Rhodius, l. i. and Valerius Flaccus l.ii. Hypsipyle deceived the other women by concealing her father Thoas, when they had agreed to put all their males to death.


v. 120. Alessio.] Alessio, of an ancient and considerable family in Lucca, called the Interminei.


v. 130. Thais.] He alludes to that passage in the Eunuchus of Terence where Thraso asks if Thais was obliged to him for the present he had sent her, and Gnatho replies, that she had expressed her obligation in the most forcible terms.

T. Magnas vero agere gratias Thais mihi?

G. Ingentes.

Eun. a. iii. s. i.




v. 18. Saint John’s fair dome.] The apertures in the rock were of the same dimensions as the fonts of St. John the Baptist at Florence, one of which, Dante says he had broken, to rescue a child that was playing near and fell in. He intimates that the motive of his breaking the font had been maliciously represented by his enemies.


v. 55. O Boniface!] The spirit mistakes Dante for Boniface VIII. who was then alive, and who he did not expect would have arrived so soon, in consequence, as it should seem, of a prophecy, which predicted the death of that Pope at a later period. Boniface died in 1303.


v. 58. In guile.] “Thou didst presume to arrive by fraudulent means at the papal power, and afterwards to abuse it.”


v. 71. In the mighty mantle I was rob’d.] Nicholas III, of the Orsini family, whom the poet therefore calls “figliuol dell’

orsa,” “son of the she-bear.” He died in 1281.


v. 86. From forth the west, a shepherd without law.] Bertrand de Got Archbishop of Bordeaux, who succeeded to the pontificate in 1305, and assumed the title of Clement V. He transferred the holy see to Avignon in 1308 (where it remained till 1376), and died in 1314.


v. 88. A new Jason.] See Maccabees, b. ii. c. iv. 7,8.


v. 97. Nor Peter.] Acts of the Apostles, c.i. 26.


v. 100. The condemned soul.] Judas.


v. 103. Against Charles.] Nicholas III. was enraged against Charles I, King of Sicily, because he rejected with scorn a proposition made by that Pope for an alliance between their families. See G. Villani, Hist. l. vii. c. liv.


v. 109. Th’ Evangelist.] Rev. c. xvii. 1, 2, 3. Compare Petrarch. Opera fol. ed. Basil. 1551. Epist. sine titulo liber.

ep. xvi. p. 729.


v. 118. Ah, Constantine.] He alludes to the pretended gift of the Lateran by Constantine to Silvester, of which Dante himself seems to imply a doubt, in his treatise “De Monarchia.” - “Ergo scindere Imperium, Imperatori non licet. Si ergo aliquae, dignitates per Constantinum essent alienatae, (ut dicunt) ab Imperio,” &c. l. iii.

The gift is by Ariosto very humorously placed in the moon, among the things lost or abused on earth.

Di varj fiori, &c.

O. F. c. xxxiv. st. 80.


Milton has translated both this passage and that in the text.

Prose works, vol. i. p. 11. ed. 1753.




v. 11. Revers’d.] Compare Spenser, F. Q. b. i. c. viii. st. 31


v. 30. Before whose eyes.] Amphiaraus, one of the seven kings who besieged Thebes. He is said to have been swallowed up by an opening of the earth. See Lidgate’s Storie of Thebes, Part III where it is told how the “Bishop Amphiaraus” fell down to hell.

And thus the devill for his outrages, Like his desert payed him his wages.

A different reason for his being doomed thus to perish is assigned by Pindar.


Nem ix.


For thee, Amphiaraus, earth, By Jove’s all-riving thunder cleft Her mighty bosom open’d wide, Thee and thy plunging steeds to hide, Or ever on thy back the spear Of Periclymenus impress’d

A wound to shame thy warlike breast For struck with panic fear The gods’ own children flee.


v. 37. Tiresias.]

Duo magnorum viridi coeuntia sylva Corpora serpentum baculi violaverat ictu, &c.

Ovid. Met. iii.


v. 43. Aruns.] Aruns is said to have dwelt in the mountains of Luni (from whence that territory is still called Lunigiana), above Carrara, celebrated for its marble. Lucan. Phars. l. i.

575. So Boccaccio in the Fiammetta, l. iii. “Quale Arunte,” &c.


“Like Aruns, who amidst the white marbles of Luni, contemplated the celestial bodies and their motions.”


v. 50. Manto.] The daughter of Tiresias of Thebes, a city dedicated to Bacchus. From Manto Mantua, the country of Virgil derives its name. The Poet proceeds to describe the situation of that place.


v. 61. Between the vale.] The lake Benacus, now called the Lago di Garda, though here said to lie between Garda, Val Camonica, and the Apennine, is, however, very distant from the latter two


v. 63. There is a spot.] Prato di Fame, where the dioceses of Trento, Verona, and Brescia met.


v. 69. Peschiera.] A garrison situated to the south of the lake, where it empties itself and forms the Mincius.


v. 94. Casalodi’s madness.] Alberto da Casalodi, who had got possession of Mantua, was persuaded by Pinamonte Buonacossi, that he might ingratiate himself with the people by banishing to their own castles the nobles, who were obnoxious to them. No sooner was this done, than Pinamonte put himself at the head of the populace, drove out Casalodi and his adherents, and obtained the sovereignty for himself.


v. 111. So sings my tragic strain.]

Suspensi Eurypilum scitatum oracula Phoebi Mittimus.

Virg. Aeneid. ii. 14.


v. 115. Michael Scot.] Sir Michael Scott, of Balwearie, astrologer to the Emperor Frederick II. lived in the thirteenth century. For further particulars relating to this singular man, see Warton’s History of English Poetry, vol. i. diss. ii. and sect. ix. p 292, and the Notes to Mr. Scott’s “Lay of the Last Minstrel,” a poem in which a happy use is made of the traditions that are still current in North Britain concerning him. He is mentioned by G. Villani. Hist. l. x. c. cv. and cxli. and l. xii.

c. xviii. and by Boccaccio, Dec. Giorn. viii. Nov. 9.


v. 116. Guido Bonatti.] An astrologer of Forli, on whose skill Guido da Montefeltro, lord of that place, so much relied, that he is reported never to have gone into battle, except in the hour recommended to him as fortunate by Bonatti.


Landino and Vellutello, speak of a book, which he composed on the subject of his art.


v. 116. Asdente.] A shoemaker at Parma, who deserted his business to practice the arts of divination.


v. 123. Cain with fork of thorns.] By Cain and the thorns, or what is still vulgarly called the Man in the Moon, the Poet denotes that luminary. The same superstition is alluded to in the Paradise, Canto II. 52. The curious reader may consult Brand on Popular Antiquities, 4to. 1813. vol. ii. p. 476.




v. 7. In the Venetians’ arsenal.] Compare Ruccellai, Le Api, 165, and Dryden’s Annus Mirabilis, st. 146, &c.


v. 37. One of Santa Zita’s elders.] The elders or chief magistrates of Lucca, where Santa Zita was held in especial veneration. The name of this sinner is supposed to have been Martino Botaio.


v. 40. Except Bonturo, barterers.] This is said ironically of Bonturo de’ Dati. By barterers are meant peculators, of every description; all who traffic the interests of the public for their own private advantage.


v. 48. Is other swimming than in Serchio’s wave.]

Qui si nuota altrimenti che nel Serchio.

Serchio is the river that flows by Lucca. So Pulci, Morg. Mag.

c. xxiv.

Qui si nuota nel sangue, e non nel Serchio.


v. 92. From Caprona.] The surrender of the castle of Caprona to the combined forces of Florence and Lucca, on condition that the garrison should march out in safety, to which event Dante was a witness, took place in 1290. See G. Villani, Hist. l. vii. c.



v. 109. Yesterday.] This passage fixes the era of Dante’s descent at Good Friday, in the year 1300 (34 years from our blessed Lord’s incarnation being added to 1266), and at the thirty-fifth year of our poet’s age. See Canto I. v. 1.


The awful event alluded to, the Evangelists inform us, happened “at the ninth hour,” that is, our sixth, when “the rocks were rent,” and the convulsion, according to Dante, was felt even in the depths in Hell. See Canto XII. 38.




v. 16. In the church.] This proverb is repeated by Pulci, Morg.

Magg. c. xvii.


v. 47. Born in Navarre’s domain.] The name of this peculator is said to have been Ciampolo.


v. 51. The good king Thibault.] “Thibault I. king of Navarre, died on the 8th of June, 1233, as much to be commended for the desire he showed of aiding the war in the Holy Land, as reprehensible and faulty for his design of oppressing the rights and privileges of the church, on which account it is said that the whole kingdom was under an interdict for the space of three entire years. Thibault undoubtedly merits praise, as for his other endowments, so especially for his cultivation of the liberal arts, his exercise and knowledge of music and poetry in which he much excelled, that he was accustomed to compose verses and sing them to the viol, and to exhibit his poetical compositions publicly in his palace, that they might be criticized by all.” Mariana, History of Spain, b. xiii. c. 9.


An account of Thibault, and two of his songs, with what were probably the original melodies, may be seen in Dr. Burney’s History of Music, v. ii. c. iv. His poems, which are in the French language, were edited by M. l’Eveque de la Ravalliere.

Paris. 1742. 2 vol. 12mo. Dante twice quotes one of his verses in the Treatise de Vulg. Eloq. l. i. c. ix. and l. ii. c. v. and refers to him again, l. ii. c. vi.


From “the good king Thibault” are descended the good, but more unfortunate monarch, Louis XVI. of France, and consequently the present legitimate sovereign of that realm. See Henault, Abrege Chron. 1252, 2, 4.


v. 80. The friar Gomita.]

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