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One of the ancients,once said that poetry is "the mirror of the perfect soul." Instead of simply writing down travel notes or, not really thinking about the consequences, expressing your thoughts, memories or on paper, the poetic soul needs to seriously work hard to clothe the perfect content in an even more perfect poetic form.
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What is poetry?

Reading books RomanceThe unity of form and content is what distinguishes poetry from other areas of creativity. However, this is precisely what titanic work implies.
Not every citizen can become a poet. If almost every one of us, at different times, under the influence of certain reasons or trends, was engaged in writing his thoughts, then it is unlikely that the vast majority will be able to admit to themselves that they are a poet.
Genre of poetry touches such strings in the human soul, the existence of which a person either didn’t suspect, or lowered them to the very bottom, intending to give them delight.

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Read books online » Poetry » Chasing Away the Demons by Kayla Stiles (the best ebook reader for android TXT) 📖

Book online «Chasing Away the Demons by Kayla Stiles (the best ebook reader for android TXT) 📖». Author Kayla Stiles

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I Really Just Want You In My Grasp

I Really Just Want You In My Grasp

I love the way your crooked smile
Lifts my heart, makes it run a mile.
Your beautiful eyes make me wild.
I feel just like a little child.
Your hands all over my hot flesh.
Past all the clothes, under the mesh.
Your smell, your taste, so sweet and fresh.
Really, I love you.

Just like animals, we lose control.
Mad with need, it often takes a toll.
Your body pressed hard against my own.
My chest to yours, you are mine to own.
Your hands on my chest, my arms, my legs.
Your lips on mine, there’s no need for begs.
A sex fiend shown, dragged up from my dregs.
Want me to show you how?

You pull me down on top of you, shirts off.
You hold me tight as you pull the pants off.
Gently you ease me onto the mattress.
You lay me down, you whisper, “Angel’s Kiss.”
I smile at my name, kiss you tenderly.
You hold me to you, stroke me tenderly.
You hold me like I’m fragile, gingerly.
In your arms, under the blankets.
My arms around your neck, yours around my waist.
You kiss my neck, lick my chest, nibble my breast.
Your love, as mysterious as a treasure chest.
Your hot breath against my flesh, a gentle breeze.
Only for you would I cross a thousand seas.
To my fragile heart, only you hold the keys.
Grasp you close, hold you tight, I’ll blow your mind.

It's Cold Tonight. Will you come closer? (English and French versions)

It’s Cold Tonight. Will You Come Closer? (French and English version)


Il fait froid ce soir. Vous viendra Ă©troite?
Il fait froid ce soir. Est-ce que vous sera snuggle avec moi?
Il fait froid ce soir. Vous gardera me chaud?
Vous adorerez me tonight?
Vous dormirez à mes côtés ce soir?
Vous restera à mes côtés pour toujours?
Sera tu m'aimes mĂŞme lorsque je suis laid?
Sera tu m'aimes mĂŞme lorsque je suis moyenne?
Tu m'aimes pour moi?
Ou, vous aimez le visage que placer sur tous les jours?
Vous gardera me safe from harm?
Forever et tous les temps?
Seriez-vous prĂŞt Ă  aimer un monstre comme moi?
Vous tiendra me fermer,
Et la promesse de ne pas lâcher jamais?
Va vous laissez-moi vous toucher?
Va vous laissez-vous me toucher ?
Il fait froid ce soir. Vous viendra plus près?
Et chuchotement dans mon oreille, "J’taime baby girl”?

It’s cold tonight. Will you come close?
It’s cold tonight. Will you snuggle with me?
It’s cold tonight. Will you keep me warm?
Will you love me tonight?
Will you sleep by my side tonight?
Will you stay by my side forever?
Will you love me even when I’m ugly?
Will you love me even when I’m mean?
Do you love me for me?
Or do you love the face I put on everyday?
Will you keep me safe from harm,
Forever and all time?
Would you be willing to love a monster like me?
Will you hold me close,
And promise not to ever let go?
Will you let me touch you?
Will you let yourself touch me?
It’s cold tonight. Will you come closer?
And whisper in my ear, “I love you baby girl”?

I Would Die For You, My Life

I Would Die For You, My Life

If I were to fall into the sky,
Would you be there to hold me down?
Or would you just let me fly?
Until I crash down to the ground,
Lay me down by your side and
Dry my tears with your loving embrace.
Destroy my sorrow and keep your hand
In mine. Never let me fall back to that place.
Empty and broken, you found me on thee
Floor, wings broken, spirit shattered.
Over all the floor, the wreck that once was me.
Racing to you now, no longer bruised and battered.
You saved me from certain death.
Only you can take away my breath.
Until you’re done with me, I live for you.

You are my love, you are my life.

Kidnapping the Black

Kidnapping the Black

I need a savior. Can you be my rescuer in the dark?
Can you pull me out of my self-made prison? Would you even try?
Will you kidnap the dark and bring back the light to my life?
Will you take away the bats, the cobwebs, the spiders? Could you bring back the butterflies?
Could you possibly bring back the color into my life, instead of everything
Being in plain black, white, grey, and red?
Can you replace the hate and anger and tears in my soul,
With love and happiness and laughter in my heart?
Can you fix this nonstop leak in my eyes, in my heart?
Can you fix these broken wings, this shattered heart? Can you show me love,
So that I may feel joy? Stay with me so that I may no longer be alone.
Whisper the three magic words into my ear, let them sink into my heart.
Tell me these words:
“I love you.”

My Lover

My Lover


Your soft hands on my body,
Send chills of pleasure up my spine.
Your warm breath upon my neck,
A gentle welcome to my skin.
Your fingertips on my flesh,
Leave trails of tingles in their wake.
Your loving lips pressed to mine,
Your gentle kisses give me highs.
Your hot flesh clasped against mine,
I spiral up into the light.
Your tongue against my pale flesh
Sends me into sheer ecstasy.
Your teeth nibbling at my throat,
Your hands trailing down my body,
As you kiss and bite my lips.
Your body pressed tight to my own
As I hold you close to me.
A sense of pure pleasure washes
Over me every time you’re
Near me, every time you touch me.
I may sound like a silly
School girl, but oh well, I love you.
You make me feel beautiful,
Alive, every time I see you.
Able to fly when you touch me.
You healed my broken, trashed wings,
With starlight and sunshine.
Put together my shattered heart
With moonlight and rainbows.
Breathed life into me once more.
You saved my life, how can I repay you?

Nature's Safe Homecomings

Nature’s Safe Homecomings


The trees shimmy and shake,
The leaves swoop and drift to the forest floor.
The little creatures scurry and fly
Among the twigs and forest shrubbery.
As my bare feet walk gently
Across the forest floor,
Breaking twigs and crackling dry leaves,
I gaze about myself with awe.
I can smell the musky scent
Of the sap oozing sluggishly from the trees.
I feel the cool breeze on my bare arms
And legs and taste the rain
On my lips.
The large leaves of the trees
Feel cool and welcoming to my touch.
I am at peace in this forest of love.
Suddenly, I smell an odor I
Know right away doesn’t belong.
The ashy, pungent smell of smoke
Fills the forest.
Behind me, I sense a growing fire.
I feel the Devil’s hot breath
Against my back as the hairs
Stand on end.
Quickly, I race amongst the other animals
Through the forest, away from the fiery demons.
I run and run for miles.
Suddenly, I reach a clearing.
I am once again safe.
There is no sign of the fire in sense.
The animals surround me,
The sounds and smells of nature
Encircle me in their loving arms.
The forest once again
Entrances me in its warm, loving embrace.
I am at peace,
I am home.

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