The Sun Shines So Brightly:A Facebook Poetry Anthology by Frances Ayers-Editor (read with me .txt) 📖

- Author: Frances Ayers-Editor
Book online «The Sun Shines So Brightly:A Facebook Poetry Anthology by Frances Ayers-Editor (read with me .txt) 📖». Author Frances Ayers-Editor
©Sandy Rivera
Hear My Prayer
Oh Lord please hear my prayer,
For in my soul there are many transgressions there.
Let not anger linger long in my heart,
As I wait for night to depart.
An angry heart cannot hear the words you impart.
Make me strong as You lead the way,
I hope You have the time to hear my prayer today.
© Sandy Rivera
I Thank Thee Lord
I thank thee Lord for the silver that streaks my hair,
I have worked hard and feel I earned them fair.
I thank thee for the lines that map my face,
As I see the reflection of a woman who has accepted her life,
Through all of it and have been given extra grace.
I thank thee Lord for the coming of age,
It has shown to me wonders beyond and earthly image.
I have achieved many a goal in my life,
Turned many a page, as mother and wife.
I thank thee Lord, for I am truly blessed,
For all that You have bestowed upon me,
The worst and the best.
For every ache, for every pain that I feel,
I know through You, I will heal.
I thank thee Lord for every smile, every tear,
For every time I am alone, I know that You are near.
I thank thee Lord for every raindrop, every storm,
Because I know what follows, are a rainbow and the sun so warm.
I thank thee Lord, for all the trials and tribulations,
From them came the blessings and happy jubilations‘.
I thank thee Lord for the wisdom that comes with the years,
For all the times You have been with me to calm my fears.
I thank thee Lord for letting me see life a second time,
through the eyes of my daughter, sweet child of mine.
My dearest Father, I thank thee for all you have given me,
all the riches that I have experienced during my life,
for everything and everyone that has touched my life;
For all the love I have been given and gave,
All of it, the good, the bad, the happy and the sad;
In its' purest form, love can't be measure for its' worth,
I thank thee Lord, for life upon Your beautiful earth. Amen
© Sandy Rivera
Heaven Ordains It So
It is still ordained that good shall prevail over evil,
And in the city of flowers will be, in its’ festive array,
Promises abundant pleasure, for all who enter into the gates.
And the Heavens will proclaim a reception that will,
Surpass in joyous splendor for your brilliant attainments
Of a glorious past.
This is what awaits you in the Heavens vast.
Because Heaven ordains it so.
© Sandy Rivera
Helen Sera
A graduate with a degree in English/Literature,I currently work as a Teacher in Kenya.I have written some of my greatest poems online with friends.
Time a mystery yet to be discovered
Ours a history yet to be told
Precious memories our forte
Blossomed and ripe
The magic so real
Of fairytales and knights
Mine you were
I held you now i carry you
You swept me off my feet
Now i keep you in me
I dream of our hopes and home
Where the fields we gather our harvest
For all seasons
Copyright Helen Sera 2011
You take me high
You make me dream
Of little fingerprints
That match big fingerprints
Of heartbeats like a little African drum just next to my own heartbeat
Of tiny hiccups that bring big hiccups
Of r n b that makes my soul fly
And turn my belly melodious
Of taste buds that scream- ice cream and cake with cream
Of the day God breathed life into you
Of a long journey with your so many loved ones
Your cherished ones dancing to the African sunrise
Of your pitter patter footsteps
As Angels watch over you
And we sing lullabies
You peacefully go to sleep
Till tomorrow you rise with the first cock crow
And i what a lazy morning
Aches n pains
The joys n toys Of another beautiful sunrise
On the shores
The sands of time
Back in time we journey
The trials and tests
The rivers we crossed
Times the waters run dry
Then, in rushed the floods
You held my hand without ceasing
In doubt
You still trusted
At the shores the waves bring us
I reach out and pick those shells
Faded with a journey
That only time can tell
The smooth shine of the shell
Reflecting on my face
An echo on the shores
Over the waves
To the next tributary
Settling at the bottom of the water
Where only treasured memories
Get buried
I sit here
Feel the cushion comfort me
The breeze blowing into my eyes
If you looked closely
You would see a trickle of tear
Just at the corner of the eye
Each passing vision
Of tree and shrub
As if a symbol of
Yet as i get closer
So sure that finally
Its safe
Your smile
An imprint in my memory
The times you stood by me
When no hope seemed
The laughter you brought
Solutions you provided
My joy
Alan Gilbert
Born in Southampton, England,I attended the West of
England School and St Lloys College Exeter. I took my degree in
Psychology and Art at The Open University graduating in 1984. My wife Barbara and I, have three grown children. I live in Southampton.
The Faerie Dance
Now the coppice still as evening
Cloaked in shadows sombre weaves,
Slowly wakes as autumn breezes
Stir the slumber of the leaves.
As the midnight hour approaches
Now the harvest moon is high,
Comes the strain of faerie music
Softer than a wood nymph's sigh.
There at the appointed moment
Gold and silver wings appear,
Thus the faerie dancers promise
Fertile earth another year.
Copyright Alan Gilbert 2011
A Bird Unknown
A bird flew up
An arrow from a tree,
A spray of colour
In the gathering grey.
It turned and circled
Calling out its name,
A transient soul
A bird unknown to me.
I stood in awe
Was I just one to see?
This minute’s host
This measure of a day.
Were you a gift?
Or only nature's whim
You touched my heart
A bird unknown to me.
Perhaps a captive
Joyful to be free,
Or wayward spirit
From a foreign scene.
I'll never know you
Yet in all my life,
You will remain
A bird unknown to me.
Copyright Alan Gilbert 2011
You fire me inspire me
You text and mail and wire me
When I am low you higher me.
You fashion me impassion me
You are the spark and flash in me
With love you never ration me.
You’re calling me enthralling me
Your revving up the stalling me
And picking up the falling me.
You’re wishing me and kissing me
Your cheering up and blissing me
Then come to find the missing me.
You’re holding me enfolding me
You help me grow embolden me
Say there's a heart of gold in me.
You’re dialing me beguiling me
Your humor made the smiling me
That keeps the world from riling me
And in the night when sorrows fall
Or when my backs against the wall
Where can I turn to get me through?
My sensual pulchritudinous you.
Copyright Alan Gilbert 2011
Let us build castles
Down in the sand,
Our pennant will fly
Over battlements grand.
You be the princess
Caught up in a charm,
And I the bold knight
Your Savior from harm.
Up high in a chamber
Like death in your rest,
Your pale hands embrace
A blood rose to your breast.
I'll battle with tyrants
And climb to your cell,
One kiss on your lips
Will have broken the spell.
When day fades to evening
And the tides on the flow,
The sky blushes with sunset
As the day trippers go.
We pack up our daydreams
Of this time near the sea,
To resume our true story
Wherein you rescued me.
Copyright Alan Gilbert 2011
Dr Seuss's Lullaby
A singing swan floats on the breeze
Above the colored woolly trees,
The Bar-ba-loots reach fruit with ease
Let Once-ler take his last reprise.
As humming fish go swimming by
In Dr Seuss's lullaby.
Life that's sweeter that your dreams
Will show that you’re in love it seems,
While Horton wonders winding streams
Through myriads of magic schemes.
Please never question "How" or "Why"
In Dr Seuss's lullaby.
Escaping boundaries you may see
Beyond bland worlds of "Ought to be",
Where truth is dream and fantasy
And caged imaginations free
Enchantment of the inner eye
In Dr Seuss’s lullaby.
Copyright © Alan Gilbert. 2011.
Clear Water.
Daydreaming on the hottest day
I drifted not to sleep but far away,
Somewhere many miles from my home
I swam in cool clear water all alone.
Sublimely floating on my back I found
The pool was edged with flowers all around,
And as I gazed up at the azure sky
I saw a graceful Golden Eagle fly.
I lay and watched it circling in air
Its wings were casting shadows everywhere,
First diving low then souring to great height
Its only purpose, ecstasy of flight.
As I lay enraptured by its grace
I felt that I was welcome in this place,
And then a distant voice was calling me
Back from this scene of sweet tranquility.
I’ve never had that fantasy again
Just a daydream, easy to explain,
Yet I am certain somewhere distant lies
That cool clear water, where an Eagle flies.
Alan Gilbert. 2010.
Frances Ayers
Since my mid forties I have been writing poetry,mostly in rhyme,although recently I have begun to write free verse
and Haiku.I have found writing to be very cathartic,as it has helped me deal with a number of losses,especially the suicide
of my younger brother.I have been published in three Facebook anthologies and online.My poem,"As Old As Sea",came in third
place in the May 2010 poetry contest,and another poem,"Of Winter Born",was voted a three star finalist on that same
site.When I am not writing,I am a full time Caregiver to my elderly uncle and beloved nine year old adopted cat Mimi.Previously,I worked
as a Social Worker with abused and neglected children and their families in the NYC area.I graduated from Fordham University in1988
with my MSW degree.
Grief Has No Hold
I will not keep you behind an iron gate
But will unlock my soul to accept the beauty
Of the dawn and ascending road
Invisible as the path may be
I will feel my way through
With head held high and shoulders straight
For there is more light than shadow
Hope is more prevalent than fear
I will remember more songs than weeping
And the joy that comes after a long battle
Reigning In The Shadows
Sometimes doubts and fears arise
As the shadows of life grow longer
Pity and fear,the light does despise
For the light makes souls stronger
We flounder in the shadows path
Lost in our own dark night
For the darkness later shows it's wrath
Clear within our sight
But the light soon reigns in the dark
And brings us faith,and
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