The theory of simplicity by Bliss Itedjere, Bliss Itedjere, Bliss Itedjere, Bliss Itedjere (best english books to read txt) 📖

- Author: Bliss Itedjere, Bliss Itedjere, Bliss Itedjere, Bliss Itedjere
Book online «The theory of simplicity by Bliss Itedjere, Bliss Itedjere, Bliss Itedjere, Bliss Itedjere (best english books to read txt) 📖». Author Bliss Itedjere, Bliss Itedjere, Bliss Itedjere, Bliss Itedjere
The mind of the simple.
Ants are knowledgeable
Unity present understanding
Like the best insert grace to favour
All is cycled in knowledge.
Knowledge from the humble
Is as cool as a dove.
The brave battle with knowledge
No one can exchange silver to paper
Case close silver beautify the heart of the humble.
Do not be gullible in ignorance
Do not inherent foolishness.
Fox look like sheep
Many are dressed in sheep
Bitterness still flow in them.
Allow knowledge to strengthen your weakness
And uphold your falling.
The scoffers cannot move straight
Because they are corny like the serpent
Wise like a rotten egg an irony of wisdom
Hidden in the stream of the humble
Saturated by understanding, the mixture
Of complicated solution like cloud
Separated itself for rain to wet the earth.
A moving object without manipulation
Is rare to discover on earth.
Simplicity is the city of the humble
Never navigate mundane knowledge
To consecrated knowledge.
The battle of wisdom
Is for the warriors of knowledge.
Bang the rock of knowledge
And you will receive knowledge
Penetrate into the filament of simplicity
And you will see the beauty of knowledge.
Oh’ earth silence the heart that dislike understanding
And knowledge will be barren.
Never disperse your youth
It is the dispensation of knowledge.
Creel can’t make friend with water
Likewise wisdom is far from fool.
The humble live in the tent of wisdom
Stillness is the strength of knowledge.
The bridge in-between lost and found,
Is it a confusion in knowledge?
Or, it is because understanding is missing?
Inferiority complex on the throne of blind ego.
Nettle is the face of the fool
Covered with horrible mindset
Barrow sparks like a mismatched current.
Straight, not zigzag
Drag chariot of knowledge
Into the sea, a plain mind
Is painted with gleam knowledge.
Knowledge expose ignorance and enslave vague words.
Ignorance is crowned with lies
The sill of an orphan is for the windy.
Orthodox is a paradox of truth
The mind of knowledge is straight
In the home of abundant.
The folly is an ignorance of purpose
Pursing indiscipline like dog seek bones
The unicorn in mud lack knowledge
Looping from one place to another
Shook side by side like a sack of gold
Zigzag like scorn snakes.
Sand has no value in the cloud
Day by day, needle bleeds like rain
Water is absorbed desert resumed
Dust move randomly
In the middle of ignorance
The sky cease to cry on understanding
Grains turned foolish
Powder under heaven.
Silence gripped the folly,
The appearance of jester is covered with slit ignorance.
The slide of tornado is a deep secret
In a vacuum that appear as ignorance.
Straight is the depth of the seeker
Seeking environs with green wisdom
And knowledge follows.
Itch the stars of knowledge
And ignorance will leave
Break glasses of ignorance
And understanding will design
The house of the simple like the nest of an eagle.
The line of the simple is as gismo
As the heart of semi-conduct.
Life is made up of knowledge
No knowledge, no life.
Companion align the way
Of the humble in the present of knowledge.
Emptiness fed on laziness to produce
Procrastination hand to hand
Develop unity in harmony.
Life is dressed by knowledge
The mediator of life
To fulfill purpose is life.
Ants built themselves
With the assistance of knowledge
The existence of knowledge
Clean the path of the humble.
Peanut is a seed for the seer
Round the waist of pupil.
Sight is given, knowledge
Help in the cycle of sight.
Life cannot exist without knowledge
Red wine is given to a mocker
The colour of a wolf reside
In his nature Blackwood for the blind.
Life without knowledge is a grey
Hair that lack growth and beauty.
Lost in knowledge is a tasteless tongue
Bitterness is ignorance emptiness is a hollow tongue.
Knowledge is lost in the ocean of bitterness
Covered with the silt of bitterness
The depth of the ocean is as deep
As heaven is to earth
The Impurity of bitterness is sorrow.
Knowledge lack power when ignorance appear.
Life in dust, it can be muddy by the potter
Knowledge in action life is as gold
Mud covers splendor grey grew as feeble.
Life in knowledge and knowledge in life
The folly swim in the pool of acrimony
Dread amidst sadness.
The secret of knowledge is like a jeer
In the heart of bitterness
In the nest of confusion.
Ignorance travel to the village
Of loneliness grieve broke into it, nothing is found.
Knowledge has no clue about ignorance
The beast that lack swift is like clown tornado
It operate like serpent
Without sight, faint in emptiness.
Knowledge dashed and disintegrate without forms.
Dot, dot and dot lack wings, wisdom is not found
The frame of life yawned
Understanding inhale wisdom.
Life has no value
Knowledge has no value
The theory of focus breath into knowledge for life.
No knowledge, no life
Is a dilemma, is a magma
In the earth crust.
Nothing exist in ignorance
Both the living and nonliving exist
In the camp of knowledge.
Life is guided under the root of knowledge
Existence live in water
Water has no envy
Man life is rooted from the water of knowledge
By wisdom dust was gathered from water
Dust has no root
On nothingness.
Knowledge is gathered like wheat
The side of a joker is swift in his desire
But his end is as dark as charcoal.
Ignorance has no value,
Ignorance has no seat,
Big for big, small for small.
Is knowledge an exchange of life?
A blind antelope live a dark life
His life has no knowledge
I write in parables, I know
Understanding will split it in words.
Invite focus life will knit to you as rose to beauty
Nothing is difficult in the sphere of focus.
Knowledge appear in the filament
For the world to understood, the truth has no veil.
The wind move in action
The sea flow in action
Plant grew in wisdom
Cloud poured rain in wisdom
The fishes in the sea swim in wisdom
Bird fly in wisdom.
The filament is gathered by wisdom
Ocean is gathered in wisdom
Breathe is controlled by wisdom.
Terrestrial move on land by wisdom.
Disperse wisdom breathe will leave.
Snail move sluggishly by wisdom
Wisdom housed both the living and non-living.
There are faces of life
Wisdom is the face of new life.
Torrent appear by wisdom
The wise build wisdom with his words
The sea journey through atoms to see earth
Even the fool remain foolish by wisdom
Can a fool remain foolish by wisdom?
Can error occur in wisdom?
So far breathe lives in man
Every man is licensed to wisdom in various ways
By the power of choice lain on the ocean reason
Wisdom reframed the unframed
Built the unbuilt if choice is paddle in humility.
Willow is designed by wisdom
The end of man is from ignorance
Mud and clay in the valley filthiness
The potter of wisdom is dominate by man.
Instinct and dominion slumber in emptiness
Emptiness tore cloak naked lament
The end of wisdom do not exist
In the world of humility.
Man’s comportment is driven
By wisdom, the end of the feeble is nothing
Suggest humility in dim, darkness will pour out tears
Wisdom is nowhere to be found.
The end of those that flow with ignorance perish
Like a tree that forcefully grow in desert.
Privilege is given to man
In the city of simplicity to simplify his path
To destiny like an ant is built in unity.
Man seek knowledge for wisdom
The seed of wisdom is in humility
Never look down on yourself
Because you occupy wisdom.
Comportment is only effective
When wisdom is rooted in loamy
The loamy of man is humility
For discretion to be stronger
As wisdom in the mind of man.
Fishes in water comport
Themselves for comfort to breathe.
The fish that poisoned the sea betrayed herself
Land turned her into inability and death smashed it.
The cloud is composed of wisdom
Not to fall on ignorance.
The earth is arranged in wisdom
Not to fall and lament in sorrow.
Man comportment should be found in wisdom
It should be grounded in love.
Man comfort is inscribe in knowledge
A friend is friend in love
A friend at peace is love.
The way to peace is love
In the belly of an ocean.
Mysteries aligned to love
Friends stretched wings love is wisdom.
Who hate wisdom?
Tell him or her
The symptoms of ignorance.
Fish in the sea abode with wisdom
The mission of foolishness is a bagged of ignorance
Covered with garment of sentiment for nothing.
Man tried to derive wisdom
From materials to complement pleasure
Not knowing that
Life has wings, it may decide to stay
Or leave base on man comportment.
Dust in desert is by wisdom
Earthworm is made by wisdom
Even failure exist by wisdom
Both the good and the bad
Is sustained by wisdom.
Hang a fish in weird habitant
It is a realm strange to her.
What is strange is strange. Period!
Wisdom flows in respect
The living and non-living respect it
Regardless how it was formed
Irrespective of you are
Wisdom is principal to all.
Man’s comportment live in his heart
Who can see it?
Except his heart.
The blueprint of humility reside in the heart.
Justices to the blank mind
But the fall of goliath is by wisdom.
Man comportment is guarded
By the universe from various verses of knowledge
Man comportment is breathe to the rich
Man comportment maintained time
In harmony with reasons.
Write on the wall of ocean
Only the wise can interpret it,
It is a refined present given to man.
Is fertilizer a supplement to steadfast knowledge?
Wisdom is like an octopus that attract the simple for comfort.
Flock freaks, happiness glows
Silent is the seed of maturity
Wisdom knit with humility
Maturity is born in the home of simplicity
Silent, the father, maturity is born
Silent is the seed of secret
Secret do not bray like donkey
Neither rotten like York
Silent dissolve like smoke.
Wisdom unify with ease
Understanding never faze in ignorance.
Silent do not concede like noise
Silent never drought orphan
Kick out arrogance wisdom will locate you.
The sky is free for both the simple and the pretentious
To excise their forte like water flow without effort.
Silent is written on the face of the simple
Wisdom never emaciate
Love is the seed of beauty
For reverence to give life.
An opened heart is far from hate
But a closed heart swim in the flood of bitterness.
The state of every man is like a slate
That is opened, for chalk to dispense its ideas.
Silent rephrase a hard heart to be simple
And develop understanding to the simple.
The field of wisdom is a shield
And hum with the power wisdom.
Only the simple can live in the tent of wisdom
Only the simple can camp wisdom as secret
Mire in the heart is foolish
The rite of the folly is hidden
Shrub ring the bell.
The garden of wisdom glows like the sun.
Silent drew a line of humility
For wisdom like ambition is to vision.
The tears of a snail is within
The tears of a tortoise
Cut the tissue of hardness
For wisdom to build a balcony unity is needed.
Fill emptiness and wisdom will come in
The compass of wisdom is directed
By understanding standing
On the sea of wisdom.
Splint wisdom doom is witlessness.
Silent walk with knowledge
Wisdom visit pearls in humility.
Blink once to gaze mysteries
Violent is hopelessness.
Climb on wisdom and violent will diffuse
And flinch will turn to nothing
For wisdom to emerge.
Wisp like snow, wisdom like insight
File out ail, wisdom will fill slum.
Decorum in the room of charity
Some sat on the bed
And some sat on the floor.
The floor is made of wisdom
Those that sat on the floor
Merry with wisdom.
The field of wisdom applauded itself
Accolade was awarded to those that sat on the floor
Wisdom comfort them as rain comfort the earth.
Those that sat on bed
Circuit of witlessness flow in them
Illiteracy merry with them
Illiteracy expose their weakness
Like net thrown into the sea.
Net expose fishes from their cloak
The mattress of ignorance is arrogance
And those that sat on it
Are thrilled into bitterness
Jacked by choice and be steered to the outcome of life.
Too disgusting like a rotten egg
Members believe, hope is lost.
Not all beauty are beautiful
Not all roots has it place in the soil.
The field of wisdom is gotten
Through choice, this is the only door
That link the inside and outside together.
Silent is stronger than bronze
Paddle wisdom in wisdom and the simple will never panic.
The sky is gathered by love
This love is ranked in love
Character and attitude in love.
The sky is arranged by wisdom
Knowledge frame the sky
As love is made by creator.
The sky never envy the earth
The sky serve as cover to earth
And never question its purpose.
The sky has all what earth
Need for earth to develop
Human beings growth miraculously.
The sky focus on its duty
As it is set to function without grumbling.
The sky released water to earth
Earth returned it as vapour.
The sky released winter to earth
Earth returned it, only earth grasped it.
By wisdom love is gathered
The sky released dew without complain
Love grew as the sky governed earth.
By wisdom water is gathered
On earth without separation.
The sky is framed by wisdom
The earth is gathered by wisdom
By wisdom rain fall on earth.
Love govern all things.
Love rule all things
Love serve all things
Love govern the good and the bad
Love is the strength of the good
The bad disperse it for pleasure.
Love govern like the sea
Is united in harmony.
Love paddle in harmony,
Altitude and attitude should be in harmony
Raven disperse wisdom,
Doom belongs to depravity
Bonnet bray, hatred made it so.
Hatred is led to destruction
In the heart of red attitude.
The veins of
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