Psychology books read online

Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Psychology is an effective and efficient tool in mastering the laws of the inner world, human activity and behavior.
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Read books online » Psychology » Tale of the missing dead body by Arsal Shamsi (ebook pdf reader for pc TXT) 📖

Book online «Tale of the missing dead body by Arsal Shamsi (ebook pdf reader for pc TXT) 📖». Author Arsal Shamsi

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the guys those are with you yesterday” Lana said..
“Oh they are my friends they are the guys that I know much in this town” Elsa said
“If they are your friends then it’s obvious that they share all secrets with you” Lana inquired
“Yea” She shortly said
“then you also know that why hospital rusticated em” she further asked
“what do you wanna know” Elsa interrupted
“just wanna know who stole the body” Lana came to the point..
“well I can tell you but only in some conditions” she said.
“ what is that?” Lana asked
“ first do not tell anyone the things which I share with you
And second you have to spend one night with me” Elsa demanded
“well I could accept your demands but I need some time to figure out the conditions, actually am new this town and barely known the intensions of the peoples that’s the way am pretty confused about your demands, but We can be good friends” she said wisely

“Its difficult for you to believe any stranger like me I appreciated your time which you spend with me”Lana furthered said and prepared herself to leave..

Elsa hold her hand while she was leaving her home and said..
“his sister stolen the dead body and I can tell you more if you will spend the night with me” Elsa said
“ hey what are you doing, I am not a gay, I just came cause I thought you are the girl who can help me.” Lana said

“Oh, sorry” Elsa apologized and Lana left

“ is she a lesbian?” “Or is it a next trap for me?” Lana was mumbling while she was heading to home



Next day she was serving the food and thinking about girl did flirt with her like this she felt weird and thinking what else she can do about her condition..
Suddenly Lana heard voice from her backside..
“What have you decided then” she said
“You, actually I was about to come to your home we could discuss about your condition” Lana anxiously said..
“ don’t worry you said you need time, and you can take your time, and I can wait for you” Elsa eagerly said ..
“Lana take the order” manager noticed and ordered her
“Yes I am coming” she replied and she gone and left her on the table
“ you can’t sit here like this you should have to order something” Lana came to Elsa again and said
“ I just need my answer would you spend a night with me” Elsa demanded
“Ok, ok tonight I’ll be at your home” Lana answered her
“ thanks you so much, I’ll wait for you” Elsa got excited and left..

At night she prepared herself she still confused she never met a girl like her
she was trying to make herself calm, she still don’t know what she want from her..
Lana wore black dress put mascara and light lipstick on lips she could guess that there is something that Elsa attracted with her and they can be good friends..

“Are you decided to kill me again” Elsa complemented
“Ok come inside” Elsa said
“ if it’s an other trap then let me know, I am not a gay and I won’t bear more insult myself,I am here because you said you can help me, and after this meeting you are not going to follow me, and disturb me for anything”
Lana anxiously said
Elsa smiled And hold her hand and said
“ I promise I will not follow you again, and not going to disturb you again,, you can call me gay if my demands making me gay, I guess” she said
“I love you so much”’Elsa said and kissed her forcefully..
“ hey please I told you I am not a gay” Lana angered and she almost left but Elsa held her and said..

“You can believe me I am not going to hurt you, and never make you feel low, I remembered when I saw you first time, My intention was different but when I saw you it felt different, I could clearly noticed that expression of your face, wether you shared someone or not but inside you felt lonely, you were afraid because you did not had the experience for the dead bodies, but because of your past you did well, What if I couldn’t say anything that time, but I absorbed many things inside the mortuary cabinet When you removed the winding sheet I smelled your perfume, that time I realized that am still alive” Elsa sighed
“Oh wait, what the hell all of these, what are you talking about, what do you want to say?,is that some kinda joke?, are you making a new trap for me?, please Elsa stop this crap” Lana shockingly said..
“ I know you don’t believe me, but you noticed there were nobody except me and you, how the dead body came out from the mortuary cabinet, and how the exact report missed of the dead body, even how could you didn’t notice if someone came inside to take the body out, how did that task done?if the body wasn’t dead” Elsa cleared the situation..
“God, you are scaring me now, but how is that possible he was the guy, how do you suppose to me that I can believe on you?” Lana shocked
“Well I’ll tell you from the beginning” Elsa said..

“Sean was the guy who got 50 million euros insurance of his life, from the childhood he saved his money for himself, but when he young he got bisexual guys company, he was beautiful then he doesn’t mind for being a bisexual personality, he got many boyfriends and girlfriends because of his personality thus he preferred to live a life like this.
One day he felt worry because day by day he was getting older and he never wanted to lost his beauty and died empty, he didn’t even saved any penny for himself..
he knew when he will dead his insurance will directly go to his blood sister, those he never wanted to share with her, he left his sister from the childhood, and money he won’t give to his sister, that’s the way Sean made a plane.
A plane where he can keep his all money with him, and could live his beautiful life openly.” Elsa said..



“he moved to west Ohio where his boy friend work as a security guard in the same hospital where you joined.
the planed was simple where we have to find one mortuary attendant who new in his hospital and doesn’t have perfect knowledge about bodies.
We need legally proved that Sean has been dead which you confirmed by generating his dead certificate..
The body wasn’t dead there have been many doses which make you dead for awhile, and that’s the way we made full prove plane, and no one know me now who I was, and I can perfectly changed and living my life.” Elsa sighed
“ I love you now Lana, there in somewhere I have true feelings inside me, and I want to take you in my world, and I can do anything for you” Elsa said

Lana listened carefully her story, she still couldn’t clear many things, but she can easily clear and make a real consequence for her..

“Ok as you told me about yourself I can believe on you, we would talk later what you have inside for me, but outside you are a girl, and am not a gay who surrender herself for a fake girl, wether you still alive or not but you don’t have real world, do you want me to believe on you like that, or believe on your imagination world, whatever you told me it just a fake statement for everyone, no one going to believe you, as you say so you are real for me, and my comments for you that you are most worst fake and mean personality in the world who can do anything for the money, If you still have shame for yourself, you should embarrass for that, you thought you accomplished by you plan, but the truth is you are nothing now, you don’t have real identity, don’t have natural body, don’t have real personality, now you are clarifying yourself because you felt something real inside in you, but I feel shame on you, I feel terrible about you, maybe it would enough for you, if you still remain some real quality inside in you” Lana said

Elsa heard and couldn’t lifted up her eyes, embarrassed she did not have any words for herself, her head was down..

“You proudly reported me about yourself, and about your feelings those you have for me, but what now do you think I’ll be agree with your fake personality,If you were there that time in morgue you should acknowledged me there, might be I helped you, might be I understood your feelings, but now you have fake personality, and I am not gay, and you need to prove me, if you really have something inside in you” Lana demanded

“Lana I can do anything for you, I won’t Embarrass anymore” Elsa requested..
“Well It would easy for you, because you already did for money, I want you to make yourself dead again, and this time not for temporary do it permanently for me, and your personality is disgusting for me it would make you feel you are real and pure” Lana fearlessly said..

Elsa went rapidly and brought the revolver with her..

“ I have everything now, but I felt something valuable for you and your words are everything for me, it’s real I never ever felt fake like that, and I really wanna remove this embarrassment, wether you would believe me or not but you open my eyes, I don’t wanna be fake anymore for anyone else and I truly love you , you are an angel for me who taught me about myself” Elsa said and shouted herself..

Her blood was all on the sofa she have seen many dead bodies in the morgue and now she felt same, she frightened because for those words, she felt scared embarrassed, even Elsa did not think anything before she pulled the trigger, she was alone in the flat now and the sound of her revolver made her mind numbed, some blood painted her face, and she can’t do nothing except crying now the dead body was really dead now and she found the body in different character....

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