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Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Psychology is an effective and efficient tool in mastering the laws of the inner world, human activity and behavior.
In the case of a real individual understanding of the thoughts of the authors, the horizons of being are truly boundless for the reader. Such a person will receive not only the most powerful theoretical basis in understanding the world, but also practical guidance for action and behavior in almost every sphere of life. Psychology as one of the basic sciences has absorbed many segments and currents, the representatives of each of which were and are the best minds of mankind. It will be quite difficult for an inexperienced reader not only to understand, but even to master the world philosophical thought. The number of people interested in psychology grows hundreds of times every day. And this is accessibly : everyone wants to understand the laws according to which events develop in his family, at school, in the yard, at work, on the street. Mankind has accumulated a huge knowledge base in the field of psychology over the years of its existence, and this base is replenished almost daily by many authors.

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Read books online » Psychology » Reality, Stupidity, Hypocrisy And Humanity by Santosh Jha (the best e book reader .txt) 📖

Book online «Reality, Stupidity, Hypocrisy And Humanity by Santosh Jha (the best e book reader .txt) 📖». Author Santosh Jha

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raw viscerality. This we all need to unlearn.

No doubt, human inventiveness and human intellectual prowess are potent mechanism, which can engender so much novelty out of even a waste. Sex however is such a beautiful human experience. With applied human intellect, modern humanity and cultures surely can turn this obsolete sex drive into a highly beautiful, artistic and worthy entity.

There is this very subtle difference in cognition regarding so many life-living realisms, which produce two extreme causalities – extremely beneficial or extremely calamitous. This difference in cognition is about how we hit a poise of higher purpose between tangible as well as intangible elements of same realism. This needs to be applied in the domain of sex.

The tangibles of sex, the visceral overtures and physical intimacies have a very limited purpose, which are now evolutionary vestiges. We surely do not need sex in its primeval tangible form. However, the intangibles of sex are unlimited and they offer us so many sunny shades. The intangible elements of nurturance, mutuality, intimacy, cooperation, compassion, commitment, trust, etc are all very beneficial requirements for overall wellness of we all and all these elements of higher consciousness must be made to ride on the tangibility of sex. Evolution has given us a vehicle, a medium, but what we carry on this vehicle is now the role of our intellect and higher consciousness. We cannot keep carrying something, which is now trash in new millennium.

Science is working on bio-engineering probabilities, which could install a ‘package’ of knowledge and information in the minds of every new born, like a computer is installed with a software, so that every individual of every new generation could not have to spend long years reading about them and learning them. May be, science could also be someday successful in creating a ‘pre-fabricated’ brain-software, which makes it possible for all kids to be born with all past knowledge of humanity. Till then, it is ‘field-day’ for every stupid man and woman to flamboyantly flash his or her ignorance and proudly proclaim it to be the ‘exclusive genius’ of humanity…! This is visceral…!

Solipsism, early-life streaks of ‘anti-intellectualism’ and ‘anti-rationalism’ is not something, which come ‘pre-installed’ or ‘pre-fabricated’ in human mind but we are wired for them. Individual men and women ‘learn’ these ‘stupidities’ from their mad-milieus, as not only now, in all ages, ambient social-cultural milieus always have abundance of ‘stupidities’ for every young man and woman to ‘learn’ and then flash them as ‘exclusive genius’ of personal possession. Aping is visceral, however, what one apes is his or her choice, evolved out of the milieu, he or she was born and raised into.

Somehow, every newborn boy or girl comes on this planet with just an operating system of raw instincts, wired deep in his or her neural-make-up of brain states. Though, science may not yet have devised this ‘magic-software’ of ‘knowledge-package’, to install in every newborn’s mind but for sure; since ages, most newborn boy and girl are blessed with two ‘engineers’, in the form of mother and father, who keep installing ‘good-software’ of necessary personal/social/cultural knowledge and information in the computer of young minds, so that they have the contemporaneous mind training to fit into the larger sanity of humanity as well as ambient milieus. However, tragically, not only in contemporary world, but in almost all ages, majority of newborns are invariably assigned stupid ‘engineers’ of mother-father, who either do not have ‘sound engineering’ knowledge themselves, or they are themselves victims of stupidities, or they do not have the time, wherewithal and inclination to do their cosmic duties. In contemporary cultures, the parenting has become qualitatively more precarious.

Therefore, on an average, at any time in evolution, human society has been inundated with over 80% stupids, who believe and accept that just being born as human being, they become the veritable genius and most knowledgeable creatures on earth. It is only very natural that average level of stupidity in human society and culture is almost always constant at 80%-stupidity. Somehow, it is also visceral and that is why the critical mass of stupidity is stabilized at optimum 80%. Why?

It is largely because, some humans may endure all pains and sufferings to unravel and decipher the true sanity and symmetry of knowledge for human wellness and excellence but they are always part of our history – A knowledge base not amenable for automatic transference to every newborn mind. No mind is born ‘pre-loaded’ with a software of ‘historicity’. Every individual boy and girl has to grow and evolve to learn the ‘history of knowledge and wisdom’ and then make practical use of this human wisdom in their own lives. This is some task, which requires loads of painstaking and honest labor and persevered poise. Only handfuls have it… This is also visceral… Why?

Somehow, solipsism, anti-intellectualism and anti-rationality are something, for which we all are wired. This is how evolution has designed our body-mind mechanism and consciousness as evolution itself has been and remains a stupid engineering. That is why, in this factory, mostly stupids are manufactured. But, no factory ever accepts that what it has manufactured is anything less than best. Science has deciphered this ‘hardware-software’ trouble of humanity, even as billions of humans happily and stupidly accept themselves as geniuses. This is hardwired… visceral to all of us…!

Science says –

“When confronted with the unpredictable and unknown, your frontopolar cortex refuses to admit defeat. It draws on all your computational abilities to search for patterns in random data. In the absence of real patterns, it will detect illusory ones. And it will prompt you to act on them.”

That means, we all live in a world of make-shift beliefs and ‘perceptions’, for which our brain and mind consciousness has such predilection that it is ever willing to accept any idea, which is already there in our memory/experience – part of ‘I’ or ‘Self’, which we have an infatuation to associate with. However, even a universal truth or transcendental realism, which is not in our brain referral, we shall ignore it and would rather fight against it with all might of our ‘perceptional’ mind consciousness. That is why, most people love to live, survive and thrive in the world of ‘self-suiting’ and ‘self-satisfying’ perceptional world of imaginations, sans facts and truths.

Aldous Huxley describes it best:

“. . . since the mind-body is capable of an enormous variety of experiences, we are free to identify ourselves with an almost infinite number of possible objects—with the pleasures of gluttony, for example, or intemperance, or sensuality; with money, power, or fame; with our family, regarded as a possession or actually an extension and projection of our own selfness; with our artistic or scientific talents; with some favourite branch of knowledge, some fascinating ‘special subject’; with our professions, our political parties, our churches; with our pains and illnesses; with our memories of success or misfortune, our hopes, fears and schemes for the future; and finally with the eternal Reality within which and by which all the rest has its being.  And we are free, of course, to identify ourselves with more than one of these things simultaneously.  Thus a man can be at once the craftiest of politicians and the dupe of his own verbiage, can have a passion for brandy and money, and an equal passion for the poetry of George Meredith and under-age girls and his mother, for horse-racing and detective stories and the good of his country—the whole accompanied by a sneaking fear of hell-fire, a hatred of Spinoza and an unblemished record for Sunday church-going.”

Globally, we can easily find such a person and personality among our dear politicians, whom we hail like ‘God’ and other God-Like celebrities, whom we ape like primates. We need to know as why most of us all are in deep infatuation with this perceptional-living.

Eugene B. Shea shows us how:

“The human mind has an ‘inhibitory system’, which routinely and automatically removes from perception, reason, and judgment over 99% of available fact. We do not even feel these facts. As it seems; we actually do not select stimuli from the environment, rather, they are selected for us and this postulation makes a lot of difference in what we perceive of ‘self’. This is the super-convenience of living in stupid joy of our subconscious mind, with scant regard to conscious facts and realism...!”

So, different people shall have different personal expression of their core drives. Someone shall feel and accept that life is futile and there is no meaning of eating, drinking and having limitless sex. Many however shall readily accept life’s purpose as simple as the above. So, your core drives themselves create all shades of questions within you and accept answers as per their neural make-up in brain states. Science says, there are seven shades of consciousnesses and 16 brain types, which make people different in their thoughts, perceptions and actions. This in turn ensures that human conflict with each other is perpetual.

The trouble is – stupidity of ‘visceral-living’ and self-certified-genius of ‘perceptional-living’ is what we all are wired for. There always is plethora of wisdom, all aligned to simple acceptance for every human being – man or woman. However, very few have the intelligence of personal initiative to seek it and imbibe it. There is this generic stupidity in all humans about falling in hot-chase infatuation with the populist slogan – ‘Be Yourself’, without ever caring to learn and unlearn about the core ideas of ‘Being’ and ‘Self’.

The good as well as bad thing is – Humanity has a long history and history has this goodness to repeat itself, so that the stupid humanity could at least see the light of sanity, even when they fail again. However, there are only handfuls of humans, who think it necessary to check the pages of history to learn continued wisdom and unlearn past mistakes. Most look at history seeking to see what they already have accepted as something happened, as against what actually could have happened.

Here is an example –

In most parts of developing world, like India, China, etc, sexual revolution is now becoming mature. Now even teenage girls are openly mouthing ‘free-sex’ and ‘unlimited-sex’ expressions. This somehow makes many men and women believe that ‘empowerment’ begins and ends with ‘Doing What The Body Wants’ and what all bodies ‘want’ is sex-thrills and instant-self-gratification, most of which we do not ‘need’. In simple words – contemporary humans just want to be free to act true and real to their wired ‘intelligence’, without the burden of intellectually skeptical self-evaluation. This ‘Be Yourself’ stupidity of visceral drives is some ‘perceptional empowerment’ many men and women think is being ‘modern and contemporary’. This they do, not even bothering to check, what recent and long history of humanity has to offer as ‘learning’ and ‘unlearning’. As we said, it is some stupidity, we all are wired for. However, historicity and its sedimented wisdom does not come pre-installed in new born brains.

As contemporary young women and even teenage girls are advocating free-unlimited-sex liberalism, the part of world, where it all started, has now spent decades structuring an advocacy against it. Already, anti-feminism and ‘back-to-basic’ voices among many reasoned men and women are getting stronger and those societies, who launched (rather re-launched) it and ‘repeated’ the mistake, humanity had committed thousands of years back, are now well on road to sanity, with both most men and women accepting the futility of the dwindling, yet prevalent free-unlimited-sex culture.

If only we could check our own history and if only we could check the history of social sciences, we all could accept why this contemporaneous ‘free-unlimited-sex’ intellectualism and ‘Be Yourself’ empowerment is an old-obsolete ‘repetition’ of history and why the new millennium men and women are moving away from this once very powerful ‘unsettled-feminism’ agenda of unbridled-unlimited-sex.

Our History –

Around 3000 years back, in India, when human civilization and culture had settled enough to find and enjoy the level of security, abundance and even opulence to think of higher joys and goals of

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