Psychology books read online

Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Psychology is an effective and efficient tool in mastering the laws of the inner world, human activity and behavior.
In the case of a real individual understanding of the thoughts of the authors, the horizons of being are truly boundless for the reader. Such a person will receive not only the most powerful theoretical basis in understanding the world, but also practical guidance for action and behavior in almost every sphere of life. Psychology as one of the basic sciences has absorbed many segments and currents, the representatives of each of which were and are the best minds of mankind. It will be quite difficult for an inexperienced reader not only to understand, but even to master the world philosophical thought. The number of people interested in psychology grows hundreds of times every day. And this is accessibly : everyone wants to understand the laws according to which events develop in his family, at school, in the yard, at work, on the street. Mankind has accumulated a huge knowledge base in the field of psychology over the years of its existence, and this base is replenished almost daily by many authors.

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Read books online » Psychology » Supreme Personality by Delmer Eugene Croft (book recommendations website .TXT) 📖

Book online «Supreme Personality by Delmer Eugene Croft (book recommendations website .TXT) 📖». Author Delmer Eugene Croft

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as you raise them, relax and expel the breath forcefully through the mouth. Repeat 5 times.

SECOND EXERCISE: Place the left hand flat in the right, clasp them, resisting with the left, lift with the right, putting full strength into the effort, until the hands are lifted above the head, taking deep breath as in the first exercise. Relax, expel breath. Then repeat with the right hand resisting the left. Repeat exercise 5 times.

THIRD EXERCISE: Grasp the hands firmly above the head, letting them be at rest on top of the head. Then pull hard from right to left slowly, taking the deep, full abdominal breath with each movement, relaxing and expelling as above. This and the above exercise are wonderful in their effect in developing the lungs and rounding out the development of the shoulders and chest. Repeat 5 times.

FOURTH EXERCISE: Grasp hands in front, level with chest, pull from right to left hard, taking deep, full abdominal breath with each movement. Relax and expel breath same as above.

FIFTH EXERCISE: Grasp the hands behind the back, taking deep, full abdominal breath, lift the hands as far up on the back as possible. Relax, expel breath. Always draw in the breath as you move through the exercise, having a full breath when the movement is completed, then expel.

SIXTH EXERCISE: Place right hand over right hip, clench the left fist, raise it slowly, drawing the deep breath, and bending the body to the right as far as possible. Relax, expel breath. Now repeat with the left hand placed over the left hip. Repeat 5 times.

SEVENTH EXERCISE: Grasp hands in front of breast, pulling hard, swing the body as far right and left as possible without moving the feet, take deep breath with each movement. Repeat 5 times.

EIGHTH EXERCISE: Raise hands above the head, take a deep breath and bend the body, try to touch floor with finger, not bending the knees. Repeat 5 times.

You can add other exercises to these, only be sure they have the deep breathing. These will build a vigorous, developed, supple body. Will ward off every form of asthma, catarrh, bronchial or lung trouble. Stop indigestion, increase circulation, renew and make blood.

Do all exercises in well ventilated room, have clothing loose. The best time is on rising and on retiring. If they make you ache at first it is sure evidence of their doing you good. You will soon be too strong to have aches and pains.

Do not exhaust yourself in the exercises, just take them till the body glows and the muscles are well exercised.

Faithfully persist in these exercises and breathings.

Marrying a goose does not assure one of a bed of swans-down.

Never ask a man who gave him his black eye; nobody gave it to him, he probably had to fight hard for it.

When discussing the modern dress, keep in mind that a bare statement is not necessarily the naked truth.

There is a difference between notoriety and merit. A thousand dollars worth of roses will barely fill a room with perfume, but with a dollar's worth of fried onions you can scent up a whole town.

The American people lose three million years every twelve months by being sick. The doctor's fees amount to a billion and two hundred and twenty million. Wonder what the Master of Life meant when he said: "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."


GOOD DIGESTION RULES THE WORLD: Digestion is a matter of vibration. Indigestion is on the increase because people are more and more sedentary in their habits. Walking is life's finest exercise, but people walk less now than ever. The human body's great vibrator is the diaphragm. Arouse it and you will arouse action in your digestive tract, your liver, and kidneys. Continue vibration from one minute to as long as you please. If these vibrations are continued a few minutes each day, no cancer or tumor would ever develop, and the thousand different stomach ills would disappear. The DIAPHRAGM is a great muscle area stretched out for the stomach, intestines and vital organs to exercise on, and to give them freedom.

VIBRATIONS FOR INTESTINES: Begin slowly, take a deep breath, then vibrate your abdomen in and out by using the inner muscles of the diaphragm. Vibrate slowly then more rapidly. Force the vibrations downward upon the intestines. You may feel a little pain at first, which shows the weakness of the intestinal muscles, that passes away. The DIAPHRAGM is the great digestive engine of the body, work it all you can.

VIBRATIONS FOR STOMACH and SOLAR PLEXUS: Raise the vibrations upward, just as before you forced them downward. Repeat the series with full breath several times. Also give the vibrations with a little twist of the body, so as to get the circular movement over the stomach. VIBRATE THE SOLAR PLEXUS with short, sharp vibrations far up into the chest, this will cover the muscles of the lungs and of the heart. This is a very essential work as it gives new strength to those muscles of the heart and lungs to ward off acute attacks of any kind.

VIBRATION FOR TORPID LIVER: Direct the vibrations to the right side. Do them strongly so as to arouse the liver thoroughly. This is a very important exercise as it bears directly on RHEUMATISM, it releases the acids, starts secretions flowing. Rheumatism calls for dry climates, non-acid diet. Avoid sweets and starch, take salt water baths, drink lithia water. Walk all you can. Change your work. BE SURE TO DRINK A CUP OF HOT WATER EACH MORNING on rising. Put a little salt in to help cleanse the stomach of septic acids. Drink two cups, all the better.

CONSTIPATION: The best vibration and advice is that above for this trouble. Be regular about going to the toilet each morning. Eat vegetable diet, rye bread, or graham. Eat little meat, chew your food to a liquid mastication. Keep up the intestinal vibrations, in 20 days your constipation will be a trouble of the past.

HEADACHES AND BILIOUSNESS: These are the results of AUTO-INTOXICATION, the worry, hurry, eating fast, eating too much, over exerting, anxiety, all of these poison the process of digestion and assimilation. Take a dose of epsom salts, castor oil, or cascara sagrada, then regulate your diet. REST IN BED FOR A DAY. This done at once will save many a siege of sickness.

OBESITY: Keep up the internal vibrations all over the body. Keep up the exercises of Lesson Seventh. REDUCING IS A MORAL RESOLVE TO EAT LESS. If you are a coward you cannot reduce, if your appetite, that is unreal, unnatural and dangerous, makes you its slave so that you eat 5,000 units of food when 3,000 is a great sufficiency, then you lack MORAL WILL FORCE TO REDUCE. Drink the hot water as above, or put into it a little lemon juice. When you feel hunger come on drink a cup of the lemon hot water, just a few drops of the lemon juice. Get so you can go without your noon lunch except one-half slice of bread and a cup of hot water one-quarter milk. KEEP UP WALKING. KEEP UP THE BODY BUILDING EXERCISES. RUB AND MASSAGE THE FACE AND NECK. Do not eat fat, pastry, confection, or starchy foods. Eat slowly, Fletcherize each mouthful, it will reduce you, give you a new taste of flavors not known to the glutton. Abhor being fat, unshapely, and be unhappy over it, but never tell others how you feel. Keep your deficiencies to yourself, master them, be free of them, then living will become a joy, your body a daily delight, and you shall possess a Supreme Personality.

HAVE A NEW BODY: There is no condition physical or mental that cannot be changed, even deformities, and deficiencies can be improved. SET YOUR MIND ON WHAT YOU WANT TO BE, THEN WORK FOR IT. Set a mark at what you wish to weigh and then bravely, happily, with joyous courage seek to attain it. YOU WILL. COMMAND YOUR BODY. KEEP MOVING TOWARD YOUR IDEAL.

Health is a result of Harmony. By the force of the WILL acting in obedience to the mind, is the body made perfect.

You are no fool if you know how to sin charmingly.

The most fertile source of family trouble on earth is an inheritance.

Do not spend your life leading asses to fountains of wisdom, for you cannot make them think.

The life path of many people is like York Street in New Haven, it begins with a hospital, is populated with doctors and ends at the cemetery.

All Nature is Triune: Earth, Water, Atmosphere. Her agents are: Heat, Light, Electricity; Ether, Magnetism, Aura. Her kingdoms are: Mineral, Vegetable, Animal. Her animal life is: Aquatic, Terrestrial, Aerial. Her formations are: Angular, Circular, Spiral. Man, her highest creation is: Physical, Mental, Spiritual.

If you cannot realize your ideal, idealize your real.

Sleep is one of Nature's sanctuaries; an alarm-clock has no more right to disturb it than a fog-horn has to blow off in a prayer-meeting.

Be glad when you meet "A Crank," he may give you a suggestion that will make you "A Self-Starter."

Very few men are smart enough to fill five reels with genuine dare-devil acts of villainy, and get away with it, by coming out an angel at the end of the film.

Heart failure is largely acute indigestion from selfishness. Sunstroke is quite likely brought on by anger and anxiety "het-up" by relatives. Apoplexy is hate breaking up housekeeping. Paresis is free-love embellished with champagne. Appendicitis is a six-cylinder appetite hitched to a half horse power ambition. Nervous prostration is a self-love "Movie" trying to cover the earth in a single-reel. Pneumonia is vanity over-heated in seal skin.


THE SUPREME MIND: The previous lessons give you the key to Supreme Mental Healing. Your mind is limitless. Begin where you may, conditions do not count. No matter how weak, how isolated, how deep in the mire of trouble, you can rise, you can be free, you can be renewed. You may have a whole library of all sorts of books and treatises on healing. You may have a library of biology and pathology, but you can never read yourself well. What you need is what I have sought to give you, POSITIVE WORKING PLANS. It takes some WORK to build a hut, more to build a comfortable home, still more to build a palace of luxury. How much MIND AND WILL WORK are you willing to devote to build your body into a Temple of the living God?

MENTAL CONFUSION: Make an easy PLAN for each day. Relax your mind tension, let down your body tension, eat less, drink water, walk in the open air. Change your thought to new plans, new work. LET GO OF THE PAST. Have nothing to do with the future. Sweep aside the odds and ends that litter your mind. Let go by denying them any place in your mind. TALK WITH STRONG PEOPLE. Leave weak, useless people alone. Take a salt bath, by going into the ocean, or in your own tub, using a full pint of common salt. Do not tell your troubles to another, HELP another in trouble to get out, and you will get out yourself. MAKE NEW PLANS.

WORRY AND FEAR: Ask yourself this question: "How many things I have worried about and feared ever happened to me?" You will see how few, and only those you attracted. Worry is lost energy. It is like a rocking chair, keeps going but never gets anywhere. It is like a mill-owner starting all the machinery of his mill, then going away, leaving it running to injury and destruction. It is a miserable habit. It makes you and others near you unhappy. It destroys your usefulness, injures your health, kills joy. QUIT THE HABIT. How?

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