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Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Psychology is an effective and efficient tool in mastering the laws of the inner world, human activity and behavior.
In the case of a real individual understanding of the thoughts of the authors, the horizons of being are truly boundless for the reader. Such a person will receive not only the most powerful theoretical basis in understanding the world, but also practical guidance for action and behavior in almost every sphere of life. Psychology as one of the basic sciences has absorbed many segments and currents, the representatives of each of which were and are the best minds of mankind. It will be quite difficult for an inexperienced reader not only to understand, but even to master the world philosophical thought. The number of people interested in psychology grows hundreds of times every day. And this is accessibly : everyone wants to understand the laws according to which events develop in his family, at school, in the yard, at work, on the street. Mankind has accumulated a huge knowledge base in the field of psychology over the years of its existence, and this base is replenished almost daily by many authors.

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Read books online » Psychology » We Are A Scam by Santosh Jha (best books to read for self development .TXT) 📖

Book online «We Are A Scam by Santosh Jha (best books to read for self development .TXT) 📖». Author Santosh Jha

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which we have talked earlier. Regrets shall always chase you, deeper you step down into the abyss of consumption and indulgences…

The last and most crucial acceptance is about the design of our own body and mind. When we understand and accept the three core elements of Reality – Milieu, Media and Communication, we can clearly see, what single factor is at the core of all our troubles and how we can solve them all, without any external attainments and possession of life and living.

We have to clearly understand that we humans are different from all other species on Earth in only one way. It is Consciousness. This consciousness in we humans is the worst Scam of the evolution. It should never have happened! Humans should never have happened and worst; Consciousness should never have happened in them. But, it has happened and this single eventuality has sealed the fate of Earth and all species, including humans. Humans happened, consciousness happened and initiation of extinction of all lives in definite future happened. This Consciousness is the Scam – it is the evolutionary outcome of hugely entropic propensities of cosmic construct. Therefore, no human, can escape the inevitability of the extremities of pain, grief and misery in his or her lives. But, denial and deception cannot anyway help us. Only acceptance can help.

There is one single option for all of us to understand it, accept it and then, use this scammed facility called Consciousness to design such a personal model of Milieus, Media and Communication, to minimize pain, grief and misery and; also, optimize peace, poise and prosperity. For this to happen, the singular preparation is to accept the utility, worth, fruition and finality of Compassion. Compassion alone begins the journey of Readiness for peace, poise and prosperity.

The simple and straightforward reality is – we are humans because of consciousness and this consciousness has innate and entrenched mechanism for entropic probabilities. It is primarily because we humans are aware about self as well as the reality of death and mortality of self. The animals are not. This self-awareness has huge entropic propensities, which we all know. Therefore, from the very childhood, every human child must be assigned to an educational and knowledge regime, which prepares him or her to have sound, objective, logically correct and singular acceptance of Reality. Education and knowledge has no meaning, rather it is dangerous for the individual as well as entire humanity, if it does not prepare a growing up child to be knowledgeable about singular Reality. Tragically, this has never happened in human world and that is why the human troubles have now gone beyond correction.

However, an individual can still do well if it understands the Reality and the centrality of Consciousness in the lives of humans. We all need to understand, our consciousness must be in peaceful milieus, it must be empowered enough to act and behave as poised and objective media and needs to have right communication with all milieus, within and outside.

When our consciousness is poised and loaded with objective knowledge of Reality, we shall feel and behave more compassionately. When compassion shall become our first instinct, very naturally, fear, anger, attitude and denials shall begin to fade away and finally, even the worst of Reality shall not unsettle us. Rather, all such realities, including our own death shall become far more acceptable and less traumatic.

As we said earlier, Reality is inescapable and unchangeable. What can change, we must change. What can change is the cognition of the same Reality. Life-living purpose, utility and worth are all about our cognition. Life is how we accept it. The world is how we take it. The purpose-utility-worth is what we accept as. Reality is what and how we accept as. What we insist is that Reality is what it is but it is unraveled to us in a way, our Consciousness construes as a media. Naturally, our cognitions can change if we change our consciousness.

Therefore, ultimately, it is the consciousness, which is our worst enemy as well as the best friend. What we have to do is to have holistic knowledge of how our consciousness works and how this media of consciousness can be skillfully used and utilized to optimize peace, poise and prosperity in our lives. As we have talked earlier, our consciousness has stood us miles apart from all other species on Earth. Therefore, we surely cannot behave and act as animals do. No doubt, major part of our brain design has evolved out of the billions of years of evolutionary chain of animal lives. Naturally, major part of our instincts is animalistic. This is our trouble.

We are neither purely animal nor born purely as human. We however, can grow and mature as humans; for which our mind consciousness has specific design.

Every person must understand this dualism and the trouble it triggers in human lives. We have evolved out of very long chain of evolution from different animal lives. Our body and brain has good majority of parts and organs very similar to animals. The trouble however happened very late, probably some 10-15,000 years back, when consciousness finally blossomed into its contemporary shape in humans. The mechanism for evolution of such a consciousness was however building up since many thousands of years back. This consciousness, which we humans became packaged with, did us in. The scam happened with us. We became the scam. We could not be pure animals but also could not qualify as humans by birth. Such is the design of the consciousness that it rides over the same animal structure. Therefore, every child born is just a potential human being; not an automatic one. He or she needs long and sincere knowledge training to de-skin the animalistic instincts and evolve as pure and genuine human being.

That is why; there may be 7.5 billion people on Earth but only a handful are purely and genuinely humans. Over 99.9 percent of this population is varied mix of animals and humans. It is only natural that these 99.9 percent of global population would largely behave mostly like animals; only partly and occasionally as humans. It is therefore clear that most of these 99.9 percent population would manifest animalistic behaviors like fear, anger, attitude, denial and deception. Only compassion is the pure element of consciousness of a genuine human being and that is why it is so rare!

Therefore, it is simple and clear that solution of all troubles of humanity is in being human. Human world with 7 billion dangerous and hugely powerful half animal-half humans is much beyond point of return to sanity. This world we live in is very predictably on its way to deeper and expansive stupidity, hypocrisy, insanity, destruction and definite extinction in the long run. However, an individual can design his or her own personal model of peace, poise, sanity and prosperity, if he or she accepts this express need to be human; unravel the design of consciousness, decipher the singular Reality of the cosmos and align himself or herself with such elements in external milieus, which are immortal, continuous and intangible.


The Milieu

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*** The very sense of ‘I’ or me; the subjective self, as distinct and exclusive from ‘others’ is the primary scam of evolution. This is not the rule of nature, rather, an aberration, which happened and the mother of all scams; the Consciousness happened. This scam is a singular calamity for humanity. It does have a veritable charisma; hugely facilitative, empowering and satiating for those, who understand and accept the mechanism and process of the Consciousness and how it works as a beautiful Bridge between the two Milieus – Internal and External. This is what we are unraveling next…

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The questions, ‘Who Am I’ and ‘What Is Purpose of My Life’, need finality of answer. We all know, there cannot be a singular answer as consciousness and cognitions are varied and different. However, there probably is a possibility of an easy and singular acceptance of something, which is broadly tangible or tangibility-driven and therefore secularly and singularly objective for we all to accept.

There shall always be dualism about origins and purpose of universe and all lives around us, including humans. But we all can and should ideally accept that now in 21st century, there is little confusion or disagreement about the mechanism and processes of human body and mind. It does not matter whether God created humans or humans created God! It is also irrelevant whether evolution designed us or not. What matters is that we have certain and common design of body and mind and that does not anyway change; irrespective of who created or designed us. What actually matters is what we do next, with the design, as it is there.

What is therefore the primary and singular knowledge for every human being is to understand the design in entirety and holism; not with the help of perceptional and subjective knowledge but objective, verifiable knowledge of pure science. When we do this, we can easily unravel the scam of consciousness and do the needful and rightful to rise above the scam and even correct it for life-living wellness and personal excellence.

From the perspective of the human body-mind mechanism and the substantial knowledge humanity now has, it is truly of utmost utility and significance to accept that the universe too has a ‘design’, mechanism and process, like our body and mind but, it does not have a ‘meaning’ and ‘purpose’, which humans could accept and relate to, in their normal lives. Lives on Earth, or if elsewhere, too have no purpose and meaning, which we humans usually assign to these words and terms.

Reality itself is nothing and unworthy of any utility, which we understand. The interesting fact is that all meanings, all purposes, all Realities start and end with ‘I’ or self. The universe, the Earth, the lives have only those meanings, purposes, utility and worth what ‘I’ or self assigns and accepts. Therefore, if ‘I’ is in Sanity, System, Order, Righteousness, Goodness and Wellness, then only the universe, the Earth, the lives have. It is ‘I’, the self that matters and has any utility. This is the singular notion installed and elaborated 3000 years back in ancient Indian philosophical traditions of ‘Aham Brahmasmi’ (I Am God).

Now, where is the scam in it? The scam comes into play as the self, the ‘I’ or subjective consciousness, which is the sole media to which the Reality is unraveled, is never singular. The scam is that all 7.5 billion humans on Earth have different shades of consciousnesses and therefore, different cognition of the same and singular Reality. This is scam – One single and inescapable Reality, being unraveled and accepted as 7.5 billion shades of Realities! If we add into it the consciousnesses and cognitions of billions of higher living organisms like cats, dogs, elephants, dolphins etc; we have trillions of shades of a singular Reality. Every shade of Reality has a grain of the real and true singular Reality but, rest of it is a mix, as per the subjective consciousness of an individual. This is scam! And it happens because; consciousness is an emergent, evolving and intangible information processing mechanism. And, the information comes from two Milieus – Internal (body-mind) and External (society-culture). These milieus are always different and exclusive; therefore the scam…

Since thousands of years, humanity has had the critical question of who he or she is and what is his or her situation in the station of life as well as in the larger context of cosmos. Till today, most humans do not bother to seek singular, objective and holistic answer of the core questions. Naturally, as the knowledge about these core questions are very partial or at best perceptional; most people have scammed consciousnesses and cognitions. This in turn engenders hell lots of 3Cs – Conflict, Confusion and Chaos in the human world.


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