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She will be spiritually kissed throughout the journey of her surrendered life in this Song, even in the dark, difficult valleys when it seemed her Beloved was far distant.

When she reached true spiritual maturity in this journey toward the end of this Song, the Holy Spirit will reveal to her heart all the spiritual kisses she had experienced in her blessed walk with Jesus. Worship and adoration for her Beloved will cause her heart to burst in glorious praise! It all begins with surrender.



"...for thy love is better than wine."

The Hebrew word for "love" in this verse is pluralized. It was their way of making it a superlative! In other words, the Holy Spirit is telling you that no amount of words can describe it. His "loves" far surpass any earthly love to be found. O what a love it is: a forgiving love, a healing love, a providing love, a protecting love, a tender love, a peaceful love, an assuring love, a guiding love, a comforting love, a strengthening love, an overcoming love, a sanctifying love, a bridegroom's love! It is His love alone!

"Wine" in the scriptures represents earthly joy (Psa. 104:15). She is saying that even legitimate earthly joys cannot be compared with His love! Can you say with her, "...for thy love is better than ...." Everything else in your life should be placed in that blank. Only those who are totally surrendered to the King can truly know this in their heart; O how wonderful it is when the Holy Spirit reveals it to you! I keep repeating myself, it begins with total surrender and then you will grow in this wonderful relationship.


V.3 "Because of the savor (pleasant fragrance) of thy good ointments thy name is as ointment poured forth, therefore do the virgins love thee."

The bride had asked to be spiritually kissed and immediately she was blessed with revelation concerning Jesus' name! Listen to her speak, "Your name is everything to me. The perfume of Your name is being poured forth into my heart. I am filled! I am filled! I am ready to have You take me into that deeper relationship. Here I am my Beloved, take my spirit and move on me as never before. I love You alone. I only ask that You increase the capacity of my heart to be able to love You more!"


 PRAY WITH ME: "Each blessed characteristic and glorious attribute of Yours, my dear Beloved Bridegroom, is thrilling for my heart to meditate upon. O yes, You alone, fill me with unspeakable wonder and love. You are love itself and I know that You alone can satisfy the longings of my heart (Lam. 3:24). May your spiritual fragrances flow through me to others (Gal. 5:22-23). May they be attracted to You through me! Let Your Name be written all over my daily activities and attitudes.


"...thy name is as ointment poured forth..."

This ointment is costly, perfumed oil. Oil was used on sheep to keep parasites from causing them extreme agony and irritation. Also there were oils used for the healing process. The Holy Spirit speaks of the "oil of joy" in Isa.61:3. His spiritual oil gives light to the lamp of our life. Praise God for the name of Jesus! In His name are all the blessed spiritual characteristics for our eternal and temporal needs. It saves (Mt. 1:21), heals (Acts 3:6), gives authority to deliver (Acts 16:18), leads (Psa. 31:3), protects (Psa. 124:8) and forgives (Psa. 79:9)! O what precious spiritual oil is the Name of our Bridegroom!


PRAY WITH ME: "I praise Your Name, my Bridegroom: You are my Jehovah Savior (I John 5:13; John 1:12); my Healer (Acts 3:6); my Lord (Phil. 2:9-10); You are my Wonderful Counselor; my Mighty God; my Everlasting Father; my Prince of Peace (Isa.9:6)! You have given to me Your name and Your name is my name (Rev. 22:4)! JESUS! JESUS! JESUS! JESUS! Purify me now with the ointment of Your Name poured out in my spirit! Your Name dispels demons and activates angels on my behalf. It is the authority I pray in! May Your Name and all its provision be poured forth from my life to others, causing them to praise You!"


"...therefore do the virgins love thee."

Spiritual virgins are those who have a single, pure desire, to please the Lord Jesus Christ. They are not perfect in their walk but they are perfect in their commitment to Him. All the Lord ever wants from us is that longing desire in our heart for more of Him (Psa. 42:1,2; 73:25). Paul himself, late in life, stated that he had not reached a perfect (totally mature) walk, but he had a perfect commitment to press on (Phil. 3:12-14). Do you have a virgin heart, a heart with pure motives which yearns to truly please the Lord? That is all our Beloved Bridegroom is looking for! Then He will take you by the hand and you will begin to walk, little by little, in an amazing deeper relationship with Him as you never thought possible. It is all about love for Him!

A spiritual virgin is one who thirsts for holiness to be worked in her heart and walk. She will pursue love (I Cor.14:1) and holiness (Heb. 12:14). A spiritual virgin has no desire to read or watch those things she knows would displease her Beloved. Is that your attitude? If it is, get ready for the inner chamber (v.4). But you might be burdened with the guilt of having given up your spiritual virginity, the enemy of your mind says it’s too late! O my friend let your Bridegroom do a miracle here. There is second virginity! He declares it in Jeremiah! Israel, His wife, had committed spiritual adultery with other gods (Jer. 30:15-17). The Lord pours out His heart to her (v.17). Read now Jer. 31:2-4. If she repents she will become His "virgin" again!

Wow! He did not have to use the term "virgin". He could have said, "O my people, Israel" since they had lost their spiritual virginity! Praise God He can remake us over anew! Only our Bridegroom can do that! He is our miracle worker Husband! Glory to God!


PRAY WITH ME: "Dear Father, there is still so much of me in my daily walk; such impurity that I often become discouraged. Dear Bridegroom of my heart, I now cease trying to deal with the impurities. I humbly ask You to do the purifying as only Your Holy Spirit can do. Work Ezk. 36:27 into my walk. May the power, peace, and presence of Your name be poured forth in and through my life. May You see me as a pure virgin bringing joy and love to You. May You see me as Your virgin wife! Lead me to other spiritual virgins who have only hearts for You. We will love and serve You together! Praise Your Holy Name Lord Jesus."


V.4 "Draw me..."

Here is the secret to a life filled with Jesus, filled with His Holy Spirit. I have no power to literally draw myself to the Lord. As in salvation (John 6:44) so also in surrender! My part is asking and then presenting myself! He must fulfill it and He will! He then receives all the glory for it is done not with my might or power but by His Spirit alone (Zech. 4:6)! O my dear bride, look with me and see what happens. Observe carefully the pronoun changes from "me" to "we"!


"...we will run after thee..."

What a blessing it is to have others, who are filled up with Jesus to overflowing, share in this wonderful intimacy. O the joy of pursuing Him together with others through praise, worship and adoration. They are proclaiming their heart's longing to Him (Heb. 12:1-2; Phil. 3:11-14). They are saying, "We are not pursuing anything else in life but Thee."

Only after this declaration of desire will He draw her into His chamber of spiritual revelation. What are you running after in this life? What is your consuming passion? Love loves to be pursued and to pursue. When two people are deeply in love they pursue each other with a fervency that knows no bounds! They pursue to bless each other. They can’t do enough to demonstrate their deep love for each other’s heart! As you pursue your Bridegroom He is pursuing you! Glory to God!

The excitement of "first love", love is the driving force. After each pursuit there comes that very special spiritual embrace. O how powerful, O how fulfilling when you and your Bridegroom "find" each other. You share the gift with each other – a thought, an item, an embrace. O dear Lord, how many times have you pursued to bless in those "little" things for me. Notice "we will run" and "the King hath brought"! They both are pursuing each other!


PRAY WITH ME: "Dear Jesus, I will run toward You with a Holy Spirit fervency. I will not run alone but with those who love You as deeply as I do! My fellowship will be with them. I choose now to fellowship with Your surrendered friends!" 


"...the king hath brought me into his chambers;..."

It is only when Jesus is King of your life that He will bring you into His secret chamber; the chamber where the Holy Spirit begins to reveal Jesus' heart to You in ways you never thought possible. What an awesome privilege, to be taken into the secret chamber of the King. He knows when you are ready and at the precise moment He will draw you into a deeper experience with Him. Does it not say that the Beloved brought her into the chambers?

It describes Him as the King. If He is King of my life then I will love to keep His commands. In loving the King, the Holy Spirit will reveal the secrets of the King's heart to you! So marvelous is this experience that no words could describe your inner joy. Jesus died that He might be your Lord (Rom. 14:9).

The key to the secret chamber is His lordship. O surrendered one, when you taste the joys of your Beloved in His chamber, you will want absolutely nothing else except more of Him. May Psa. 73:25 be true of your heart.


"...we will be glad and rejoice in thee..."

The only real joy and gladness is "in" Him. All true spiritual blessings are found "in Him". Stop and read the “in” references and meditate on them. Let Him bless your heart through them (Eph. 1:4,10,11,13; 2:18; 3:6; Col. 1:19; 2:6; 2:7; 2:9-11; I John 2:5). David the Psalmist said it so well in Psa. 16:8,9. In setting the Lord before us in all we do; making Him our sole purpose for living, then our heart will be made glad and rejoice! Being drawn into His chamber gives us the time to meditate quietly upon Him and the result is Psa. 104:34! O what gladness it is to be with others in His chamber pouring out their hearts to Him. Observing God’s joy on the countenance of another surrendered believer multiplies your own joy.


"...we will remember thy love more than wine: the upright love thee."

The pursuers had tasted the Beloved King's special love in the chamber of His heart. Once you taste your Bridegroom's love you will only want to talk about Him with others who have experienced the same. You will relive it over and over again with them as you share together. Everything that is truly unnecessary fades into insignificance. He loves to be remembered (Isa. 43:25,26). That is why He instituted the Lord's supper. He will never allow the precious moments of remembrance concerning Him to be forgotten (Mal. 3:16)! Your Bridegroom, the Lord Jesus Christ, will not allow one word spoken in heartfelt prayer and praise to be forgotten. They are being kept for a very special moment in eternity (Rev. 5:8). Only those who have an upright (surrendered) heart will be

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