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I was doing and I went into prayer.

At about 5am in the morning, I met The LORD JESUS Face-to-face. HE came with special kinds of angels, and HE was robed in purest, beautiful white, elegantly: a Perfect MAN. HE has always been. HE was tall, and HE seemed to be more serious. I could see HIM vividly and hear HIM very clearly. This visit was special and I felt it strongly in my heart. The angels that came with HIM were very unique, and they were huge and arrayed in purest Heavenly white.

They had authoritative voices. I don’t know how many there were. The LORD talked to me, and then I heard HIM tell the other angel, “Be with him, until the mission is complete.” He was assigned to be with me until the Will of GOD is done, and the angel talked to me. He had so much authority in his voice, and he talked to me about four important things. Then he encouraged me. Then The LORD told me the name of the angel by an audible vision voice, and then The LORD commanded him to be with me.

After some time, I heard the audible vision voice say, “Rapture, are you ready for the day of rapture? Are you ready?” This message is supposed to be delivered to the church. How ready are you for the rapture?



Vision of JESUS of Nazareth [Tuesday, December 17, 2013]


At 2:30am, my spiritual eyes got opened. I was with a Brother in the spirit realm, just talking. Then without warning or invitation, JESUS walked into my room, the door was closed, but HE just appeared to just walk through it. It was a shock. A supernatural visit from JESUS was the least of my expectation. HE was tall like I have always seen HIM. HIS Robes are pure white, and they hang on HIM elegantly, from the Shoulder to the Feet. I was spellbound, and my eyes were looking at HIM as HE walked across the room. I was almost dumb-struck. HE stood there, and HE looked at me. I looked into HIS Handsome Face, and immediately The HOLY SPIRIT began to cause me to groan and cry from within. I began to weep, and began to call HIS Name “LORD...” The LORD seemed serious.

The LORD showed me a vision. I saw that I and some brethren were walking, and suddenly we began to take off at a great speed into the atmosphere as if we were flying. Then at some points, we descended, and behind us were two black dogs chasing us, but they could not touch us as long as we were in the air. But my fear was as if we had landed down. The LORD made me know that when, we as believers begin to die to self and the world, and when we yield more and more unto HIM, we begin to rise and soar up into the air. It felt like my feet were soaring up at a high altitude, like I was physically there although it was just a vision. Isaiah 40:31: But they that wait upon The LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

The two black dogs with red eyes are the devil and forces of darkness. Satan is constantly looking for an opportunity when we fall to the ground, descending to his level (loving the world, self, and being insensitive to The HOLY SPIRIT). As long as we are flying higher, he can’t do anything to us, so what he does is to constantly monitor us, ready to attack us when we fall to the ground. 1 Corinthians 15:31: I protest by your rejoicing which I have in CHRIST JESUS our LORD, I die daily. He has no power over those soaring up in the sky.

The LORD gave me a message for a certain church. HE showed me HE wants them to preach Heaven, hell, and rapture messages. I saw in a vision, many people coming to hear this powerful end time’s message, and also I saw The LORD providing for the church financially, but warned against the love of money, and using GOD’s money for their own usage. HE warned against using money for the things that were not agreed on, like before you had some money, you prayed, and promised GOD or someone what you will do to help them but once the money comes, and then you divert it for other purposes. Not the original purpose agreed with by GOD. 1 Timothy 6:10: For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

As I was still on my bed, the Heavens were opened, I heard a Voice calling me, as I looked up, I saw the Hand of GOD holding a white paper with many things written on it. Revelation 5:1: And I saw in the Right Hand of HIM that sat on the Throne a Book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals. Maranatha!



Spiritual World Tour with JESUS CHRIST [Saturday, May 31, 2014]


As I was laying on my bed, early in the morning around 8am, I saw myself in a chariot, travelling at a great speed towards downwards of the earth, I began to become afraid, I came back, it happened twice. Then I saw in the spirit written, the kind of people who will go to heaven. ’Sinful people will go to Hell’. The Chariot began to travel on the spiritual world around the earth, crossed paths, roads, waters, trees then I came on a hill, red Rock, It travelled up, then I saw a place like large area with water, I began to become afraid, Then I heard the voice of JESUS CHRIST, HE said, “We will not sink on the water”, WE flew right above the surface of the water, passed forests, many places, some things I saw I can’t even place them on words, then we travelled down towards the darkness, it moved at a fast speed, I asked, “where are we going?”, JESUS said “I want to show you something”, I saw like mountains, dark caves, totally wrapped in darkness but I could see them with my spiritual eyes, On a closer observation I then knew we were near the gates of hell, It was dark, lonely, Isolated, ugly, No sign of life, You can feel fear & evil foreboding from there, I knew I did not want to go there, we passed that realm that hellish place, I was relieved when I saw we did not go to the entrance, As I looked at my left, I saw JESUS sitting next to me, HE put on purest white robe, like the whitest robe, I was looking at HIS Magnificent robe, the material of HIS Robe looks like the finest fabrics, appeared soft and with white light, I caught a glimpse of holes in HIS Feet and hands, I wanted a closer examination of this, So I told the LORD, “LORD, show me your hands and feet”, HE then showed me HIS Hands, and Feet, I saw nail prints, like holes. The nail prints in HIS Hands were at the end of HIS Wrists, I then began to think about HIS Crucifixion, the LORD said to me”They have pierced MY Hands and Feet”, Immediately the HOLY SPIRIT made me know by revelation, that JESUS was speaking to me about when HE laid down HIS Life for humanity, When the soldiers crucified him, they pierced him with nails, Revelation 1:7: Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen. John 19:37: And again another scripture saith, They shall look on him whom they pierced. We began to pass different realms at a fast speed, sometimes we will go up or sometimes down, I did not know where we were, if we were on earth or some other world, many places exists in the spiritual realm, The LORD and I talked a lot about many things, I was asking HIM many questions and told HIM some personal things, the LORD is so friendly, loving and you feel comfortable around HIM, HE is my best friend, we came to a large forest with tall trees, they covered the entire area, I saw flashes of lightning in the path before us, Then we arrived in a place, where there were many horses, white horses, The chariot slacked and came to stop, but it was still on the air. Below I saw a beautiful angel, He was in white clothes, covered with something like white feathers, there was a bit of golden light, the angel’s face was so handsome, youthful, he was singing, with all horses around, I was very intrigued, I studied the face of the angel, while listening to his melodious and angelic song. His hands and body was dancing in the rhythm of the song, it was so beautiful. After I saw some certain things, JESUS spoke some few things to me, then I was sent back to my body.





I was with a Sister in the spirit, and she was telling me about her supernatural encounters, when she mentioned JESUS. I saw HIM, and The LORD JESUS was walking from the west coming to us. Immediately, HE instructed us to join hands with HIM, and as we did, there was Power that was released from HIM. I felt it enter deeply in my spirit. I was overcome and about to be slain by The SPIRIT of GOD, then I saw the ground opening, I could see thick darkness below, pitch terrifying darkness. The fear I felt was unbelievable. Exodus 10:22: And Moses stretched forth his hand toward Heaven; and there was a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days: They saw not one another, neither rose any from his place for three days: but all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings. I knew this was an opening leading to Hell. Isaiah 14:9: Hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming: it stirreth up the dead for thee, even all the chief ones of the earth; it hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations.

I knew that The LORD wanted to escort me there, but I left the place running away. JESUS CHRIST was walking behind me, HE told me, “Othusitse, men are gnashing their teeth in that place, in Hell.” Matthew 13:42: And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. HE gave me a serious warning concerning hell, and when I opened my eyes in the room, and I was burning all over from the tremendous heat from The LORD’s Presence. It took me hours to recover from that encounter.



The Vision of Hell Part 1 [Sunday, December 15, 2013]



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