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[1 Corinthians 13:8].
• "God SHALL BRING TO NAUGHT [katargeo] both it (their belly) and THEM" [1 Corinthians 6:13].
• "The last enemy that shall be ABOLISHED [katargeo] is death" "DESTROYED" [katargeo] King James Version [1 Corinthians 15:26].
• "The stumbling-block of the cross been DONE AWAY [katargeo]" "CEASED" [katargeo] King James Version [Galatians 4:11].
• "It (the veil) is DONE AWAY [katargeo] in Christ" [2 Corinthians 3:14].
• "HAVING ABOLISHED [katargeo] in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments" [Ephesians 2:15]. The same word is used for
o The end of death
o The end of knowledge
o The end of belly
o The end of Satan
o The end of Law of Moses
o And the end of lost. Whatever happens to one happens to the others; they all have been or will be brought to nothing [katargeo].
A DEATH BRUISE TO THE HEAD OF SATAN: The serpent of Genesis 3 is not said to be Satan but most all believe it to be Satan working through the serpent, which was "more crafty than any beast of the field" [Genesis 3:1]. With the first lie, the devil brought death into the world and became the murderer of Adam and Eve, therefore, the murderer of all their seed [John 8:44]. He sinned "from the beginning" [1 John 3:8]. "He [Christ] shall bruise you [Satan] on the head, and you [Satan] shall bruise him [Christ] on the heel." See Romans 16:20.
Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown says, "Thus, fatal shall be the stroke which Satan shall receive from Christ" Commentary on Genesis 3:15.
"The terminology of this verse is such that it cannot apply to anything in heaven or upon earth except the long spiritual conflict between Christ and Satan" J. B. Coffman, Commentary on Genesis 3:15.
A wound to the heel is not fatal. Satan wounded Christ by sin and death, which he is responsible for being in the world. It made the death of Christ necessary, but Christ rose from the dead and in doing so bruised the head of Satan [Hebrews 2:1]. Did the serpent or any other animal have the power to speak or was it Satan speaking through it? God did speak through an animal [2 Peter 2:1]. It looks as if Satan did. See 2 Corinthians 11:3. Christ said the devil "is a liar, and the father of lies" [John 8:44].
Albert Barnes on John 8:44, "He was a murderer from the beginning. That is from the beginning of the world, or the first records there are of him. This refers to the seduction of Adam and Eve. Death was denounced against sin Genesis ii.17. The devil deceived our first parents and they became subject of death, Genesis iii. As he was the cause why death came into the world, he may be said to have been a murderer in that act, or from the beginning."
Revelation 20:7, which may be symbolic language and not intended to be taken literally says, "And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him." Also see Revelation 12:9.
It is difficult to know what John meant by much of the symbolic language he used in Revelation, but even more difficult to understand if it is made to be a literal non-symbolic passage, yet many use a symbolic passage as the base of their faith and make it override many clear passages.
[3] LAKE OF FIRE: The third time it is used is in Revelation 20:14 where Death and hades cast into the lake of fire. If death and hades are annihilated in the lake of fire, all who are not found written in the book of life must also be annihilated. IF ALL WHO ARE NOT FOUND WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE ARE NOT ANNIHILATED, DEATH IS NOT ABOLISHED [1 Corinthians 15:26]. THE SAME THING HAPPENS TO ALL THREE [death, hades, and those that do not have their name in the book of life]. THEY COME TO AN END. "And death shall be no more" [Revelation 21:4].
HELL CAST INTO HELL [Revelation 20:14 King James Version]. I have often heard in sermons that the lost will forever be tormented in the lake of fire. Most who believe in Hell teach the lake of fire is Hell, but in the King James Version Hell is cast into the lake of fire, both cannot be the same place, but both Catholics and Protestants believe they are the same place. Both believe the lake of fire is Hell. For both the Catholic and Protestant versions of Hell, Hell being cast into Hell presents an absurd problem. Casting Hell into Hell is another blunder made by the King James Translators trying to put Hell into the Bible, but most other translations have corrected this blunder.
Dr. C. Campbell on Revelation 20:14 says, "If we interpret Hades, 'hell,' in the Christian sense of the word, the whole passage is rendered nonsense. Hell is represented as being cast into hell...THE PHRASE 'CAST INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE' IS A FIGURE OF UTTER DESTRUCTION. IT IS SIMPLY SAYING 'DEATH AND HELL WAS DESTROYED.'"
DEATH IS ALSO CAST INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE. [Revelation 20:14] Will the lake of fire be the end of death but not the end of Hell? Or will death be forever tormented in the lake of fire, which many say is Hell? Death cannot be tormented; this is a symbolic picture of the end of all three, death, hades and the wicked? DO SOME THINK THE LAKE OF FIRE WILL ABOLISH DEATH BUT TORMENT PEOPLE?
"AND HELL DELIVERED UP THE DEAD" Revelation 20:13 THE KING JAMES VERSION HAS HELL BEING EMPTIED BEFORE THE JUDGMENT, But, most who believe in Hell do not believe that any in Hell will ever get out, "And death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them" Revelation 20:13 King James Version. Many believe that no one will be in Hell unto after the Judgment Day to be "delivered up," but they use this passage to prove the lost will go to Hell after the Judgment although it will be emptied and cast into the lake of fire before the Judgment. IN THE KING JAMES VERSION THE JUDGMENT IS AFTER HELL HAS BEEN EMPTIED. NOT ONLY IS HELL EMPTIED BEFORE THE JUDGMENT, BUT ALSO (according to the King James Version) SOME THAT WERE IN IT BEFORE IT WAS EMPTIED WILL EVEN BE FOUND WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE, AND THOSE TAKEN OUT OF HELL ARE NEVER PUT BACK INTO IT. According to the King James Version, the Judgment will not take place unto after all that are in Hell have been taken out, "And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and HELL DELIVER UP THE DEAD WHICH WERE IN THEM; AND THEY WERE JUDGED every man according to their works" [Revelation 20:13]. In trying to put a place of eternal torment in the Bible by mistranslating, they made the Bible teach something that they did not believe and most today that believe in Hell do not believe. Most new translations, including the New King James Version, have corrected this blunder, but unfortunately this has done little or nothing to correct any of the many Protestant versions of Hell.
The end will not come unto Christ "shall have abolished all rule and all authority and power for he must reign till he has put all his enemies under his feet, the last enemy that shall be abolished is death" [1 Corinthians 15:24-20].
[4 and 5] LAKE OF FIRE: Forth and fifth times it is used. Any not in the book of life will be thrown into the lake of fire [Revelation 20:15]. Lake of Fire is the second death [Revelation 21:8].
What is cast into the lake of fire?
[1] The BEAST AND THE FALSE PROPHET, which are symbols of two world powers, two nonliving things [Revelation 19:20].
[2] THE DEVIL cast in with the beast and the false prophet [Revelation 20:10].
[3] DEATH AND HADES, two more nonliving things are cast into the lake of fire [Revelation 20:14].
[4] AND ALL WHO ARE NOT IN THE BOOK OF LIFE [Revelation 20:15].
• FOUR NONLIVING THINGS that can come to an end but cannot be tormented. I know of no one that believes world powers will forever be tormented in "Hell." (1) The beast [symbol of a world power] (2) The false prophet (3) Death (4) Hades [the grave].
• TWO LIVING (1) The devil (2) Any not in the book of life. For them the wages of sin is death, not the death of the body that comes to all, but the second death.
The book of life is not a book or rewards for soul that cannot die, not a book of rewards for souls that have life and cannot be dead. THE SECOND DEATH is not just a loss of well-being, a loss of privilege, pleasure, or a reward; the second death is death, not life with torment; death is the reverse of life, death is not life.
The book of life is in seven passages.
• Revelation 3:5: He that overcomes will not have his name blotted out of the book of life.
• Revelation 13:8: The beast given authority over all that dwell on the earth all worship the beast that do not have their name in the book of life.
• Revelation 17:8: The beast will go into destruction and all that dwell on the earth whose name has not been written in the book of life shall wonder.
• Revelation 20:12 and 20:15: There is to be a judgment with all the dead standing before the throne of God, the great and the small. At this judgment any not found written in the book of life is cast into the lake of fire, which is the second death. It is either or, either your name is in the book of life or it is not. If it is not then it will be the second death. It is life or death, not a reward or punishment. “I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. He that overcomes shall inherit these things; and I will be his God, and he shall be My son. But for the fearful, and unbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, and fornicators, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, their part shall be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone; which is the second death” [Revelation 21:6-8]. LIFE OR DEATH, NOT LIFE IN HEAVEN OR LIFE IN HELL, NOT LIFE WITH A REWARD OR LIFE WITH PUNISHMENT.
• Revelation 21:27: Nothing unclean, only those that are written in the Lamb’s book of life shall enter in the holy city.
• Revelation 22:19: Any that adds to or takes from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the “tree of life, and out of the holy city, which are written in this book.” “The tree of life” in this passage seems to be the same as “the book of life.”
THE THOUSAND YEARS AND THE LAKE OF FIRE: In the New Testament many symbols are used and many of them we are told just
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