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hills” are not the “eternal
Old Testament - "from olam to olam" [from age to age] is used twenty-one times.
From one period of time to another period of time demands a separation of the two
periods – ages; therefore, neither or the two olams could be without a beginning or
ending. Two olams would demand that there be more than one olam, more than one age,
not more than one eternality.
From olam (age) to olam (age) applied to people or things
1. “Thou hast blotted out their (the wicked) name for ever (olam-age) and ever
(olam-age) [Psalms 9:5]
2. “He (the king) asked life of Thee, Thou didst give him length of days for ever
(olam-age) and ever (olam-age)” [Psalms 21:4].
3. “The people praise thee for ever (olam-age) and ever (olam-age)” [Psalms 45:17]
4. “All His precepts are sure. They are upheld for ever (olam-age) and ever (olamage)”
[Psalms 111:8]. From one age to another age, not from one eternality to
another eternality.
5. “Thy law continually for ever (olam-age) and ever (olam-age)” [Psalms 119:44]
6. “From this time forth and for ever (olam-age) and ever (olam-age)” [Psalms
125:2; 131:3]
7. “I will bless thy name for ever (olam-age) and ever (olam-age)” [Psalms 145:1]
8. “I will praise thy name for ever (olam-age) and ever (olam-age)” [Psalms 145:2]
9. “He has also established them (the heavens) for ever (olam-age) and ever (olamage)”
[Psalms 148:6]
10. “Also established them for ever (olam-age) and ever (olam-age)” [Isaiah 30:8].
“That it may serve in the time to come as a witness forever (olam-age)” New
American Standard Version
11. "Then I will let you dwell in this place, in the land that I gave to your fathers
forever and ever" "from olam to olam" [Jeremiah 7:7]. From a long time past to a
long time to come, but not forever as the word "forever" is used today.
12. "And dwell in the land that the Lord has given unto you and to your fathers for
ever and ever" "from olam to olam" [Jeremiah 25:5]. If "forever and ever" is for
eternity, then the world cannot end for they must dwell in the land for eternity and
then for another eternity. None of them could dwell in Heaven or in Hell for they
would be dwelling in the land on this earth for eternity and then for another
13. “As the stars for ever (olam-age) and ever (olam-age)” [Daniel 12:3]
From olam (age) to olam (age) applied to God
1. “The Lord shall reign for ever (olam-age) and ever (olam-age) [Exodus 15:18]
2. “Blessed the Lord God of Israel for ever (olam-age) and ever (olam-age) [1
Chronicles 16:36]
3. “The Lord is King for ever (olam-age) and ever (olam-age)” [Psalms 10:16]
4. “God is our God for ever (olam-age) and ever (olam-age)” [Psalms 48:14]
5. “Blessed be the Lord God of Israel form everlasting (olam-age) and to
everlasting (olam-age)” [Psalms 41:13]
6. “Even from everlasting (olam-age) to everlasting (olam-age) thou art God”
[Psalms 90:2] ""from olam to olam" - from age to age. "From everlasting to
everlasting" would mean one everlasting would have to end for there to be
another. Two everlasting are not possible. There cannot be a "from one eternity to
another eternity."
7. “The Lord is from everlasting (olam-age) to everlasting (olam-age)” [Psalms
8. “Blessed be the Lord God of Israel from everlasting (olam-age) to everlasting
(olam-age)” [Psalms 106:48]
a. From “everlasting to everlasting” from “one eternality to another
eternality”? How could there be from everlasting to everlasting or from
eternality to eternality? Today’s concept of eternality seems not to have
existed in the Old Testament; they had the concept of one age after
another age after another age, but not of today’s eternality.
If olam means everlasting or eternal, why did the King James Version translate it old
and ancient; could it be that they knew eternal as it is used today would have made no
sense in these passages? DAYS OF OLD (olam-age) IS DURATION ENDED, NOT
[1] "Remember the DAYS OF OLD (olam-age), consider the years of many generations"
[Deuteronomy 32:7]. One word translated into three words.
[2] "For those nations were OF OLD (olam-age) the inhabitants of the land" [1 Samuel
27:8]. The same one word translated into two words.
[3] "The OLD (olam-age) way which wicked men have trodden" [Job 22:15]. The same
one word translated into only one word.
[4] "For they have been ever OF OLD (olam-age)" [Psalms 25:6].
[5] "I remembered the judgments OF OLD (olam-age)" [Psalms 119:52].
[6] "Is there anything whereof it may be said, see, this is new? It has been already OF
OLD TIMES (olam-age) that was before us" [Ecclesiastes 1:10].
[7] "I held my peace even OF OLD (olam-age), and you feared me not" [Isaiah 57:11].
[8] "And he bare them, and carried them all the DAYS OF OLD (olam-age)" [Isaiah
[9] "Then he remembered the DAYS OF OLD (olam-age), Moses, and his people" [Isaiah
[10] "The prophets that have been before me and before you OF OLD (olam-age)"
[Jeremiah 28:8].
[11] "He has set me in dark places, as they that be dead OF OLD (olam-age)"
[Lamentations 3:6].
[12] "When I shall bring you down with them that descend into the pit, with the people
OF OLD TIMES (olam-age), and shall set you in the low parts of the earth, in places
desolate OF OLD (olam-age)" [Ezekiel 26:20].
[13] "Let them feed in Basham and Gilead, as in the DAYS OF OLD (olam-age)" [Micah
[14] "Then shall the offering of Judea and Jerusalem be pleasant unto the Lord, as in the
DAYS OF OLD (olam-age), and as in former years" [Malachi 3:4].
[15] "And they have caused them to stumble in their ways from ANCIENT [olam-age]
paths, to walk in paths, in a way not cast up" [Jeremiah 18:15].
Olam is used repeatedly where it means an age but cannot mean everlasting. To go
into them would take many pages. Look up "ever" in any good concordance or Wigam,
pages 907-910, Old Testament. A few of them - 1 Samuel 13:13; 2 Samuel 7:13,16,25,
26, 29; 1 Kings 2:33; 2:45; 9:5; 1 Chronicles 17:12, 14, 23, 27; 22:19; 28:4, 7; 2
Chronicles 8:5; Psalms 89:4; Ezekiel 37:25. Olam is used many time for things where
both the beginning and end are known; many times where the beginning is known but the
end is unknown; the beginning of God’s covenant of the rainbow is known but not it’s
end – probable at the end of the earth.
AION (a noun - the plural is aions) and AIONIOS (the adjective form of aion) in the
New Testament. Like olam in the Old Testament, aion in the New Testament is also used
repeatedly where it means an age but cannot mean everlasting. One example is
Colossians 1:26.
• King James Version: "The mystery which hath been hid from AGES [aions] and
from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints"
• New King James Version: "The Mystery which has been hidden from AGES
[aions] and from generations, but now has been revealed to His saints"
• American Standard Version: "Even the mystery which hath been hid for AGES
[aions] and generations: but now hath it been manifested to his saints"
• New American Standard Bible: "That is, the mystery which has been hidden from
the past AGES [aions] and generations, but has now been manifested to His
• New Revised Standard Version: "The mystery that has been hidden throughout
the AGES [aions] and generations but has now been revealed to his saints"
• New International Version: "The mystery that has been kept hidden for AGES
[aions] and generations, but is now disclosed to the saints"
• Young's Literal Translation: "The secret that hath been hid from the AGES [aions]
and from the generations, but now was manifested to his saints"
Why did none of the translation use "forever"? It was obvious to them that God had
kept this mystery hidden for ages but not for eternities.
An aion (age) HAS A BEGINNING [1 Corinthians 2:7, 2 Timothy 1:9, Hebrews 1:2].
An aion (age) HAS AN END [Matthew 24:3, 1 Corinthians 10:11, Hebrews 9:20].
Forever and eternality, as they are used today, have no beginning and no end.
"WORLD" [Greek-aion] in the King James Version
It had to be obvious to the translators that there are more than one aion, but they hid
this from their reader by translating it "this world" and "the world to come." A PERIOD
OF TIME (An Age) IS CHANGED TO A PLACE (World). “Age, indefinite time,
dispensation” Robert Young, “Young’s Analytical Concordance To The Bible,” page
[1] Matthew 12:32 "Neither in this WORLD* (aion-age) nor in that which is to come."
"Either in this age, or the age that is to come" New King James Version, New American
Standard Version. Not "neither in this eternity or that eternity which is to come." There
are not two forevers, one that now is and one to come.
[2] Matthew 13:22 "Care of this WORLD* (aion-age)." "Care of this forever or eternity"?
[3] Matthew 13:39 "The harvest is the end of the WORLD* (aion-age)." "The end of the
forever or the end of eternity"? "The end of the age" New King James Version, New
American Standard Version.
[4] Matthew 13:40 "So shall it be at the end of this WORLD (aion-age)." "At the end of
this forever or this eternity"? "The end of this age" New King James Version, New
American Standard Version.
[5] Matthew 24:3 "At the end of the WORLD* (aion-age)." "At the end of the forever or
this eternity"? "The end of the age" New King James Version, New American Standard
[6] Matthew 28:20 "Unto the end of the WORLD*" (aion-age). "The end of eternity"?
[7] Mark 4:19 "The cares of this WORLD (aion-age)." "Cares of this forever or this
[8] Mark 10:30 "In the WORLD* (aion-age) to come." "In the forever to come"?
[9] Luke 1:70 "Since the WORLD (aion-age) began." "Since the forever began"?
[10] Luke 16:8 "Children of this WORLD* (aion-age)." "Children of this forever"?
[11] Luke 18:30 "In the WORLD* (aion-age) to come." "In the forever to come"?
[12] Luke 20:34 "Children of this WORLD* (aion-age) marry." "Children of this
[13] Luke 20:35 "Worthy to obtain that WORLD* (aion-age)." "That eternity"?
[14] John 9:32 "Since the WORLD (aion-age) begin." "Since forever begin"? “In the
beginning God created the heavens and the earth” [Genesis 1:1]. Beginning of what? The
beginning of time. Although it seems there may be ages after the earth [Luke 18:30; Mark
10:30] and may have been ages before the earth, this is an age that had a beginning and is
not the beginning of the world.
[15] Acts 3:21 "Since the WORLD (aion-age) begin." "Since eternity begin"?
[16] Acts 15:18 "From the beginning of the WORLD (aion age)." "From the beginning of
the forever"?
[17] Romans 12:2 "From the beginning of the WORLD (aion-age). "From the beginning
of the eternity"?
[18] 1 Corinthians 1:20 "Where is the disputer of this WORLD*" (aion-age)." "Disputer
of this eternity"?
[19] 1 Corinthians 2:6 "Not of the wisdom of this WORLD*, (aion-age) nor of the princes
of this WORLD* (aion-age)." "Wisdom of this forever ... princes of this eternity"?
[20] 1 Corinthians 2:7 "Which God ordained before the WORLDS" (aions-ages, plural in
the Greek, singular in the King James, plural in most translations). Ordained before the
eternities? God’s wisdom, which had been hidden but has now been made known, was
foreordained before the ages, not before the worlds plural or before eternities plural. “In
hope of eternal life, which God…promised before the ages (aionios-ages)” [Titus 1:2].
“Promised before the world began” (King James) or promised “before times eternal”
American Standard makes no sense, promised to whom before the
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