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turned too good little fishes. There will be no bad little fishes to burn.
8. "I tell you Nay: but, except you repent, you shall all in like manner perish" [Luke 13:5]. Universalist says not so Jesus, all will be saved; no one will perish. It can be asked of them as they ask, "Did Christ not know what He was saying; why don't you believe it?" Even they cannot deny that Christ said, “Except you repent, you shall all likewise perish.” Why do they not believe Him? How do they change “perish” into “you shall all likewise be saved even if you do not repent”?
9. "Not every one that says unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of Heaven; but he that does the will of my Father who is in Heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy by your name, and by your name cast out demons, and by your name do many mighty works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity" [Matthew 7:21-23]. How could Christ have been so wrong? How could He not know that the Universalist says ALL will enter into the kingdom of Heaven? Why would Christ be telling them in the Judgment Day after the resurrection that not all will enter into the kingdom of Heaven?
o UNIVERSALIST: ALL will enter into the kingdom of Heaven.
o CHRIST: Not ALL will enter into the kingdom of Heaven [Matthew 7:21-23]. Why do they not believe Him?
10. They must change the words of Christ. "He that believes and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believes not shall be condemned" must be changed to, "He that believes and he that believes not shall both be saved." Why do they not believe Christ? Why do they make, “Shall be saved,” and, “Shall be condemned” both mean, “Shall be saved”?
11. Makes being a Christian and living for Christ be no better than not being a Christian. All are going to end up being saved. Makes taking the Gospel to the lost a waste of time. They are all going to be saved anyway, and those who do not hear the Gospel may spend less time in the age lasting Hell and have less torment than will those who hear and reject the Gospel; therefore, taking the Gospel to them may do more harm to most than it will do good. Because most will not believe the Gospel and will reject Christ, most will be made to suffer longer in the "age lasting attitude adjustment" than they would if the Gospel were not taken to them.
Will Jesus save everyone? Gary Amorality in an E mail to me June 15,1999, said, "You've taken a big step out of Hell, but you still leave Jesus as a sinner. He didn't accomplish what He came to the world. If He fails in His mission, He can't be the Messiah."
1. God give His Son to save "whosoever believeth on Him." [John 3:16], but they must believe in their lifetime, and many do not. "Without faith it is impossible to be well-pleasing unto God" [Hebrews 11:6]. God will not raise them and save everyone after He torments them for an age. He will not take away their freewill and make them believe.
2. Paul says they who practice the works of the flesh SHALL NOT inherit the kingdom of God [Galatians 5:16-24]. Universalist says Paul was wrong, they who practice the works of the flesh shall inherit the kingdom of God after they spend some time in some kind of torment having an "attitude adjustments."
3. Christ said, "He that obeys not the son SHALL NOT SEE LIFE," [John 3:36]. Universalist says they will see life. How could those who shall not see life, and shall not inherit the kingdom of God have everlasting life in the kingdom they shall not inherit [Matthew 7:21-23]?
HOW DOES UNIVERSALIST THINK JESUS IS A SINNER? Gary Amorality said, "But you still leave Jesus as a sinner." Jesus had no sins of His own and even if He saved no one, not one person, He had no sins, and not giving eternal life to those who do not believe in Him does not make Him a sinner as Gary Amorality said it would.
UNIVERSALIST says God is a God of love, and He will not kill any; all will be saved. They overlook the fact that He is also a just God, and sin must be paid for with death [Romans 6:23]. The death of the sinner is just if it be death in this life or is the second death at the judgment for ALL who has not had their sins washed away by the blood of Christ; for ALL have sinned, and therefore, it is just for them to receive the wages of their sins. If they have not had their sins washed away by the blood of Christ, raised with Christ in baptism, the sinner will die. Death is sure and just for them. Throughout the Old Testament, God destroyed those who rejected Him, as in the flood, or ordered the destruction as with the Amalekites. He never tormented His enemies. He destroyed them; their life ended. Death is the way God dealt with His enemies then, and the way He will deal with them at the judgment. He will destroy them with death, the second death, not torment them forever or for an age.
Universalist may think this cruel, but it is justice, not cruelly. God would not be God if He were not just? If He had no law, which has a penalty for not keeping it, He could not rule and there would be no sin. There is sin, and its penalty is death.
"In the first place we complain of its relative novelty. It does not appear in the history of doctrine until the beginning of the third century. Barnabas, Clement of Rome, Hermas, Ignatius, Polycarp, Justin Martyr, Theophilus of Antioch, Irenaeus, all the first fathers of the church are Conditionalists. Not one of them taught Universalism. Merely the first slight traces of the doctrine are contained in the writings of Clement of Alexandria." E. Petavel, D. D., The Extinction Of Evil, Page 90, 1889.
Note: Many in the Church of God and Congregation of God also teach there will be "an opportunity for salvation" after the resurrection, but unlike the Universalist, they believe some will reject it, and for them there will be the second death, not torment in Hell.

The Results Of Attributing Evil Pagan Teachings
To God By Religious People

THIS GOD SLANDERING DARK AGE DOCTRINE OF HELL MAKES GOD EVIL, CRUEL, SADISTIC, AND FIENDISH. By some unknown and twisted reasoning it is assumed that for God to be just He must forever torment the lost for His justice demands this; HOW DOES “GOD IS A JUST GOD” DEMAND THAT THERE IS A HELL OR PROVE THERE IS A HELL? From the first sin, God's sentence to Adam was not eternal torment but death. Throughout the Bible, the sentence for sin is always death, not torment. "The wages of sin is death." That His justice demands that He must forever torment the lost is without any foundation in His word. To put it pure and simple, it is a doctrine of man and it makes God evil, cruel, and fiendish for if the punishment exceeds the crime by millions of times, it is injustice, not justice.
If a man should put a single person that had raped and killed his wife in a dark pit and torment him day and night for ten years, most would condemn him to the hottest part of "Hell." Yet, some teach that God made mankind knowing that most of them would be lost, and many millions would never hear His word; yet He will torment them worse than anything we can imagine, not for ten years; but time without end. It will be God doing the tormenting; God will be the one who makes the fire and keeps it burning forever. Satan or the evil ones will not be tormenting themselves. Many try to justify God for doing more than any man can do, and being more cruel and sadistic than the most evil man could ever be by saying we cannot understand the evil of sin. The God of the Bible is a God of love and justice, not as many make Him, sadistic, fiendish, cruel, evil, and in character much like Satan. In the Hell that is preached today no one will be corrected by the torment; therefore, it can only be sadistic?
The Ultimate Evil: “The idea of never-ending conscious agony is so completely revolting to our instinctive moral and judicial senses that we could fittingly call it the ultimate evil. If we’re honest about the matter, this is exactly what it is. After all, is it possible to come up with a worse notion than perpetual fiery conscious misery – with no merciful respite or end to the suffering? The mere idea is so disturbing that it makes it a very hard subject to discuss calmly. How can anyone with an ounce of human compassion contemplate the idea dispassionately when the view of ceaseless torture is so profoundly disturbing?” Chapter eight,
The Deprived, Revolting Evil: "To torment a child that dies without ever knowing anything about God or His word forever day and night with a torment worse than any pain we can have on this earth would not be 'justice,' but sadistic. What kind of a person could love a God who was tormenting his wife and children with more pain than anyone has ever had in this life? When we are in Heaven, do you think we will be singing of God's love and mercy while He is cruelly tormenting most of mankind and many you now love, your wife or husband, your father and mother, your child, your friend? Is there a greater perversion of Scripture than to attribute such characteristics to God? Is it reasonable to believe that the righteous in their glorified state can be indifferent to, and unaffected by, the endless sufferings of countless millions of their fellow beings; among whom would probably be found parents, children, husbands, wives, etc.? Is it possible that they will be destitute of deprived of qualities which are considered most lovely and godlike in this life; viz., piety, sympathy, compassion, commiseration for others' woes, etc.? Will insensibility to the woes of the wretched ever become a virtue? Will that which is a vice in this life, become a grace in the glorious future life?" From a web page by "Ron" which is no longer on the net.
Today, many think that the electric chair or hanging of a person who has killed many is inhumane though it takes only a few seconds; but these same people see no inconsistency in believing it is just for God to torment the same person, even if that person has never heard His word, with a torment which they say is much worse than the few seconds would be and this torment by God will not last only for a few seconds but for an endless eternity.
More Cruel And Sadistic Than Any Heathen God: THE CALVIN GOD, which is believed in and worshiped by many, is a God many times more evil, more cruel and sadistic than any heathen god. Before the Calvin God made the world, He
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