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Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and you are set by Me to watch in the way of My second coming from My Father. Amen.


Oh, it is a day of great feast between Me and you, and guests are coming at My heavenly spring, sons. Here is how they are coming, here they are! And as for you, make the crowd sit down for I become a heavenly feast, and I give them food, water and Holy Spirit for the healthy ones do not need a doctor, but only the sick need a doctor; those full of longing and those who seek are in need of it; those who seek need a teacher. Amen. And here is the spring, here it is!


You, who came to the spring, drink and come to life, for the spring is full of life. Here is the new wine! Taste it and get drunk of its taste. The man’s living with Me is drunkenness of the Holy Spirit. Come to the inn and you feast and take the hanap (Bucket of wood, clay or metal, richly ornamented, used in the middle ages to drink, r.n.) and drink My wine. I am the Bridegroom of the wedding. Come to My inn and rest with your horses and with your carts; rest from your things. Perceive My coming and let yourselves be seized by it. My Word is My embrace and the world was made through Me; it was created by My word. My Father glorifies Me with Himself, with the glory that I had with Him before the world was, and I show His name to the people that He gives Me from the world, so that the world may believe that the Father has sent Me. Amen. Come and rest from your weariness. My spring runs over its brims and runs over you. I give you the word of life. Come close to it and give yourselves to life, for the life is in it and it is the light of the people.


I open the heaven and I come on the earth and the heavenly hosts come with Me. My mysterious coming is the little gate through which I come after the man to come into him with My coming and for the man to perceive Mine too, for the time of love and of new beginning has come, because I am the beginning and the end, and I work out again as in the beginning, and I work out the beginning again. Amen.


Oh, sons from the manger, stay with My word in front of the people that come together at the spring. Make them sit down and listen to Me, for they need a teacher. Take water from My spring and give them to drink to know My coming at you for every man who wants to settle within the beginning that I have come to you with.


I have come to you for My coming and I have made you My way to the people. I am in you, little children from the manger, and I tell to those who come, not to come after you when they come, but rather to come after Me; not to receive from you but to receive from Me. I want to be as in heaven, not as on earth, for the man on earth is used to give praise to one another, with joys from one another and the man does not know as you do, for you are taught by God.


Oh, you, who come to the spring of My word to drink, bow and learn about the praise from God, for the human praise passes like a glimpse. Learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in My heart, and I do not stand aside with human glory, and I stay with My glory over the man instead.


Oh, it is a great celebration between Me and you, and between you and those who come to the spring. I stop again on earth in the midst of the crows and I am enshrouded in the mystery of My word. And I speak again with My mouth. I speak again to the one who follow My step. The work of nowadays is greater than the one at that time, because I went to My Father and I come from Him, and I come with Him when I come.


You should also come to the Father and to Me and make your houses for heaven. Give yourselves to the Lord as a house; to Him and to His guests, for it is written about My coming: «Heavenly hosts come after Him, hosts of heaven riding on white horses and wearing garments of clean and white mink». Come to the Father and to Me too, come and remain with Me, for here is the new wine and the supper of the wedding of the Son of God! Amen. I stop with the heaven into this garden and I become a halting place for those who come to give them the teaching of life. Come to My rest house and rest from your weariness and eat and take the hanap and drink of My wine. I am the Bridegroom of the wedding. Perceive My coming and let yourselves be seized by it. Come to My resting place rest from those of yours! I stretch out My heaven over to you to teach you the living with God. I pour Myself out in little cups and I pour Myself out in little wooden pails. Take and drink and get drunk of the new wine, of the new taste! I come with the kingdom of the heavens on the earth and I stretch out My tent, for I want to dwell among the people and to be their Comforter, to be their Teacher and to be their Master, for blessed is the servant, whose master finds him doing his will for he will put him over many things. Amen.


My feast with My new people is blessed together with those who come to the spring of the word of life. Amen. The earth and the heaven are blessed to serve at My feast with My bride and with the guests of My wedding. Amen. The kingdom of the heavens is an everlasting wedding and I come with it on earth to settle it between Me and the man and to rejoice with the man, for I miss the man and I have been missing him for seven thousand years. Oh, I miss the man very much. I miss the man that I created. I miss to build the man.


And I also miss you, man, and I come to build you and to have you as My kingdom, and to be forever My path, My glory and My life. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Romanian Christianity (the Feast of the Descent of the Holy Spirit), the first day, from 16-06-2000



I come down in the garden at dawn with My comfort and with the Holy Spirit, the Comforter. Amen, amen, amen.


I pour Myself down on you, those who have gathered together around the manger of My word. You have made a stopover for three days and I fill you with the glory of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, on the third day, and I release you. My wedding with My bride, with My people out of the Romanians, is a wedding of new age and it lasts day and night, for the Bridegroom is from above, and the bride remains dressed forever, both in her going to sleep and in her awakening, while working or feasting or mourning or rejoicing, both on earth and in heaven. The bride is that one who does not take off her bridal dress. My wedding with My bride is a feast of Pentecost; it is the feast, which keeps the wedding sons and the wedding guests in it forever. Amen.


At the beginning of the feast I gave you of My peace. Now, I will release you with My word and I give you again of My peace. Peace to you! Peace to you! Peace to you! This is how I comfort My disciples. Now go to your own things but do not forget about God. I will pour Myself down over you with the spirit of the holy joy. I will warm Myself up in you more and more. I will bind you over from above, from below and from the sides with the longing after Me and you will know that you were around Me for three days in a row, and you will feel how the longing will burn you and you will say: “Were not our hearts burning within us while He spoke to us from above?” I gave you sweet bread and new wine and I stayed with you dressed within the garment of the word. Take from the table with you and put it into your bags for the days on earth are hard and the bread and wine have gone bitter and sour everywhere. Take from My supper with you and remain within the spirit of the wedding, within the spirit of New Jerusalem on earth. I have stayed with the saints and angels at the table with you. I have eaten of your food for We long to come with the heaven on earth. I have woken up with you and I have gone to sleep with you; I have rested with you, I have sung with you and I have celebrated with you. I was in each holy joy within you, rejoicing over you.


My heart burns within Me and it burns with longing after the man. My longing burns after the work of My hands. I leave it on you for its fire is consuming, which cleans the spirit and the soul and the body of the man; it is a fire which keeps the man warm, alive, awake and with longing.


I have given to you My word. Make a little shirt out of it and a little coat for bad weather; mother and father, relatives and glory and life, for those who are old will pass away with great noise and I, the Lord, come with those who are new and I put them over the man and on earth, so that I may give the man a new heaven and a new earth and to be able to call him My son. The world and its face will no longer be and I come and set back to its place a new heaven and a new earth and the man full of longing after Me, and I will be fulfilled visibly by the Scripture which said: «Behold, I am with you forever and you will be My witnesses from margins to margins and then I will be with you from everlasting to everlasting».

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Holy Spirit’s descending. The Feast of the Romanian Christianity, on the third day, from 18-06-2000



Peace to you! Peace to you, beautiful country, My wedding country! I have become a wedding of new age on your land, sweet country. I have become bread in you to give it to you. I give Myself over to you and I have not given Myself to anyone until today as I give Myself to you. Take Me, for I give Myself to you. Give yourself to Me, so that I may also give Myself to you. I stay on the top of My holy mountain from your midst and I longingly look over you and comfort your body from beginning to end. I have taken the first created man out of your body and I have also taken the man from the end out of your body and made him watchman for My coming to you and I have made him into a people of saints for My coming. The

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