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to what your wages are to be, nor as to whether you will be paid in full. The final reward for your service to sin is eternal death" A New Commentary On Paul's Letter To The Saints At Rome, Page 142, 1945, (church of Christ).
[31] B. W. JOHNSON: “For the wages of sin. Sin is a master of his servants and pays wages. The wages is death, one of the saddest, but profoundest truths of the world. But the gift of God. God gives to those who turn from sin, life eternal” The People’s New Testament With Notes, Gospel Light Publishing Company, (church of Christ).
[32] E. M. ZERR: "It denotes, therefore, that a life devoted to the service of sin will earn or merit the wages of death, not physical death, for all have to go through that, but the second death, designated in Revelation 21:8." Bible Commentary, Volume 5, Page 360, Copyrighted 1952 by E. M Zerr, (church of Christ).
[33] LEROY GARRETT: “Nowhere in Scripture will you find the idea that God bestows upon the wicked everlasting (unending) life or immortality so that he can then torment them forever in hell fire. The wicked die forever for two reasons: they do not have the gift of immortality, and they have to receive the wages earned for their life of sin, which is death.” Restoration Review, November 2990, “Is Hell Fire Endless?” (Church of Christ)
[34] STEVEN CLARK GOAD: “Our present traditional view of hell, borrowed from Catholicism and paganism, is no more biblical than their doctrine of limbo,” “Thoughts on Punishment of the Wicked” church of Christ Christian Ekklesia Podcast of Christ)
[35] JEREMY K. MORITZ: “I grew up in the church. For many years, I believed in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell—that souls are taken from the body immediately following death and are placed in either Heaven or Hell where they will spend eternity in bliss or unending torture. This is what most of the Christian church right now believes. For the last six or seven years, however, I have found countless scriptures that have changed my thinking considerably in this area. It seems to me that nearly the entire Bible teaches that eternal life is only experienced in Heaven, that Hell is a place of complete destruction and annihilation.” “HELL: Eternal Torment or Complete Annihilation?” (church of Christ)
[36] ASHLEY S. JOHNSON: “Does the doctrine of endless punishment harmonize with the fundamental principles underlying God’s government that the hopelessly wicked, the incorrigibley wicked, shall be blotted out? Trace his dealings with the nations through the centuries. On this principle he destroyed the antediluvians (Gen. 5:1-7; 7:1-24). Also Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen., 18:20,21). Also Korah and his rebels (Num., 16:31-33). Also he made provision for the utter destruction of idolaters (Deut., 12:13-18). Also the Egyptians (Ex., 14:1-31). Also Babylon (Isa., 13:19-220.Moses predicted the destruction of the incorrigible (Deut., 18:18, 19). So did Peter (Acts, 3:22,23). John had a vision of the day (Rev., 3:13-21). Why should this be God’s method of getting rid of the wicked all through history if he is to suddenly change it at the judgment day, and consign all his sinful creatures to torment and punish that all alike and that without end? I cannot answer. Can you?” Founder and president of the Johnson Bible College, “The Resurrection And The Future Life,” Page 432-433, 1913, Knoxville Lithographing Company, (church of Christ).
[37] DILLARD THURMAN, Brown Trail Church of Christ: "The hope and aspiration of many has been shifted from His coming again to receive His own, to an immediate immortality and heavenly bliss immediately at death! Jesus DID NOT promise that!" Gospel Minutes, Volume 34, Number 5, February 1, 1985, (church of Christ).
[38] E. D. SLOUGH “Punishment lasts so long as its results last, and where death has been administered for the satisfaction of crime, THE PUNISMENT CONTINUES TILL LIFE IS RESTORED, AND IF NEVER RESTORED, IT IS AN EVERLSATING PUNISHMENT. Lost of property, loss of liberty, loss of life, may all be meted out to the transgressors under the label of punishment. And death as the capital punishment, legalized on the statutes of all civilized nations of the world, is the highest punishment man can inflict—or so recognized,--being the deprivation of life, the first source of all pleasures and enjoyments, and recognized as being forfeited for certain crimes.” “The Indictment Of Eternal Torment—The Self-negation Of A Monstrous Doctrine,” Page 196-197, F. L. Rowe, Publisher, 1914, (evangelist, church of Christ).
[39] OREN ORAHOOD and many other in the restoration movement and after (church of Christ).


Early in the Reformation there were many who did not believe, "You shall not surely die," but the Church of England and Calvin opposed them. A few of the many books by well known ministers, teachers, professors, Doctors, mostly orthodox Protestants or church of Christ ministers teaching that mankind does not have a part that is immortal from birth. That life after death is dependent of the resurrection, not on an immortal soul.
1. Tertullian, "Treatise on the Soul" Chapter 55
2. Martin Luther, E. Petavel, "The Problem of Immortality" Page 255
3. John Wesley, "Wesley's sermon on Luke 16:23"
4. William Tundale, "Christian Moralism" Page 99
5. Ashey S. Johnson, "The Resurrection And The Future Life" 1913 (church of Christ)
6. Elias Smith, (Often referred to as "Elder" Elias Smith) "The Life, Conversion, Preaching, Travel and Sufferings of Elias Smith, 1886 (church of Christ)
7. Dr. Joseph Priestley, "Corruptions Christianity" in Works (1818), Volume 5, Page 229
8. Edward Fudge, "The Fire That Consumes" 1982 (church of Christ)
9. R. O. Overton, "Man's Mortality," 1643
10. Moses E. Lord, "Do The Holy Scriptures Teach The Endlessness Of Future Punishment?" (church of Christ)
11. John Milton, "Treatise of Christian Doctrine" Volume. 1, chapter 13
12. Homer Hailey, "God's Judgments and Punishments" 2003 (church of Christ)
13. John Jackson, "A Dissertation on Matter and Spirit," 1735, "The Belief of a Future State" 1745, "A Clear Distinction Between True and False Religion" 1750
14. Dr. Joseph Priestley, "Disquisitions Relating to Matter and Spirit" in Works, Volume 3
15. F. LaGard Smith, "After Life, A Glimpse of Eternity Beyond Death's Door" 2003, Lipscomb University (church of Christ)
16. Bishop Edmund Law, "The State of the Dead," 1765 (Appendix)
17. Curtis Dickinson, "What The Bible Teaches About Immortality And Future Punishment" (church of Christ)
18. Archdeacon Blackburne, "A Short Historical View of the Controversy Concerning the Intermediate State" 1765
19. Samuel Bourn, "Christian Doctrine of Future Punishment" 1759
20. Dr. William Whiston, "The Eternity of Hell - Torments Considered" 1740
21. Prof. Henry Dodwell, "The Natural Mortality of Human Souls" 1708
22. Dr. William Thomson, "The Thought of Death" in the Bampton Lecture, 1862
23. Archbishop J. Tillotson, Works, 1717, Volume 1, Page 749
24. Dr. William Coward, "A Survey of the Search After Souls" and "Further Thoughts Concerning the Human Soul" 1703
25. E. D. Slough, "Indictment Of Eternal Torment—The Self-negation of a Monstrous Doctrine," 1914, (church of Christ)
26. Roger E. Dickson, "Life, Death, and Beyond" 1998 (church of Christ)
27. Henry Layton, "A Search After Souls" 1706
28. Russell Boatman, "The End Time" 1980 (church of Christ)
29. Clark Pinnock, "Four Views On Hell" 1992
30. Dr. Edward White, "Life in Christ" 1846, "That Unknown Country" and "Immortality, a Clerical Symposium" "The Unspeakable Gift" (1884)
31. Jerry Cross, "Magnolia Bible College 1984 Lectures" Page 48 and 49 (church of Christ)
32. Dr. John Thomas, "Final extinction of wicked; immortality a gift through Christ"
33. John Scott, "Harding Graduate School Lectures" 1971 (church of Christ)
34. H. H. Dobney, "Notes of Lectures on Future Punishment" 1844
35. Archbishop R. Whately, "A View of the Scriptural Revelations Concerning a Future State"
36. Sidney Hatch, Th. M., "Daring to Differ: Adventures in Conditional Immortality" 1991
37. James Panton Ham, "Life and Death; or, The Theology of the Bible in Relation to Human Mortality" 1849
38. Charles F. Hudson, "Debt and Grace as Related to the Doctrine of a Future Life" 1857, "Christ Our Life, The Scriptural Argument for Immortality Through Christ Alone" 1860
39. Samuele Bacchiocchi, "Immortality or Resurrection?" 1997
40. Dean Frenerick W., "Farrar, Mercy and Judgment" 1881
41. Dr. Robert W. Dale, "Edward White, His Life and Work" 1902
42. J. W. Hanson D.D., "The Hell Bible"
43. Samuel G. Dawson, "Jesus' Teaching on Hell" 1996 (church of Christ)
44. Canon Henry Constable, "Hades: or the Intermediate State of Man Restitution of All Things" "The Duration and Nature of Future Punishment"
45.Bishop John J. S. Perowne, "Hulsean Lectures on Immortality" 1868
46. Sir George Stokes, "That Unknown Country (A Symposium)" 1889, "Immortality, a Clerical Symposium"
47. Dr. W. A. Brown, "The Christian Hope" 1912
48. Dr. R. F. Weymouth translated The New Testament in Modern Speech. Note on 1 Corinthians 15:18: "By 'perish' the Apostle here apparently means 'pass out of existence'"
49. Dr. William Temple, "Christian Faith and Life" 1931; Drew Lecture on Immortality, 1931, "Nature, Man and God" 1953
50. Dr. Aubrey R. Vine, "An Approach to Christology" 1948
51. Dr. Lyman Abbott, "That Unknown Country" 1889
52. Dr. Emmanuel Petavel-Ollieff, "The Struggle for Eternal Life" "The Extinction of Evil" 1889, "The Problem of Immortality"
53. H. Pettingell, "The Theological Trilemma (Endless Misery) Universal Salvation, or Conditional Immortality" 1878, "Platonism versus Christianity" 1881, "The Life Everlasting: What Is It? Whence Is It? Whose Is It?" 1882, "The Unspeakable Gift" 1884
54. Al Maxey, "The Maxey-Thrasher Debate" (church of Christ)
55. Eric Lewis, "Life and Immortality" 1949. "Christ, the First Fruits" 1949
56. Dr. Basiil F. C. Atkinson, In "The Pocket Commentary of the Bible" Part One: Book of Genesis, 1954 Comment on Genesis 2:7:, Part 1, Book of Genesis, Page 32
57. DR. T. A. Kantonen, "The Christian Hope" 1954
58. Robert Dozier, "Dozier-Johnson Debate" (church of Christ)
59. DR. D. R. G. Owen, "Body and Soul" 1956
60. William Enfield, "History of Philosophy"
61. John Locke, "Reasonableness Of Christianity"
62. John Millton, "State of the Dead"
63. Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr, "The Nature and Destiny of Man" 1955, Gifford Lectures at Edinburgh, 1939
64. Jeremy K. Moritz, “HELL: Eternal Torment or complete Annihilation?” (church of Christ)
65. Steven Clark Goad, “Thoughts on Punishment of the Wicked” church of Christ Christian Ekklesia Podcast, (church of Christ)
66. William West, “Immortality Or Resurrection” 2006 and “Unconditional Immortality Or Resurrection Of The Dead” 2008, (church of Christ)
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