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Who does not wash his/her little coat, will not be able to get in to the Lord. In the world neither feasting nor prayer is it used anymore, but only fornication. There shall be bodies which will lie, and the soul will not come out.

Excerpt from God’s Word from November 4, 1984.



My beloved children, for this reason I rose so that I may make you alive and it is difficult, My dear children, with this people, it is difficult, for it has not wisdom and it does not know how to get wisdom, it does not know to let itself come to resurrection, and who does not quit sinning and corruption, for that one there is no one to come, for if there is one at this counting, that one has to stand up now because now it is the rising of those of this counting, for we will come back to those without knowledge to work faith and knowledge from God and wonders of which the one without knowledge may marvel and to fill with wisdom in order to gain life and to enter the counting of God. Those will be the dead who will rise at the voice of the Holy Spirit with whom you will be clothed, My people, and there will stand up and will testify God, and behold how much power and life will be poured out over the numb bodies without knowledge. 

Excerpt from the holy Virginia trumpet sounding over the Christians in the Gheboieni town, from November 7, 1990.



Here, I tell you a new mystery, for those who believed in Me so far, those who testified Me in front of the kings and of the world rulers, who were serving foreign gods; those have suffered martyrdom in their body and reached to the right hand of heavenly Bridegroom. But those from now, who belong to the work for the end of the wickedness and the one for the new beginning, these are martyrs in spirit and sigh in spirit and suffer for all creature. Here, now the world is rejoicing in its spirit, and the children, the bearers of God, sigh in the Spirit of God, but that Scripture is also written and says that, “All nations will mourn, and you will rejoice then.” And “When you see those that are to come over the world, rejoice, for your redemption is approaching.”


My child let your sadness not worry you. Do not get frightened, not even if the world spirit presses upon you, for it presses, you need to know that it presses. Bear the weight and carry it with joy and with patience, for there is a little time so that we may become like them and then to win them over to Jesus Christ, who wants to complete his loose body of His creature, and here, the Lord helps you, for the Lord cannot be seen without the body now. Do not grieve over your power and do not let yourself under sadness, over the power of your heart, for there is no temptation to overcome your power, and if it comes, God comes towards you and gives you a hand and gets you out of it. It is the time of martyrdom in spirit and this martyrdom in the spirit is much more valuable for God. Here, you know that it is written, “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body and are not able afterwards to do anything, but be afraid of those who can kill the spirit, for this would be the second death.” That is why the reward is higher for those who are martyrs in the spirit. The reward is high and comes from God, and the Lord will redeem through these the blood of those cut and killed for the testimony of Jesus Christ, for through these, who are martyrs in the spirit, the martyrs in the body will rise and will get the reward of their faith. It is written this way, “At the present trumpet the dead will rise incorruptible, and the living, who will be, will be changed,” and shall enter the rest of the glory, seen by all God’s creature, and then the joy will be full. There is still a little while, beloved child, frail child, a little while, and there will be a sweet and eternal condition, and this will be the reward for the sons of the New Jerusalem and they will sing together, those in heaven and those on earth, the song of victory.

Excerpt from God’s Word on the day of the cornerstone placing of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem. The God’s Word to the King Mihai, from July 21, 1991.



Here, the Holy Spirit and the power of the Most High will overshadow you and you will come in front of this chosen people, and then you will breed and multiply and cover this chosen land, among all that are in the world, for Romania will be the New Eden. I know your trial and if I were not with you and in you, you could not resist. I know but soon you will put it away from you, for the children of this work will be the new earth who will be proclaimed with great working power of miracles and one cannot feel the heaviness now. (See topic: “Romania – the New Jerusalem – the New Canaan„[11], r.n.) Now the ground is still hard, My beloved, and it cries to Me under its heaviness; it cries to make it new, as meant to be. The land of this people, if it allowed God to work it, as a land of the present time is worked, would have yielded fruit of wonders never heard before. Oh, Christians of this people, this is their mission; to bring the dead out to the thousandth generations out of the kindred of each piece of land, of every Christian who would let himself worked out and risen; and here, this is the mission and the point of Scripture which says, “In those days the earth will delivered up the dead from under it, and the sea will give up the dead who were hers,” for, here another mystery, for each soul of Christian has a kindred in body too, and this is the Scripture which says about the sea which will give up those who are dead in it, and the word will be fulfilled: “Where is your victory and your sting hell?”  Here, this was the mission of this descending of the heavenly word, and it is written in the prophets about this time and about the Holy Spirit working by which this people was born. Behold, the battle of the two groups of angels will come and it will be fulfilled what was written, for the angels of the Holy Spirit will overcome their adversaries, for one jot or one tittle (thread) shall in no way pass from the law, until all may be fulfilled.

Excerpt from God’s Word to His chosen, Irineu, from January 17, 1992.



Oh son, what is the sign that My messenger is to be known of? What is the sign the one who speaks from Me and into My name may be known of? Ask the Law, Christian, and with those in it look over the one who speaks about God, for it is written, “Do not take to eat or to chew without knowing the food, and seek to know the false teaching,” for there is nothing but the dead to be risen and the last wonders to be done, those written to be done. Do not look after signs, and do not believe in other gods beside Me. For a great sifting and a laboriously worked temptation will come; it shall come and say that they are sent to take and protect you, and you will know the one who comes ahead of Me if you are found in the spirit of holiness, in the holiness shirt.

Excerpt from God’s Word, at the feast of the Assumption, from August 28, 1993.



Do you see My people, how hard it is for Me to come down to you? Do you see how much humiliation you bring over My eye, over My light and over My way towards you? But it is the time of the day of grace, and I still wait a little time for you to come to your senses and gain divine nature, the way man was at the beginning, the way I was when I took a body. If I did not come to take a human body, My Father would have not given Me the power to judge the man. But here, I am the Son of Man, the sinless man, and in the place of the man out of sin, I crucified Myself in My body, to mend the man and to condemn death. And here, the time is coming, and it has already come, when the dead are raised for life and for judgment; some for life and some for judgment. (See topic, “The Judgment”, r.n.) The Scriptures who speaks about the new birth of the world is coming, for I will raise the man out of the earth, all humans who have had a body, all creature, sons. This is what I told My first disciples, who crucified all they had and took My life, My truth and My words, of My kingdom, to let them be known and to make themselves sons for Me; I told them that at the new birth of the world they will sit and judge Israel. And here, the heaven from above unites the right with those of the body, and it is being worked all that remains to be worked until the ending of the mystery of salvation, the one from Jesus Christ, Who names Himself The Word of God for the second coming of the Son of God. (See topic: “The mystery for salvation of the human people – the mystery of incorruptibility”, r.n.)


… Man is born out of sins, and I have spoken no blessing for sin, for it could not be such a thing, but I have blessed the born again man, who have sought the Lord, following Him. And now through you, people of My grace, I want to finish what I still have to work and to repair over man.  Do not let Me without hands and without legs over your land and across your field, for I want to give life without death to your field, and then to bless this work for its ending. You are the people for the end of My working. Do not follow the man who lengthens the illness, for the Lord is coming, son, he comes and heals what is left not raised, and the prophecy about life without death will become visible, the prophecy for the redemption of the bodies, of the children, for at the new birth of the world, when the first belly is working again, many of the creature will rise to bodily torment, for much creature, of the one which was taken, went away; it went away lifeless, without heaven, without God, and that will take a body for tormenting, and the tormenting will not come to an end until the last penny, until the last debt is paid. But I work, sons, I work and I work again to ease My creature, and My people do not know what God does. And here, those from above will be shown, that is the Jerusalem from above, those who have gone alive, and are alive for their return to the Lord. The Jerusalem from above will be shown, which is the mother of the believers, of those called,

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