Read books online » Religion » 1991.07.08 - The Word of God for the appointment of the land of the garden of the Holy of Ho-lies of the New Jerusalem by Lord Jesus (best historical fiction books of all time TXT) 📖

Book online «1991.07.08 - The Word of God for the appointment of the land of the garden of the Holy of Ho-lies of the New Jerusalem by Lord Jesus (best historical fiction books of all time TXT) 📖». Author Lord Jesus

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every word, which comes from heaven to be shared where it is given, is heard here.


In the beginning was the Word, and the Lord worked by the word and made all that are seen and unseen. God spoke the word and the word became flesh, and this way all that are were made. And behold, the Lord is about to finish His work, and He works now as in the beginning; He works by the word and what He speaks come into being, and as it was in the beginning so will be in the end of the work of the word. The Lord said: «Let there be light» and it was light. The Lord said: «Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters» and it was so. And the Lord said: «Let the waters under the sky be gathered together to one place, and let the dry land appear» and it was so. And the Lord said: «Let the earth put forth herbs on a dry land» for the dry land was called earth, and it was so: and it gave forth grass, yielding seed after its kind; trees bearing fruit after their kind, and this was a heavenly mystery, a great and difficult mystery to understand; this work rising from the word. And the Lord said that it shall be a greater light to rule the day and a lesser light to rule the night, and it was so. The Lord said that there shall be fish in the water and birds and animals, and all shall have life in them, and it was so, because the Lord said and it was done, and all were made by the word. And then, God of the Holy Trinity, the Father, together with the Son and with the Holy Spirit, made the man according to His likeness and made him ruler upon everything that was done by the word. And the word of the Lord gave the man as his food all the grass with seed in it and all the fruits of the trees bearing fruit. And it was so. (See selection topic: „What defiles a man, what enters or what comes out of him?[4]”, r.n.)


My loved ones, the Lord worked by the word and made that beginning and then He rested however, the man spoiled God’s work and fell from heaven, for this work was a heaven; it was a heavenly blessing; it was a heavenly Eden, and that happiness would have been forever, and the word would have been in all after that, to the fullness of this happy beginning, and sin and death had not entered upon God’s work if the man would have listened to his Creator.


Behold, I tell you a new mystery: the Lord works once again by the word; He works once again a beginning; a new beginning. And what kind of beginning does he work? And why does He work a new beginning? He works to make the one that fell from happiness to come back, to raise him back into the glory that he fell from. God also works in this time by the word, and behold, God’s word came down in this covering, and the Lord started from here the new beginning whose way goes back to the condition of the first worked out beginning. This is the work, prophesied to be in this time.


The work which is working in the covering, has spoken today to the other son who has his name written within this boundaries; for the one that did not understand God and did not follow Him according to the word coming down.


Be careful, son of these parents, for your younger brother belongs to the Lord with everything that he has; with all his life. Take heed and do not forsake the Lord Who is speaking, for if those from the beginning did not escape the punishment because they did not listen to the word which was speaking on the earth, how much more those from now who hear the word and depart from He Who speaks from the heavens. Take heed, take heed to God’s word, for here is what the Lord is speaking to you: the land of this boundaries has a heavenly election, and the Lord has worked in this time and sealed it to be a holy land and only the clean ones may tread on it; those with whom the Lord works the mystery of this time. This election was from the beginning, and this is a land chosen by God. The eye of the Lord was all the time upon this patch of the holy land,  and the work of the Lord, which was prophesied to be worked out on this land, came down in due time. This covering is holy, and it is worked in it a threefold sacrifice every day, after a godly commandment. There is still a little time and the Lord makes a great light and a visible glory upon this covering. It is the covering of the testimony of this time when the Lord was at work.


I raised from the town you come from, this working trumpet to the end of the world times, and to the beginning which comes after the end of the wicked things. I raised Verginica. (See The Life of Saint Virginia, r.n.) I also raised another son from this town, whom, behold, I anointed with a heavenly anointment, and he is a son of the new covenant. Be wise with the Lord, for the Lord asks from you your word to write it down as a testimony. Here is what I write: this covering and this holy and sealed land belongs to the Lord’s work; it is of the Lord’s plan. This younger son is the successor of this foundation. His name is written in the right of the inheritance from here, for he belongs to God and only to God and he is the heir of this family which is written down as the founder of this land, of this covering which hides the Lord in his manger. Rejoice for the Lord raised a savior from the mist of this house for the salvation of this entire house. Amen. Speak your word for the Lord is here and is writing the speech of your word. Behold, your inheritance will serve from now on to the work, for which this inheritance was meant to be, as near this holy covering the Lord is building now a strong tower, a tower of testimony, a rock of resurrection and of the beginning of the holy and clean church; a new and righteous church, a dwelling of testimony over the nations of the earth, which will be here from all sides to see the glory of this land. (See the selection topic „The true church”, r.n.) All who live within these boundaries work for Me; they work after My word and belong to Me, and I will make them useful and to the salvation for many nations, which will bow down to the New Jerusalem of this time, for Romania will be the New Canaan and will have the leadership of New Jerusalem over it, which, behold, is coming down from heaven through the word; and behold, the heavenly Jerusalem takes life from this beginning from here. This land and this new covering has a heavenly dwelling come down, a heavenly and clean living, and this is the power from which a living life, a new heaven and a new earth will be seen upon the nations. They who live in this land can do nothing by themselves, for they are submitted to the heavenly power and to the word from heaven which accompanies them in any work which is to be fulfilled.


Behold your work that you have to do. I want to hear your word and to write down, for I am your God, and you know Me, but you do not want to walk in My steps. Behold, I will work salvation for you, for I owe this, but I will work with justice to save you. Behold, I speak a word to you: this land will belong from now on to the Lord. This is My word, and your word will be written and will stand either for or against you, but My word will also testify so. I do not want to judge ourselves, and I do not want this way with you. I want you well, but you should also do the same, for I am God and not man, and I have the heaven under My submission, and I have the strength to glorify Myself for power and greatness. And because you give to Me and to My work the share which is under you name, behold, say and I will write. What do you want the Lord to do for you? What do you want the Lord to give you? Say and I will listen and I will do according to your word and I will write your word. But let your word be given as My word and My plan is. Not many had what you put before from the Lord, but you should be careful, for the Lord is a mighty God.


When I arrived with My people Israel to the borders of Canaan, after I took it from the bondage of Egypt through Moses, I gave order to My chosen people to enter into Canaan, but that people did not open the gates so that My blessed people may enter. And I gave order to the priests to sound the trumpets seven days around Jericho and I said to My people to stand with their hands raised up to Me. And after the priests sounded the trumpets seven days, the walls of Jericho fell down and the blessed people entered the land, which was promised to their fathers through the word delivered by the Lord’s mouth.


Get up with a mighty heart and with a spirit of faith and do My will, and I will be and I will remember of your faith and your inclination. Get up and speak and the Lord takes care and writes down those spoken by you. Say, what do you want Me to do for you and what do you want Me to give you? What do you ask from Me? The Lord asks you and waits for you to hear your word. The Lord is read to listen to you. But look, you will be saved or not saved by your own words. Choose the Lord and stand with your word for Him and not against His plan. I am God, and you are My creature. May it be to you according to My word! Amen.


Peace to you, and be faithful and humble, for your that was born under this roof is great! Peace to you! Be the doer and give to the Lord your heart, for it is made by Him.


Let it be fulfilled the word that came down now and let it not be opposed. Amen. In the beginning was the Word, and the Lord said, and all were made. Here now: the Lord said and will fulfill His word, and let those that I speak with, work according to My word and it will be well with them. 


Peace to you, those from the house of this heavenly inheritance! Peace and fulfillment, as in heaven so on earth and upon you! Amen.


And you, with whom I speak now, take heed and forsake the idols and defilement. Get up and shake yourself, so that you may be able to remain reconciled to God. The emptiness and its idols are coming to an end, for a new light arises. Fight to get a clean life and to bring you to the condition without death! Help your father who

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