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Book online «1996.10.14 - The Word of God at the Feast of the Protection of the Lord's Mother by Lord Jesus (books recommended by bts .TXT) 📖». Author Lord Jesus

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from Israel. Give them work to do, Israel. Give, Israel, work to do to your protecting little angel, for him to have something to go from you to God with, as he always goes and sees God’s face, as it is written into the Scriptures about those of whose protecting angels see God’s face forever. Oh, I told you, son: „Woe to the weak-spirited one!” What does it really mean what I told you? Oh, you should not be poor of the spiritual life, son Israel. You should always be a child, who always keeps and does God’s deeds on the earth, so that your protecting little angel, the Lord’s good angel, may be strengthened in you and near you, son. Nothing remains without arriving at the Lord, but you should not give the occasion to the evil angel to see God’s face going with those wicked of yours, as he looks day and night to accuse you before the Lord, as it is written, but the Lord will cast him away from His face, as you will serve God day and night, dear son, and your protecting angel will see the Lord’s face and will bring you power and love from God upon you, and you will stand before the Lord strong-spirited and not weak-spirited.


Let the word of the saints be strengthened over you, my people, as their prayers have multiplied God’s mercy for you, Israel. If you pray to a saint doing God’s will, you make him bold before the Lord for your requests, Israel. Pray also to me to intercede for you before God, as the saints, Israel, have me before them and they are after me for you, my people, so that you may be helped and strengthened by saints and angels, son. I help you after your stature son. I comfort or I rebuke you after your stature and I ask you, son, to stay well established in a godly stature, and to be strong-spirited, so that your angel may see God’s face day and night; to see it forever, as it is you that he brings before God. Stay before God, son from Israel, stay well and with fear of the Lord, and with attentiveness to the Lord, son. You should not avoid my teachings, so that my teachings may not avoid you. You should go through them and let them go through you and you should bring them into being upon you, so that you may be strong-spirited, dear son, as the angels, Israel, stay around you to hear the word of God from God’s mouth and from your mouth, my people, as at the hearing of God’s word, the heaven comes together to listen. Son, take the good and put it on you and work it out, as the heaven comes around you to see God, as where the Lord is, there the heaven also is, my people; for wherever the carcass is, there will the vultures be gathered together to eat.


The apostles were going on the way and talking the word of God, and the Lord came near them and interpreted the Scriptures about Him, and then He went with them and broke the bread and became word and Body on their table, and then He went to the Father, to be in the Father with them, with the apostles, son.


Oh, you should get used to the word of God, son; you should receive and chew it. You should receive the Scriptures that have been by now and those from now on and speak from them, as the Lord comes near to interpret them for you, son. The Lord comes to interpret the Scriptures that have been by now and those from now on, as the Scriptures are made by the word of God preached to the people who were moved by the Holy Spirit, by the word of God, sons.


My people, Israel, be strong-spirited to be the Lord’s will on the earth, so that the Lord may come closer with the saints and angels, and that the heaven may come down on the earth, and that the heaven may be seen with you on a heavenly day, and the day of Lord may come, Israel. The day of the Lord is with you. The feasts of the saints celebrate with you, Israel. The Lord is coming, son; He comes to celebrate in you the mother Virgin; He comes with a synod of saints and with the mother Virgin.


Let it be attention in the gates! Let it be watchfulness before the word of God, which comes to be born in its manger, in its garden. The Lord becomes word; the saints become the word of God.


Oh, sons of the Lord’s little garden, be careful in the gates; strengthen the watch in the gates; watch over the Lord’s coming to Israel. Your life is God. Watch over your life, as the angels also watch, and the saints also watch, and the Lord also watches, sons. You should also watch; watch over the Lord’s coming to you. Let all the people of Israel watch over the Lord’s coming to His people, as from the Lord’s coming to you the nations receive to learn of the Lord’s coming on the earth.


And to You, Lord, I give glory for Your coming; I give You glory from the middle of the saints, as You are the One that is glorified by heaven and earth for Your coming. Come with the saints; come with the angels; come Lord to Israel, and make Israel strong-spirited, as great is Your mercy and power and goodness, good Shepherd.


− I am the Good Shepherd, Verginica. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The thief and the robber is the shepherd who runs away to save his life when he sees the wolf coming. I am the Good one, Who lays down His life for the sheep, Who gives His Body and Spirit as food of the sheep, as this means that He gives His life for the sheep. The Good Shepherd becomes food for the sheep; He becomes manna from heaven for the sheep, and the sheep have pastures and know the taste and the voice of the Shepherd, and go after the Shepherd. I am the Shepherd of Israel, Verginica. I am the Good Shepherd, and the sheep listen to the voice of My word. Amen.




I am the way, the truth and the life. I am the Good Shepherd, Who laid down My life for the sheep. The Good Shepherd does not jump over to enter into the fold of his sheep. I am the Shepherd of Israel, and the gates are lifted up and I come in, so that Israel may have pasture. I am your peace, Israel, My people; I am your comfort, and you are My comfort, Israel. We come together; I with you and you with Me, to celebrate the day of the heaven on the earth. I am your day of celebration; I, with My heaven of saints and angels. The heaven is comforted with you, My people. You are the comfort of the heaven, and the heaven is full of comfort for you. Receive the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, Whom I gave to you from the Father, and be comforted with Him, as I promised to those of Mine, even since I went into the Father after I was raised by resurrection. The Holy Spirit, the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, is the One Who speaks upon you from Me; it is He, Who takes from what is Mine and proclaims comfort for you, My people. I gave you birth and I brought you up from the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, Israel, like a good Shepherd, and I nourished you with My life, as the good shepherd lays his life down for the sheep; he becomes food for the sheep; he becomes pasture for His sheep; he becomes comfort for the good shepherd. I also have some other sheep that are not of this fold, and I want to call them too, to gather together into My flock, to have the Good Shepherd as a shepherd, Who grazes His sheep with His life, to have eternal life, as the Good Shepherd has. Oh, no other shepherd on the earth lays down his life for the sheep. He does not lay it down even for God, let alone that he does not lay his life for My sheep.


Israel, Israel, I tell you, My people, to hear the flocks on the earth. Let any kind of flock hear the voice of the Good Shepherd. He who enters the door is the shepherd of the sheep, and he who does not enter the door into the fold, but climbs up some other way, that one is a thief and a robber. The good shepherd enters through the door and the sheep listen to his voice and follow him, and they will never go after a stranger, but rather they will flee from him, because they do not know the voice of the strangers. I am the door, and the thief only comes to steal, kill and destroy, for the paid one and he who is not a shepherd and whose sheep are not his, flees when he sees the wolf coming to the sheep, and the wolf comes and scatters the sheep. He who is paid does not take care of the sheep and I want to gather the scattered sheep, and there will be one flock and one Shepherd, and they will never perish, and no one will take them away from My hand, as Father gives them to Me, and no one can take them away from the hand of My Father, as I and the Father are one. I am the Good Shepherd, and One is the Good Shepherd, Who gathers His sheep in one flock.


It is the voice of the Good Shepherd over you, people of My word, so that the scattered sheep may know the voice of the Good Shepherd and to gather themselves for the pasture; to come together for the pasture at the voice of the Shepherd and to become one flock and one Shepherd, as the Scriptures says. Amen.


I came to you on a day of celebration, Israel. My mother Virgin covers you with her protection, to be protected by her, and that My mother may be your mother too, and for you to be her son, Israel, My people, as I also am her Son.      


Oh, mother, cover Israel, protect him, help him and give him comfort. Share with Israel, so that the sons of the today’s Israel may have mother. The one from yesterday did neither receive Me and nor you, but the one of today is house, door and meal for us; he is also comfort for us. Mother, comfort Israel of today, the Romanian Israel, as it is a great work for Israel to be Romanian! It is a great thing for the one, who believes in God, into God’s voice and into God’s word, to be Romanian. Divide yourself and give to Israel your comfort; share your comfort upon him, as Your son is in you when your break yourself down.


− Oh, loved son of the Father and Mine, as this is what the Father wanted, seeking to the humility of His servant. Oh, dear son, it is a great wonder for Israel to be Romanian, as the Romanian people started with You and he is born of You, of water, Spirit and blood, of Your holy Body, and he received body and spirit out of Your Spirit, and became relative with You and with me, Son, and was dedicated in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and behold, now the Romanian land is the kingdom of Your word, which is like the dough of one woman, who took and hid it in

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