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is for the body». This is what My apostle said to those who wanted to follow Me; and he also told them: «Your bodies are the members of Christ. Do not make of your bodies and your members, the members of a harlot, for he who is joined to a harlot is one body with her, for as the Scriptures says, the two will be one flesh; and he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him». Amen. And also we went on telling them: «Flee lewdness. Every sin that a man does is without the body. But he that commits lewdness sins against his own body. Do not forget that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit Which is in you and Which you have from God, and you are not your own, for you are bought with a price. Your body and your spirit are God’s; they are a house of His glorifying». Amen.


Oh, sons joined unto Me, oh, it is hard for a teacher until he puts a whole teaching upon the man subjected to the teaching, upon the man who starts to learn from God. Behold how much the apostle Paul avoided it until he could tell the man to flee lewdness, which is sin inside the man’s body, in respect to other sins which are done without his body. I did not tell the man to get married and those who perceived it said: «Lord it is no use for a man to get married». And I answered them: «This is a word to be hidden, and is for those to whom it is given to perceive it». When I was at the wedding from Cana, I made the couple one spirit with Me for they joined onto Me and did not take the sin in them. Behold, I did not tell the man to get married, but on the contrary, I said: «My coming will be as in the time of Noah, when men were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the day they incurred the flood from heaven». (See the selection topic: „As in the days of Noah<sup><span><b><u><sup><span >[5]</span></sup></u></b></span></sup>”, r.n.) I explained to My apostles the work of a eunuch, a holy work in man’s body; I did not tell them about the sin; I did not tell them about marriage, rather I separated them from the wives and from the children and from all that they had, to be able to come after Me by self-denial, taking their cross and making disciples for the proclaiming of the kingdom of heavens upon the people.


Behold, the time has come to judge the man who distorted even from the man’s beginning God’s secret words upon the man. If I made male and female, I made them for Me not for debauchery. Where and when did I tell the man to get married and the man of the church to put marriage among My mysteries so that I may not have authority over the church? I said: «The body is not for fornication, but for the Lord, and the Lord is for the body». Amen.


I started even from the beginning those that were for Me: «Take and eat My body». I had many that loved Me seeking My footsteps, but I took for supper only a few, for the work of the supper is great and the man hardly perceives it to become holy for it. I said: «The one that eats My Body and drinks My Blood remains in Me, and I in him». But who is the one that remains in Me, and I in him, after he goes to the priest to have the Lord’s Supper? Oh, this is a secret mystery. It is the union of the man with Me; it is the man’s wedding with Me, for it is written: «This mystery is great in the Lord and in the church». It is the bread which man had to take as food, for I became good food for the man built by My hand, and to whom I gave all My goodies. And if he did not listen to Me, then I told him to work and toil for his everyday life to feel sorry for his sin of his separation from Me and so that he may no longer long to sin in his own body; sin that separates him from Me, the sin of fornication that I did not put over the man, but rather I told the man: «Because you have listened to your wife’s voice, cursed is the ground for you sake. I toil you will it of it in all the days of your life; thorns and thistles will also bring for to you and you will eat the herb of the field. By the sweat of your face will you eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust and to dust you shall return», and I sent him away and put a sword of fire to keep watch over the way to the tree of life. But today, behold what a crowd gathers together at the supper of the church, and behold the time when every man is judged for the holy ones of Mine, which are not kept by a sword of fire, the same as I put a cherub with a sword of fire to keep watch over the way to the tree of life.


And you, those that are established by Me at the table of My secret supper, get up and tell everyone, together with Me and with the apostle that tells everybody: “Flee sexual immorality! Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body. Make of your body the temple of the Holy Spirit. You should not belong to your own self and in your spirit as some that are not God’s.”Amen, amen, amen.


Oh, children from the manger, you are the manger of My word, in the place where I established you. I have always come together with you. I bring you together at My bosom, to feed you and to give you water and everything that I give you may run over, so that the man may receive his salvation or his judgment from this word. I come together with the saints at your bosom to be saturated by your love, for those in heaven are also hungry; they are hungry after you, who are My coming house on the earth. We eat from each other; you from Us, and We from you. Love must become true God in man, because only then it is called so; otherwise, it is called sin not love. The man has to long after love and not for sin, but the sin became god in man, and the man listens to it and longs after it, as afterlife. The man longs after death as the saint longs after God. But you are My bridge, on which I walk from heaven on the earth to speak with the man and to tell him about Me and about the country of My second coming from near Father, to give the man the way for his returning to Me. The holy fathers of Romania are looking at their country from heaven, and spreading out their hands to Me say: “Lord, give a humble spirit to the Romanian, so that he may give it back to you as a well pleased sacrifice to You. Give him cleanness, and give him love, so that he may have a weapon against his self-love, and give to the Romanian the Holy Spirit, for the Holy Spirit in the man is the One Who knows You into this word and in the sons of Your word in Romanians”. Amen, amen, amen.


Oh, sons, I come to you with good orders for you and for Me in you. I come soon with words of building of My work with you on the earth. I come to give you a holy work to do, so that you may work within blessing. I come to teach those who persevere to be one spirit with Me and to tell them to be one body and one spirit with Me and with you, and to know how to work near you for Me, as it is a great thing for the man to know how to be smaller than God on the earth. I find no man on the earth to be smaller than Me, and I cannot work but on those who are small, whose the kingdom of the heavens is, as I spoke through the Scriptures. Sons, stand with your lighted lamp into My way, so that I may come and build you day by day into your holy work on the earth, and so that the man may have where to find a holy work and a way for his steps. Stand with your lamp lighted so that I may enter when I come.


Now I give you a little crown because you have listened to My word by which I sent you to the one who is blown by the wind of sufferance, to repentance; the archbishop Vasile (Basil, r.n.), who sat on the seat of the church in the first stronghold of the Romanians cities, the citadel of Târgovişte. This seat is My seat, and woe to the one who sits on this seat according to the man’s plan that I have set aside for Me to sit as word on the earth into the midst of this ruling city! I wanted to touch it through your little hands and to release it from the sins that he has done by now against Me and you and against My archbishop, Irineu, the one who has on his head My great anointment over My church in this time. Pray to Me, so that I may give him a spirit of wisdom, and so that the one touched by My hand through you may understand that your hand was with power from Me, and to cut his sufferance short and to release him in peace. I have mercy on the man who repents from those that he has done against Me. Amen.


I will work with power over the earth and I will clean My way, My dwelling place and My seat over this citadel of every opposition, of every doubt and of each body, the first citadel over Romania, the great citadel into whose midst I have a ruling seat with you.


May the fire guard be blessed on My seat in this citadel, as I set a fire cherubim to protect the way to this citadel and I say: He who will stumble against this seat will be smashed by it, as the one, who is set aside for Me and for the country of My coming, has stumbled and is smashed by it now, for this country is the first and the last as I am. Amen, amen, amen.



Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).

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