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same is today too. I shepherd with a heavenly pasture and water the sheep with a sweet fountain, and the cunning shepherds got upset with Me and laughed at the sheep that I gathered in My arms to give them life from My life. But they cut themselves and will cut into the sword that they took against My coming and against My pure flock, which is cleansed by Me to be, and so that My church between the heaven and the earth may no perish. The church, which stays built by the man on the heights, is no church. That is a store on which is written „God” and the man goes to get Me from there and he pays Me. There is no man to have room in that church if he has no money. All its servants say that the money is for the church, and the man does not know what his ruler says, when he takes his money and spends on fleshly, earthly and passing away pleasures. Behold, the money, which the man gives to this business is not for the church. The church means the sheep, not the walls; it does not mean anything else. The lean sheep is of no interest in the temple of the man; the barren sheep even less. But the fat sheep has room, for it has milk, wool and lambs. Not the priest is the one to handle the money if it is a need for the life of the church, but rather the economists who have in their charge the necessities of the sheep. A sheep helps another sheep by the upright economists, who share innocently, as the Scripture says. And the priest should shepherd; he needs to feed, bandage and tend My sheep, and he should have no sheep, since he is established as a shepherd of My sheep; and I do not ask anything from the sheep, rather it is I that give them from My life. Amen.

I complain with My word. All people are blind and I can no longer get rid of the slavery for the man of the lying wrote Me on his house to live as a result of My name, but I did not tell him to do so. I did not give Myself to anyone to be sold but to Judas, so that the Scriptures may be fulfilled with Me, the Shepherd sold by the man.

Behold, this has always been with the shepherds of the lie. The poor widow borrowed so that she may have enough share from the sheep to give to the shepherds. When I saw her giving, I took pity on her. No one asked her if she had enough, but only if she gave. She had very little to give and still she did not think of her life, rather she borrowed and here is how much she gave. Oh, why do the shepherds not proceed the same way? Why do they not lay down their lives for the sheep, as the sheep do for them?

Oh, poor little sheep, I have much mercy on you. I came after you to take you out from bondage. The shepherds over you suck your blood and waste your time. You work for foreign masters to keep your life, and the shepherds over you eat your milk, and you do no longer know how to give birth and bring up lambs for Me. You should know that the shepherds over you are nor from Me, but they are My traitors. They wrote Me on their store and hired men and tax collectors and sold Me to you, as they say, and they buy you with My name which is written on their store. Behold, selling and buying, and where this is there is an antichrist work, a false seal. No one can sell God and no one can buy sheep unless he has this secret name written on him: „antichrist”, the man of lawlessness, who has been laying in ambush in a coat of the saint since two thousand years. My church is not this way, and where it is, it is not selling and buying, it is not a paid shepherd, who gives the sheep to the wolf if the wolf is coming; it is not a sold God or a bought sheep that the shepherd may hire for; rather, it is love and a holy sacrifice, as I revealed Myself to the sheep, as I worked before the sheep so that the sheep My take a church teaching from Me. However, this kind of church has never found its place among the people, for the people are blind and do not seek to find the Spirit of the Truth so that they may see through it afterwards.

Oh, it hurts Me because of the lie on earth, for its house and for My name written on this house. It hurts Me. Oh, My Father, it hurts Me and I tell You because I am Your Son: it hurts Me, Father!

― Son, You have been hurt since You lost the man. When I saw how much it had hurt You, I sent You after him to make him again, but the man did not stay for his making, Son, crea-tor of man. You wanted to die for the pain of the sheep without a shepherd, for You were hurt by their scattering, and after You died, You came to life again, so that the sheep might see that You are their Shepherd. But false shepherds have appeared again, and they have been staying for two thousand years and no one has had mercy on Your pain, for seven thousand years. You have been hurt since You lost the man and it has hurt You and this is how it has hurt Me as well, for You are My Son, Who suffered from man, but it is written: «Sit at My right hand until I make Your enemies the footstool of Your feet» Amen. It is still a little while and every man on earth will have You as Shepherd, for all the false shepherds will perish soon, soon. I will ask the life of the sheep from them and I will punish them because they sold You, Son. All have been selling You on money, as the Jews did, and with this money they have done their own things, and they have filled themselves up with greed and lie in the name of the church, Son, but it is not church, for the church is only what is Yours, with Your sheep, Shepherd Son.

I have sent You as Shepherd again on earth after two thousand years. Call Your sheep and give them life, as they do not have any; they do not have any life, they do not have any vig-or, they do not have any knowledge and they do not have any comfort Son; they do not have. It is only We that are hurt for them, but the sheep do not know. The sheep do not know where their comfort and salve are, for the false shepherds have settled between You and sheep and the way with the light was closed, Shepherd Son.

Oh, do no longer cry Son. You are My Son and I am hurt for You. Let Us shepherd the man on earth and give him power to receive Us, to have Us and know Us well, so that he may no longer let himself be deceived by falsehood. Come Son, My child, as the Father can in You and You will crush under Your going on earth all those who have been using Your name and garment for an unfair gain and for ranks and glory. Come, for the time is coming to an end and everything that belongs to the time passes away, and We will win over the man, Son. Come, for We have a people, which knows Us and We make known the mystery of life and the mystery of lawlessness to it, and it will prosper on earth with the heavenly truth. Amen, amen, amen.

― We too, good Father, we too, the bishops of the Eternal Bishop, comfort Your Son, for it is Your heir child, Who knows to give You His entire inheritance, when He regains it again fully from under the man. On a day of celebration, we sound the trumpet of the word too, with which Christ, the Shepherd from You, Father, has breathed on us. We have called out the sheep under His mantle, for the shepherds over the sheep are the wolves who live on the sheep. Let the sheep come to the spring! Let them come! Amen, amen, amen.

Christ have come to you, oh, little sheep! Hear Him how He plays the little flute for you to come together and to know His voice. He is the One Who laid down His life for you. He has come to give your free pasture. Come to Him, for the truth is no longer in the people. We do no longer tell the shepherds over you to let you come to the spring of life. They have been putting only thorns into your way to tell you that the way is wrong and they have been putting the lie into the way to-wards them, on which they write the name of Christ. Remember that the Lord had no room with His sheep in the house of the shepherds of that time. He would shepherd them in gardens, along the water banks and in the mountains and He would protected them from wolves, for then as to-day, the wolves were dressed in garments of saints. Come to the Lord’s gardens to give you food and to increase your heavenly life and comfort, for the man of lying takes you to slaughter on earth. Be in the image and after the likeness of Christ, the One Who created the man. Do no long-er take after the image and likeness of your shepherds, who suck up your milk, who close the way to heaven to remain on earth. Come with heaven, for the heaven is eternal. Come to the spring from heaven, which flows into the midst of the people, for the Lord has made it to come down, so that the one, who takes of its life, of the word giving of life, may have.

We call out the sheep under Your hand of Shepherd, Lord. Give them Your hand and give them power to come. Amen, amen, amen.

― I come with the salvation of the sheep. The fig tree has budded and My vineyard is ripe, and the springs are coming and setting on earth. I am the One, Who laid down My life for the sheep, so that the sheep may have life. Let he sheep come to Me to give them life, for I have come into their way and I give Myself over to them as Shepherd. And I will shepherd every one that comes. I will shepherd and comfort them forever in My mountains. Amen, amen, amen.

Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).
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