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Book online «1999.07.07 - The Word of God at the feast of the birth of St. John, the Baptizer by Lord Jesus (summer reading list txt) 📖». Author Lord Jesus

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your being and for your little mouths, hands, feet, word, thing and walk. I am with you to bless you and to have a blessing from you sons.

I am waiting for you again to sit before My word, as I will be again with a word over you for as long as the plan of day of today was. Amen, amen, amen.


I, the Lord, let Myself in the book and I become word for this day of feast, as much as it is to be spoken today. Take care of My things sons, for I will give them to you to take care of them by your holy life, for everything is holy for those who are holy.

When the world around sees that you work doing a good deed of My word brought by Me to you in order to fulfill it visibly and to be true in the word, it says that you store up riches for yourselves. Oh, those that you work into My name are not yours. They are Mine sons, as you also are Mine. They are My plan that you fulfill. They are My hard work that I labor to be on the earth. They are My name, and are memorial stones of My coming as word to you, upon the earth. You work hard for the accomplishment of My plan on the earth, for you are poor. You do not do like the man who brings Me into debt if you work for Me; you do not work to make Me owe you, for you do not seek for the reward on the earth, but rather you seek that My name may be on every work accomplished by you on earth, so that I may be the Master, for I have told you to make a name for Me on the earth.

He who makes Me a name, that one has his name near My name, for such a reward I give to the man who completely gives himself over to Me; however, the man who lives for his own self and for those who are like him to make a name and a rank for himself among the people, that one is a haughty man and unjust to himself and to his neighbors. When the name of the man is of no use to Me, that one is not a name, even if it is written with big letters in time, and such a name is of no use to the man except for My judgment, for I said that everything the man does on earth will stand against him. The one, who makes Me a name, has a name, if he does become conceit-ed, only if he does not bring Me into debt because he made Me a name.

Oh, sons, it is good for the man to be poor among the people, but not all the poor are des-titute and humble, for he who is haughty by nature, does not get rid of this sin even if he is desti-tute of those on the earth. The world comes to see and asks you when it sees that you stay with a boundary among you and with world for My place with you; it asks you if you call yourselves My elected, if you believe that you are elected. Oh, the world is used to have a name. The man in the world is haughty by nature, and it eats what it reaps. You are not haughty by nature, for it was I that I wanted this, not you, for I use the man who is humble in his heart and deed; I use him and Me as well, for everything I do on the earth with the man is useful. The name of the man is of no use to Me when I make use of him, but it is useful to him only if he is humble, only if he does not get haughty, only if he does not make Me owe him that he made Me a name. When I tell you to make Me a name on the earth, I put you to work into My name and I tell you to put My name over the work that you work at; I put you to ask Me with My blessing in your work. All I want to do with you, I give you to do, but first I tell you to ask for what I give you to do, and that is why I told you that all those that will be, will be made at the man’s request of God. Amen.

Sons, tell Me what is God’s man? How can a man be God’s man? Sons, say it for the man on earth becomes haughty and says that he is chosen and that he is God’s man. Say it sons and I listen to you. Amen.

― The man of God is that one who makes and shares God’s kingdom over the earth and over the people; he is that one who establishes the holy law of God’s commandments, keeping it with his soul, with his body and with his spirit; it is the one who shows the man the sin done against his own self and the sin done against God; it is that one who hears God and starts to fulfill the word given to him by God without partiality. The man of God is the one who makes a name for God by humility and self-denial, not looking forward to a reward. The man who obeys God is God’s man.

― Oh, sons, I put your wisdom to test to show the haughty man the growth that I gave him, the wisdom that I give to the man who obeys Me, the man who has nothing for himself, but only for Me. And I, the Lord, at the request of God’s man, come from heaven on earth and es-tablish the kingdom of the heavens, as it is written into the Scriptures that I have to fulfill, (See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God ”, r.n.) and if I fulfill it, the haughty man will have no room on the earth, for I come on the earth with the kingdom of the heavens, and I make the kingdom fall down on the people. Amen, amen, amen.

Sons, the seed is small, but I will make it grow into a big tree. You are the kernel that I sown on the soil to become a big tree in which the birds of the sky may come together, as it is written. Teach the man who seeks the Lord; teach him to gain his freedom that the birds of the sky have, sons. Teach the man to get out of slavery, for woe to the one whom I find in slavery when I come! I have come to make the slaves free, so that they may come into the heavenly kingdom. I have come to release those that are bound and to tell them to take their cross and fol-low Me, for the one who is bound cannot come after Me in order to guide him to the country, which I come on the earth with.

Let the man come and serve Me, for I came on the earth to establish a new building on him, a country for saints, and let he who comes be careful to the Scriptures which says: «Let him who is on the housetop not go down to take out his things that are in his house. Let him who is in the field not return back to take his clothes, for woe to those who are with child and woe to nursing mothers in those days, which have not been yet since the beginning of the world, but for those that are elected they will be shortened». Sons, teach the one who comes after Me not to let his heart go to those that he has, to those that he earned, to those that he scraped through, for woe to those who will do this in the day of their calling, for it is written: «He who seeks to save his live will lose it, and he who lose it will gain it», for «in that night two will be in one bed and one will be taken and the other will be left», and «wherever the carcass is, there will the vultures be gathered together». And this testimony and this word of Mine, which is the Gospel of My kingdom, will be spread into the whole world and to all the nations, as it is written about the end that will come after this.

Oh, the false prophet goes from place to place for he has money. The people on the earth are weak-hearted and sell each other and to one another. The iniquity finishes off the man and My Gospel crosses from one margin to another, as it is written before My coming. Behold, sons, why I say that it is woe to the man who makes himself a name on the earth, for the man is like grass and he needs to be humble and not haughty. He who is humble is exempted from many sins, from many traps, and the haughty one receives his life on the earth from riches, ranks and haughtiness. I come to you with a soul nourishing word to let the man know that he does not watch and that I come unexpectedly, for the earth groans with long groanings that I may wash it away from the man’s evil things and from his carelessness on it, and from the bodies that make him dirty day and night with debaucheries and devilish parties. Little and little it is, and the earth will become new again by cleaning. The prophet Elijah will fulfill this Scripture of the cleansing of the earth (See the selection topic: „Enoch and Elijah ”, r.n.) and he will make My path straight, for I and the saints and angels made everything ready for My coming with them.

The voice of John, the Baptizer crosses the time and cries out from near Me:

― Oh, people, bring forth fruits worthy of repentance for that baptism with fire is coming, and you are far off from God. (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic fire ”, r.n.) The suffering is coming over the bodies, for the Lord cleanses his threshing floor for His coming, and He will gather His wheat into the barn, but the chaff He will burn up with unquenchable fire. Enter the narrow gate, for the way of lawlessness leads to destruction, and multitudes over multitudes walk on it. The narrow path is the narrow gate, but it leads to life. Rush to it, you sons of the people and keep away from the prophets of the lie, for only their coat is of sheep, but they are as rapacious as wolves in their inside. (See the selection topic: „The false prophet and the ecumenism ”, r.n.) Look at their fruits for the grapes are not gathered from the thorns or the figs from the thistles. The good tree bears good fruits, but the evil tree bears bad fruits and they are cut and thrown into the fire. Behold, if you want to know them, you may know them after their fruits, for into the kingdom of the Son of God there will enter only the one who does His Father’s will and not everybody who says: “Lord, Lord”.

Oh, people, those who prophesy without doing God’s will, those who do miracles before the people to pose as God, soon, soon will hear the Lord’s mouth speaking: «Depart from Me and do not rush to Me, you who work iniquity into My name. I never knew you, for anyone who hears My words and does not fulfill them, that one is not fruit and is like the one who built his house on the sand».

Oh, sons of

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