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and who want to stay within it wherever they are. When God falls from between man and man, between brother and brother, then the heaven and its beauty suffers without a home. That is why, I tell you to watch sons, so that the heaven may have a house among you and that the heaven may be seen on earth. I have marked Myself upon you with the voice of My word for the feast of the angels. Kneel down and always ask Me for a new spirit of My Spirit. I have marked Myself with My sign upon you, and you should strengthen the dwelling place in you for My Spirit.


Sons, sons, stay away from the work of the devil and keep him away from you, because I have always taught you to listen to the whole word of My teaching upon you. Sons, sons, the man stands away from God on earth, and you should stand away from the devil and close to God, withstand the devil steadfastly because I gave you heavenly weapons. Subject yourselves always to the teaching, sons. Teach everywhere the whole obedient people to love submission as the angels love it in heaven, to their most beautiful happiness, sighing with it after the man’s happiness, which stays away from God on earth, not seeing the heaven so close to him.


My Romanian voice is wanted by all those who have been carrying a body on earth, because My word refreshes their entire burning and crying.


My angel goes everywhere in this day and shares comfort and hope, but help Me, My people, to overcome the man’s enemy and to take the man out from his grievance, because it is for this that you have been called out to Me. Amen, amen, amen.


Remain with the book of today open, children from the gates. We will sit at the table with the angels, and we will release then those who are remembered at the table of My angels, and we will be comforters, because we are from the Father, sons. Amen.




Oh, sons from the gates, I stay with Verginica at the border between those that are seen and those that are not seen, and the perfect order of the angels accompanies Us and serves Us. I have let the feast of today flow, and I have exhorted you through the angels. My angel, Michael, has reminded My people to work and to live according to the order of the angels, on earth as in heaven. And behold, those who passed away with their body, wait for Me from the earth and not from heaven, because the whole work for their salvation is being worked out on earth, and the heaven answers to the earth. Amen.


Oh, Verginica, you have a desire and the Lord and all the angels accomplish it for you, and then we release the angels together with those who are called to the feast by their memorial of today. Among those who passed away from their body, you have with you a voice of a soul crying by the work of My word, which speaks on earth. What is your desire, Verginica?


– I have rejoiced among all angels and among all those who have come together for their feast, and our people remembered those who were asleep, and they have also come together, Lord, because it is great obedience among those that are not seen, and they have come because they were called out, and they have taken the joy of the feast and their joy in it and from Your work with Your people. Oh, how beautiful, how wonderful work those that are seen with those that are not seen, but the man stands away from God on earth, and that is why the haven is not seen by the man. I bring to the children who carry us the crying of the one who, among those who were called and remembered at the table of today, cry to me to speak about him on earth; a soul from my little birth village, who has been asking me to give him the chance to speak to our children who bring us down word on earth, to give him comfort in his sighing. I, full of mercy, as I also was on earth, seek to work much in the heavenly things as well, and to bring Your fruit, Lord. And I am also speaking now with those that are in the gates, so that they may know what this little soul is crying for, the one remembered today among those who are mentioned.


Oh, watching children at the gates for the Lord, for the saints, for the angels and for those who have passed away from their body! Behold, I tell you the sighing of the one who cries to you through me. I hear him, and I want to let you know about his crying, so that those on earth may know how great this work of word between heaven and earth is. You are tired of the pains from the Lord’s work and from the pains of those who have been waiting without any power for their salvation and comfort from the Lord. Behold, this little soul that has been crying wants you to set before him the mercy and the love that you have got, because he is deeply wounded for all the pains he brought to you in his unrest from you in the time of his living on earth, because you walked in the way of this word according to the Lord’s will, and although he knew this, he did not do it, and he always was restless and brought you anxiety. He keep asking me, behold, he asks me to tell you that he stays fearfully, looking at you with sighing, because the Lord has enabled him to see the armor that you have taken upon you, and he has been sighing bitterly because he did not know this, because he served the spirit of the pride and of haughtiness, and he lived on earth in opposition to you in your way with the Lord, after the Lord made you His servants. He is comforted and refreshed if he can let you know that he is sighing with remorse for the wounds, which he had always done to you, as one without knowledge, without faith and without fear of God. I am the one who tells you about those who sigh in him, because he is not able to pass now. He is sorry because he struck you, because he threatened you, that he hated and followed you to fill you with pains and threats as one without any fear. He suffers without any comfort because he crushed you as many times as he was able do this, and now he sees what God has got for you, what kind of love there is among those in heaven for you, what service you bring to the heaven, and the heaven to you, what a wonderful work among those in heaven and among you, and he sees this now and he is filled with mourning and remorse. He has been looking at you with tears all the day of the feast of today. I have come to help him and then he has looked and sighed and cried to me to help him by making his wound known to you. He is ashamed before the angels because he was full of pride on earth, and his human mind has put him to shame now, because with the Lord these do not have any value. What it is of value for people, it is without any kind of value with God and with angels. Now he is asking you to take his side and to give everything you could offer him on earth, if he had been able to remain small before this work of feast and comfort of those who have loved it for its heavenly glory among people. He is looking at you now, at your goodness and mercy, and he has taken courage because you are merciful. He is asking for your help, because you are great with the Lord. He is asking you to be his help for the comforting of the pain of his spirit without reconciliation in sighing, because he does no longer has anyone; neither mother, nor father, nor sister, nor brother, nor family, nor friends, that they may help him. He is crying to you, and I give you this news on earth as an example over all and for all those who still do not value this great work of the Lord with you on earth among people. Release his spirit from his pain, because all the evil, which he brought about to you by his wickedness without his being able to know about the grace you have from the Lord, has been pressing hard on him. Now he is looking only after you, because he persecuted you on earth, he blasphemed you, he made you suffer, he threatened you, and in the end of the time of his body, with even greater haughtiness he struck in you and in the Lord’s people, blowing storm and threatening upon you by his arrogant pride, nourished by the spirit of opposition. He is refreshed now because he can show his repentance and because the work of this word is such a great miracle. He is asking you with uncomfortable sigh to give him power of comfort, to wipe out from before the Lord his shame and his pain, with your little sweet and affectionate little hearts for every soul, lost from the way with glory of the Lord on earth. I will tell him, and he will receive the refreshment, the peace and the comfort, because he is very, very anxious, children sons, when he sees you before the Lord opening yourselves to Him to grow you and to grow His people and to teach it and protect it and to glorify it with His heavenly glory. I give this little crushed soul, I give him from you all that he wants you to give, and may the Lord judge with mercy his fate and may He give him from the fullness of His mercy, children sons.


Lord, I have announced all the calling, all the prayer of the one who cried out to the children of Your coming down on earth in the day of the feast of the angels, when Your people has remembered those who are asleep. Lord, I pray to You to reach out Your comfort and refreshment of soul to the one who has been crying out to me to speak from the gates. I am with him at the border. Now release those who are called into memorial, take back to his place the one who has been crying, and so that You may work out with him the miracle of comfort and of that of release, Lord, because I am Your trumpet, which calls out everywhere, announcing the work of Your coming and waiting for You at the border to come and to give each one according to his works, and then according to Your mercy, Lord, because we have intercessors on earth, we have children with Your mercy and work in them. Amen, amen, amen.


– Oh, Verginica, you are joy in heaven and on earth, because you are mother and you have a Samaritan heart. Those in the gates received the news brought by you, and I see their little hearts, and I comfort there where it is called out for comfort, Verginica, and blessed are those who have as a little gate this work of My coming, because this is the gate of the comfort. Amen.


Oh, watchful children, My Romanian voice moves the heaven and the earth. Michael, My angel, sets the angels in order, after their day of feast. Always exhort My people to

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