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since and up to this day it has not come to its end, and I prove this and I am with the people on earth, for I am with the faithful ones under My tent with them, I dwell with them and I am their God, as it is prophesied by the apostle John, to whom I showed how I would be with the people in the end of the time, the Scriptures, which is being fulfilled now more than anytime, and this on the hearth of the Romanian people, the country of brightness, which prophet Daniel announced for the end of the time and I, the Lord, am the Alpha and the Omega, and My coming of word shines on the earth into the midst of this nation. Amen.


Oh, how well it would be with you if you only wanted for a moment to honestly ask yourselves: who has been blowing by this spring of word for more than fifty years, and which has not run dry, but on the contrary, it has flown full of love, calling the man to the life of the kingdom of the heavens with the people? Oh, from the greatest upon you and to the least under you, all clothed in garments of church, I, the Lord am telling you this: fast and pray with perseverance so that God may reveal Himself to you and that He may give you wisdom from heaven, and furthermore, that He may show you the Spirit Who blows by My Spring of word in days like these into the midst of the Romanian people, and I, the Lord, will show you then that I am, and that it is not the devil, and that it is not the man, and that I am with those who are faithful, who gave Me a dwelling place to be with them and they gave Me power to come and to fulfill with them the Scripture of the revealing of the sons of God, as it is written, and here they are, and here I am, speaking with them as with Lucas and Cleopas on the road to Emmaus, and I am coming down on their table as body and word and they are giving Me further, and you cannot wash your hands or the hands of the people before Me and say that I am not this word, for I have not given it to you to know Me by it, and if you say that I am not in this word, then give an answer to this: who blows if I am not the One Who blows by this word, if it is not My Spirit, Who blows wherever He wants and not where you want or do not want?


Oh, your stubbornness makes Me speak like that to you, for I worked with the open Scriptures two thousand years ago when I was unsealing, explaining and then perfecting them on earth, as I am also doing now with those that are prophesied now by the prophets and by My apostles in My time, by John, by Peter, by Paul and by many others like them, who had gifts and prophesied for the time of the end, for Me in the end of the time, and this after that John, the Baptizer, prophesied as the last prophet before Me.


You, servants of the church, how comes that you did not want to receive My comfort, the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, Who takes from what is Mine and preaches and teaches, as I promised that He would come and through Him I would be to the end of the time with My comfort over the faithful ones? Oh, I did not want you to be antichrists (See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast”, r.n.) who, like those two thousand years ago, have stood against My coming with the saints in tens of thousands, as it is written that I, Myself, may come by the spirit of prophecy!


Oh, do no longer stand against Me, rather be for Me, sons, and prove this by the wisdom from above in you! Oh, repent from this sin, which you make against My comforting word of today; a sin made because of envy, sons. Cleanse away the sin of envy of brother. Wash it away, as it has destroyed in you the spirit of the fear of God, sons. It is the time to embrace with love the under-privileged among you, the bishop (Irineu of Bistriţa, r.n.), who was touched by My Spirit in such a way he may be able to deeply understand the mystery of My today’s word over the earth, a mystery that prepares for Me the day of My coming with the glory of angels and with the armies of saints and with My trumpet sounding for the raising of those who have waited for Me in the graves to come and to open for them the day of their resurrection. (See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead”, r.n.) Oh, release My bishop from his affliction and give him your love, since he listened to you and chose you and left Me and My people, loving you with patience until the illuminating light from My Spirit for those who will be to see My truth in the river of My today’s word! Oh, do no longer persecute him, son, who is the least among you, the one who has been so much brought low by you, when he could breathe over many the grace of My love for those who are saved, for he has got the spirit of the heavenly feeling in him and he is gentle and humble in his heart and spirit, as I am. Oh, it is not nice what you have done with him that you have covered him in the darkness. What will you do if you were to pay on earth and in heaven for the deep wound in which you keep him in bondage and persecution, after you took from him the chair of apostle (Of Metropolitan from Cluj, r.n.) and gave it to someone else, thus removing him as a convict, as the bishops of that time did with Me? Oh, I cry in him with My Spirit, because you persecute both him and Me, sons.


It is written in the Gospel remembered today in the churches that on My day I will come with greatness, with all the saints and angels, and I will sit on the throne of justice of all things, and from the place of My glory, I will separate one from the other as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and I will put My sheep on the right and I will tell them: «Come, blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave Me food to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger, and you took Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me, you healed Me of My wounds, and you did this whenever you did it to one of the least of these of My brothers», (see Matt: 25/34-40), and then I will put the goats on the left and I will tell them: «Depart from Me, you cursed, into the eternal fire which is prepared for the devil and his angels as whenever you did not show mercy to one of the least of My brothers, you did not show mercy to Me». (See Matt: 34/41-45)


Behold, what you have done to My bishop among you, to your brother, and you have done this to Me, sons. Oh, you did injustice to him as though you were just, but you were unjust to him. Oh, you were not just, for the man is sinful. You left him hungry and thirsty of your love and of his work of My apostle. You left him without a praised robe and you gave it to someone else, and you cast lots for his shirt, and you left him without house, without flock and you left him aggrieved and sick of sadness and you closed him under guilt and you did not investigate his cause, because you did not want this, and all these you did to Me, as it is written about the one who does so to one of the least of those who are Mine. Oh, how are supposed to come to Me those who took the staff of the shepherd out of his hand and gave it to others? Then they left the fear of God, those who put him to darkness, and brought him under guilt without any investigation, as it is written for the church to work. All judged from the distance and after rumors and out of envy that comes from the longing of the greatness, as the rulers of the people of Israel judged Me two thousand years ago, who used their power and ranks against Me, not being afraid of this sin.


Oh, the church had not been divided in two by My work near My bishop among you, as it was rumored then everywhere by unjust judgment against the work of My word and by oppression against My bishop, and instead of this, the church of the Romanian people had been raised with heavenly glory and many had taken the way of the glory of life and holiness, without which no one would see the Lord, as it is written, but all were afraid that they might have taken a turn for the better and they did not want this, for they loved sin and the glory from the people more than the glory from God and they set themselves to put under the bushel the light and committed this sin, and this sin even today is standing on the forehead of the church of the Romanian people, a people that has had times of glory by its victory against the devil and not against God, as it has been working today the Scripture of faith denial upon it, as no one has anticipated that this sin has been committed by those who thrown the stones into the candle with oil of My word, the Comforter, My today’s word.


You will meet Me, you those who wanted to put under a bushel the light of My word upon the country of My coming of word on the earth in the end of the time, the country of brightness from which the earth and the heaven shine by My grace, a mystery that those who say that have in their control the mystery of the heaven on earth did not want to find.


Oh, I call you to reconciliation, for the Father is in Me when I speak, and I and the Father are One, and you may have Me as the Intercessor before the Father, if you want. I try to open your sight and understanding so that you may receive Me; so that I may also give you place in the dwelling places of My Father. I ask you nothing, I take nothing from you, but more than this, I give you My love, I give you My glory and I give you power to become well pleased with Me, as without Me is harder and harder, more and more painful on earth for man, because everything that the man has worked without God in his work comes against man, forgetting that My plans are not like his plans. (See the selection topic: „The great tribulation”, r.n.)


I have spoken to you, those who stay by the names of the servants of the church of the Romanian people. I have spoken to you in a fatherly way,

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