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There were many scribes who sought to find fault with Me, and they did, for this is what they were looking for, but they could not raise a dead man to life; they could not heal a blind man, or turn someone from death to life, from sin to holiness, and they could not do that because they had the spirit of judgment in them, the evil eye, the spirit of blaming brothers and God, a spirit which not even God uses even if He is God, for those who are judged are judged by their own works and by God’s word spoken beforehand so that man may not sin, and which man violates after that, to his judgment. The man’s flesh is a lover of sin, even if the spirit sighs after life in man, but the man without guidance upon him, upon his body, does not have other destiny. Therefore, man needs to listen to God and his obedience will save his life. Amen.


Oh, stay under the spirit of teaching on this day, people from the spring, for I want that people everywhere to take and learn, and the prophet Elijah is speaking and telling that man has to come back to God completely if he does not want to remain for the destruction which comes all over the earth because of the man’s disobedience and because of his great departure from God. Amen. (See the selection topic: „The great tribulation”, r.n.)


— The man’s flesh is a lover of sin, oh, Lord, my Teacher, and the spirit of prophecy has always come from You on to the earth through the prophets, and it has made a calling from sin to holiness for every man, and especially upon the rulers over the people, Lord, as You also worked with me in my time by the spirit of prophecy and You punished those hidden in their hearts for their opposition against God, and You blessed those pure in heart for their watching over the righteous. On this day of my feast among the prophets in heaven, we will fulfill the Scripture which says that You will send me to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to their fathers before Your great and terrible day, lest You may come and strike the earth with a curse. (See Mal: 4/6)  Oh, Lord, I want God to be on the earth with the people, and this zeal consumed me all my time on the earth and it is also consuming me now in heaven, for my heavenly spirit is my zeal for You, and this was my love on the earth. Amen.


— I, the Lord, also want to work on this day and I want to bring the man to the obedience of God, oh, My prophet, and we will blow from heaven and it will be written on the earth the book of this day and everything that are to be written in it on this day. Amen.


I, the Lord, am closing this word now and I am giving way to the churchly feast and for its celebration and teaching, and after that I am going back into the book. Strengthen each other sons, and build yourselves in God, for this is your calling! Live on earth as in heaven, but you have to look up into the heaven very, very much sons; much and on and on, for the heaven is with you at work on the earth, and you should not forget this even for a moment so that you may know to give place to God within you, near you and for you on the earth always, always, oh, sons; always the Lord to be on the earth with you. Amen, amen, amen.


Part two


I, the Lord, am writing further the word of this day into its book. The Spirit of Truth is My speaking into this book, the Spirit Who has spoken through the prophets, and Elijah, the prophet is sitting down at a table of word with Me before you, My people from the spring, and he has got with him the group of the prophets, for each one stays in the group of his people, which he is part of, and he goes at the same time with it, for the heaven works and goes working in many groups for the fulfilling of God’s works on the earth. I want to bring man to the obedience of God, in the love of God, for woe to the man without this love in him! We have to teach the man that his love has to be burning, for it cannot work much for him and for God otherwise.


Man cannot see God if love does not burn within him. The story went and it still goes that man cannot see God and remain alive too, but could man be more alive if he does not see Him or if he sees Him? Behold, it is one thing for God to say this and it is another thing for man to say this.


Man does not want to see God, but God wants this and He wants it much. The Father Sabaoth has sent Me among people because God has wanted to be seen by man, and He has made Himself known to man, and God became Man to be able to dwell with man on the earth, after His love and after His longing after man, and because man needs faith, God has put faith in man for Him and thus man has come to know Him, and the faithful man has seen the Lord, even if the faithful one was a sinner, for the Lord is more believed, more known and more seen by those who are sinners, who acknowledge their sinfulness, than those who do not have in their nature the love for sin but have their love in them.


I want to work with the saints on this day and I want to teach the man to come to the obedience of God so that he may have God in him with His kingdom and that man may have love. Oh, I would turn back time for each Christian who has come, how has known, believed, received and loved much since he has been able to come and remain with Me and with My people of today, and his candlestick has gone out little by little and his love too, and therefore, the loving Christian has grown cold and his love has died out and then little by little he has remained alone. I would turn back time to have within living love the one who has come and then has grown cold little by little in his watch for the love of God; however, I cannot turn man back in time, for the time elapsed is no more, and it is only the man who has passed in time and has grown cold in his heart and his love has gone out, after he once loved Me, and for this I cry.


Many of those who wander away believe that man lives many times on earth and that he also dies many times if he lives many times. Oh, those who say this and believe this make Me deeply upset, even if they want to make use of their faith in God. Oh, where have they taken this way of thinking from? They have taken it from their longing of life, for man desires life. But what kind of joy the man, who would live many times, could have, if he did not know each time whether he lived before and whether he came from there? Oh, what would it profit for man if he thinks and believes so? He has no profit at all, but on the contrary, such a man has great damage for his soul. Behold what the man’s mind can do that does not have any work for God?


Man wants to be greater than God, and man has thought of it even from his first beginning, and he has got sick from this longing, and that is why his mind gets dizzy and falls whenever he exalts himself in his mind. I told the man to work the heaven and not leave it without being worked, and I did not tell this only to the man in the beginning, who was alone when I brought him in paradise when I told him this. Let no one among those who have come together say that they are few and that there is much to work, for I am telling them that the day of work starts with dawn and its work is sufficient if is used completely with its whole.


Oh, Christians, either if you are gathered in communities or if you are fewer in your houses, work with diligence if you are Christians and if you live in the lands and in places sanctified by God for you. Refresh your houses with holy fragrances and do not leave garbage behind your works, which may leave a stench behind you in houses and around them, for the angels and the saints want to live with you as in heaven; they want to live near you with the heaven. When the Lord made the man on earth, he also made a garden for him and put him in it to work it and to keep it by working it, and also the Lord made a river to water the garden and this was parted in four heads over the earth. There was a difference between the rest of the earth and the Garden of Eden, and there is a distinction between the rest of the earth and the garden of the Christian as well, as this distinction was in the beginning too.


Oh, sons from everywhere, clean your gardens of all weeds and clean them of any blade, always, always, well sons, and keep a very secure watch so that other weeds and other roots may not pop out. Oh, sons, prune your fruit trees from all the dry twigs that may appear, lest the dryness may go deep, for the fruit tree weeps where the dryness appears and is ashamed of its angel, and the angel of the fruit trees also weeps, for the dryness of the tree is visible and is not like the man who covers his sin so that it may not be seen and then to put man to shame if it is seen. Oh, if you cannot do this with your garden, Christian, then you cannot do otherwise in your life with Good too. You should know and believe what I am telling you. 


There is no rain on the earth. It does not rain because the gardens are full of weeds near the Christian’s houses, and the weeds suck the water from God fully, the water of nourishing rain, and the weeds grow bigger than the flowers which enjoy God and the angels, and the weeds boast before the Lord among the flowers. The useless weeds for God and for man suck the Lord’s waters, in the same way as the Christian, who is weak in his sacrifice and life, sucks from the gathering for the brothers and grows big and strong in his body; that is, the one who is not dedicated or useful for God and for man.


It does not rain because there are dry twigs among the fruit trees near the houses of the Christians, and the trees that have dry branches are ashamed of them. It does not rain because there are houses and gardens near them, which are not taken care or worked. I, the Lord, when I gave to man a place to live and a garden with fruit trees and flowers, I told him to work and to keep them working them and not to let any weeds grow

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